[name_m]Hi[/name_m] I’m [name_u]Max[/name_u]. It’s short for [name_m]Maximillian[/name_m]. I’m 14 and I’ve never really liked my name that much. I asked my parents about it and they’re ok with me changing it to whatever I want as long as I keep [name_m]Maximillian[/name_m] as a middle name. Right now I have no middle name, so I’m ok with that too. The problem is I’m having some trouble picking a new name. I have no idea what to pick because I’ve never had to pick a name for anybody before. My brother’s name is [name_m]Nate[/name_m] which is short for [name_m]Nathanael[/name_m] so i can’t use that though. Thank you guys
I didn’t really like my name as a kid either, but I love it now. I’d wait if I were you.
You need to wait. Your opinions and feelings will change SO MUCH over the next 10 years.
Perhaps a new nickname for [name_m]Maximilian[/name_m] would appeal to you? Instead of [name_u]Max[/name_u], you could go by [name_m]Axel[/name_m], [name_m]Miles[/name_m], [name_m]Milo[/name_m] or Xim/Zim, for example. [name_m]Just[/name_m] another option for you to consider.
I second the idea of picking a new nickname and waiting until you’re older to think about changing your name. [name_m]Miles[/name_m], [name_m]Milo[/name_m] and [name_m]Axel[/name_m] are great options, maybe even [name_m]Ace[/name_m]. Good luck!
I totally get it, when I was about 12 I changed my nickname because I felt too old for [name_u]Mandy[/name_u] and too young for [name_f]Amanda[/name_f]. Plus I felt no connection to [name_f]Amanda[/name_f] and wasn’t keen on it at all. I started going by my initials instead; AJ. I always thought I’d grow into [name_f]Amanda[/name_f] one day but even now, in my late 20’s, I still prefer AJ. So while I don’t totally agree with the previous poster’s saying you’re too young and that your mind will change in the next 10 years - mine didn’t - I do agree going with a different nickname is the better course of action for now.
Maybe you feel like [name_m]Maximillian[/name_m] is too much name to go by, and you’re just tired of [name_u]Max[/name_u]? So let’s look at some other nickname options; I personally like the previous suggestions of [name_m]Axel[/name_m], [name_m]Milo[/name_m] and [name_m]Miles[/name_m]! Something really cool and fresh and new, while still being familiar and bearing connection to your birth name. That was how I felt about AJ the day it came to me. You could also do [name_m]Ian[/name_m], [name_m]Liam[/name_m], [name_m]Miller[/name_m]/[name_m]Millard[/name_m], or [name_m]Emil[/name_m]/[name_m]Emilio[/name_m]/[name_m]Emilian[/name_m]. I think [name_m]Mack[/name_m] and [name_m]Maxim[/name_m]/[name_m]Maksim[/name_m] are probably too close to [name_u]Max[/name_u] to consider, but they are options as well.
Or perhaps…since you don’t have a middle name…maybe you could try picking a middle name for yourself instead and using your new initials? Maybe something like [name_m]Maximillian[/name_m] [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] and going by MJ, you know? That may just be me being biased to initial names though lol
But if you wholeheartedly want to go totally brand new, I’m happy to help! What are your friends names, do you like the vibe/style of their names? Any particular theme you want to follow; nature names, space names, mythological names, literature names, modern names, classic names, ect? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you want something similar in style to [name_m]Maximillian[/name_m]? These are the kinda things you’ll have to think about, so that way you can pick the perfect name; something you will be happy with for years to come.
Since you weren’t given a middle name at birth you could choose a middle name for yourself and just go by that and keep [name_m]Maximilian[/name_m] as your first. But like others have said, your name preferences will change over time so I would spend a few years collecting names before you make your final decision and then pick the one that feels best on you as an adult.
I also didn’t like my name as a kid because I thought it was too common. Now I’m very happy to have it because it connects me to my dad and grandmother.
Thanks again guys
i like the using a different nickname idea and i really like [name_m]Axel[/name_m]. I think I’ll use it as a nickname now and then when I’m a lot older if I still really prefer that I can just change it to that.
[name_m]Axel[/name_m] is great!!
[name_m]Alexander[/name_m] ‘[name_m]Axel[/name_m]’ could be an option
[name_u]Asa[/name_u], [name_u]Finn[/name_u], [name_m]Leon[/name_m], [name_m]Silas[/name_m] and [name_u]Seth[/name_u] came to mind too