Name for main character in a fanfiction

[name_m]HI[/name_m]! I’ve been working on a fanfiction for The Maze Runner, (during the third book) and I would like to publish on wattpad. My problem is that none of my names fit. I have a looooooooooooong list and I always pick names that I love, but don’t feel right. Her name was either going to be [name_f]Joy[/name_f] or [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] (called [name_f]Pru[/name_f]) because I had this cool plot for the virtue. I’m not set on having a virtue name unless I find one that I’ve never heard/considered which is unlikely. It is hard for me to write a summary for the story since it’s the third book but I’ll give you the important parts. SPOILERS FOR 1ST BOOK/MOVIE

Years ago sun flares destroyed the earth causing death and pain. When the disasters stopped a virus broke out that evolved and made you slowly go crazy. A group called WICKED (World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department) decided to find a cure. Here is a list of character names from the book: Ava, Janson, Kevin, Brenda, and Jorge. The other characters are named after famous people but that’s not important for this. The name you suggest does not have to fit in with the other names since what happens is worldwide.

The main character is 16 years old, she works for WICKED. One day she finds out that she has the virus (called the flare) and has to leave and live with the infected. She was born somewhere in [name_u]America[/name_u] I haven’t decided. Her name can be of any origin and for personal preferences it must be at least below the top 500 but I usually go for below 1000. As I said virtue names are welcome but I probably considered all of the ones that I like. Can you help? I’m so picky :stuck_out_tongue:
Update: I completely forgot to describe my character’s appearance and personality…
She has brown hair, green eyes, about average height, and average weight for her age. She is fearful, vain, and sympathetic. Trustworthy but not trusting. Good at making friends but not keeping them. Constantly angry due to the flare. Used too be very nice to everyone.

I’ve never read or seen The Maze Runner, so I have no idea what names would fit in among the other characters. I hope I can help at least somewhat though.

Some virtue/virtue-esque names:


Sorry I couldn’t really come up with any random names.