Okay, so I need help coming up with the name for a general. It’s a he, he isn’t a main character, but he is an important character. He’s not a bad guy but he’s being controlled by bad people. I don’t want it to be a basic name, could you please help me?? He goes by his last name so that’s all I need. Thank you
What genre is this story for? And what origins do you want for a surname? I think it’d be helpful for people to know (although surnames really aren’t my strong suit).
It’s a fantasy novel and I’m not really picky on the on the origins for the surname
There’s a generator ( Fantasy surname generator (fantasynamegenerators.com)) which I use more for naming streets in my stories than naming people, but it has suggestions you might like. You can also take the options you’re given and fiddle with them to make something more like what you’re looking for. For example, I had the suggestions:
So what about taking the first and last option and taking one half of each to make Silvermight? If you want the surnames to sound more like actual surnames, then you can also generate French names.
Oh my god thank you so much!
So I just saw this was for fantasy and I was giving more modern names. Some other suggestions: