getting her in a few weeks…right now her name is lila but was thinking about cordelia or another name starting with a C…any suggestions ? [name]TIA[/name]
[name]Callista[/name] ?
I think [name]Cora[/name] would be lovely for a pug/bulldog mix.
[name]Cilla[/name] (sil-ah)
I had a bulldog named [name]Lola[/name]. It was so fitting I know it doesn’t start with a C but had to throw it out there.
thanks gals…not finding any C names we (my daughters and I) can agree on…i let them pick out our pug connors name and i knw this time i want to love the name because i call connors name like a million times a day and i dont really like it so this dogs name has to be perfect … so far we might agree on
and more suggestions i love cora but know a little girl with the name coral so i dont wanna name the dog after her [name]TIA[/name]
[name]Milly[/name], [name]Abby[/name], [name]Billie[/name], [name]Dixie[/name], [name]Ellie[/name], [name]Gigi[/name], [name]Josie[/name], [name]Lulu[/name], [name]Minnie[/name], [name]Penny[/name], [name]Pippa[/name] (my cats name!), [name]Poppy[/name], [name]Rosie[/name], [name]Sadie[/name], [name]Tilly[/name], [name]Vivi[/name]
Nickname-type names are perfect for pets! My vet told me to keep the animals name short and sweet, repeated sounds were a plus! Also nothing that sounds like NO (example: [name]Coco[/name], [name]Cleo[/name], [name]Mo[/name]).
after going to see all the pups we choose lilas sister winny, just got her today on st patricks day and we named her [name]Twyla[/name] [name]Clover[/name]…[name]Twyla[/name] because her sisters name is lila and [name]Clover[/name] bc its st patricks day …shes a sweet girl
[name]Cyra[/name] (Khy-[name]Ra[/name])