Name hang ups

[name]Do[/name] you ever feel really concious about giving your child a good name? I myself am very frightened of using a name my child will hate.
My mother decided to call me Tempanie. I personally have a lot of problems with this name because of its constant mispelling and mispronunciation; However, I’m very fond of both unique and simple names for my children.

[name]Welcome[/name]. Looks like you’re new here. This is an entire website dedicated to feeding, solving, and dissecting that exact question. :slight_smile:

All kids will hate their names at some point in life. At the age of 10 I was determined to rename myself [name]Monique[/name] or [name]Rose[/name], the two most “beautiful” names in the whole world because I was convinced my given name was awful and boring and my parents were terrible for giving me such a horrible name. Thankfully, I grew out of that and by the time I was old enough to legally change my name, I’d come around. You will never be able to prevent this, so don’t worry about your kid hating his/her name too much. If they really dislike it, they can change it when they’re 18.

There are a million+ names out there available for the taking. You’ll find one (or two, or three, or however many you need and/or want) that satisfies you desire to be unique but also avoids the pitfalls you’ve experienced with your own name. Post some names you like and we’ll toss out some suggestions to get your wheels turning and generate ideas for you. That’s what we’re here for!


A name is gift you give your child in my opinion, and like some gifts, they won’t always be well loved, but it’s the thought that counts.
Pretty much everyone’s gone through the period of disliking or even hating their name, and in the end they often come around to liking it.

I think you shouldn’t worry about your child hating their name, because like lucystone said, the can legally change it at 18 if they want.

Focus on the love you have for your baby, and find a name that reflects that. You should be more than fine. :slight_smile: