Hello! So I’m writing a novel about this family after an EMP. An EMP is an electromagnetic pulse which shuts down all things electric and powered by batteries. The EMP is worldwide and this family has to go through some hardships to survive. I need help naming one of their kids.
This character is an 11 year old boy. He is the oldest of his siblings. He is his fathers son from another relationship, but was raised by his stepmom. He is a little addicted to video games and he has to deal with not being able to be on screens. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He is pretty tall and skinny. He is super athletic and very responsible. He often has to take care of his 4 younger siblings. If it helps: his parents names are [name_u]Skye[/name_u] and [name_m]Xavier[/name_m]; His siblings names are [name_f]Thea[/name_f] 9, [name_u]Sawyer[/name_u] 7 (girl), [name_m]Chance[/name_m] 4 (boy), and [name_f]Jessamine[/name_f] 2
His parents have a kind of unique naming trend and some ideas I have are [name_u]Kai[/name_u], [name_m]Griffin[/name_m], or [name_m]Jax[/name_m], but am open to ideas!! Thanks
I like [name_m]Griffin[/name_m] out of the options you’ve listed. If you’re still looking for suggestions:
[name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] “[name_m]Gabe[/name_m]”
[name_m]Vincent[/name_m] “[name_m]Vince[/name_m]”
[name_u]Sullivan[/name_u] “[name_u]Sully[/name_u]”
Form your list I prefer [name_u]Kai[/name_u]
My suggestions:
[name_m]Patrick[/name_m] “[name_u]Paddy[/name_u]”
[name_m]Zachary[/name_m]/[name_m]Zachery[/name_m] “[name_m]Zack[/name_m]”
I actually wouldn’t worry about matching this kid’s names to his siblings because (as I understand) they are all the biological children of his father and his stepmother, whereas this kid was named by his father and his biological mother, who may have had different tastes.
Anyway, here are some suggestions:
[name_m]Jacob[/name_m] ([name_m]Jake[/name_m])