Which name do you prefer?
Wanna know your thoughts about these two girl names!Thanks
i prefer saskia !!
annika feels a little dated to me, and i’m not a huge fan of the sounds, while saskia has a warmth and romance to it that i just adore !!
Both are gorgeous but I’m Team [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] as well. It’s so sassy and bright and fun and sophisticated.
[name_f]Annika[/name_f] is lovely too though, and I like the storybook link to [name_f]Pippi[/name_f] Longstocking.
[name_f]Annika[/name_f]! She’s so bright and sparkley
I really like both but I prefer [name_f]Saskia[/name_f]. It’s just such a a beautiful, unusual name & yet so wearable at the same time. I know two Saskias (and know of one other actually) and they all go by Sas or Saski (or both) in addition to [name_f]Saskia[/name_f]. I’ve always really liked it but it’s grown on me a lot of late, so much so that I’d consider it if I were ever to have another daughter. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is really lovely too, though.
I think [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] and [name_f]Annika[/name_f] are both great names. [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] is sooo sassy and vibrant. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is a little more gentle but she’s still got lots of pizzazz and I find her one of the more interesting [name_f]Ann[/name_f] variants. I slightly prefer [name_f]Annika[/name_f] as a name for a little one, reflecting my taste becoming the more ‘understated’ as I settle into my spinsterhood! But [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] is a 9/10 so you see I really do rate them both!
Both are stunning
However my favourite is [name_f]Annika[/name_f]! She’s sweet, delicate, has this intellectual dependable vibe and a certain pizzazz which is intriguing. I also love [name_f]Annie[/name_f] as a nickname and love this is such an interesting way to get to that beloved nickname. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is great.
annika is my sisters name (technically anika), but i do just love saskia i lot more! shes so sassy, and out there. :))
I adore the name [name_f]Annika[/name_f].
Saskia!! So sparky and lovely
though annika is beautiful, i think i prefer saskia
both are very european chic!
I much prefer [name_f]Annika[/name_f]. It rolls off the tongue much more smoothly for me. I also like the vibe of [name_f]Annika[/name_f] better – sparkling and playful, yet graceful and charming. [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] is fiery and bold, which is not my personal style. Either one would make for a rare and stunning choice, though!
[name_f]Saskia[/name_f]! She’s so fun and lively. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is very pretty but feels a tad stuffy to me.
Thanks for your advice, it really helped a lot😚
[name_f]Saskia[/name_f] is my personal favorite, it’s one of my all-time favorite girl names. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is a nice name as well but [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] outweighs it definitely for me.
[name_f]Saskia[/name_f] is gorgeous and in the US totally unique.
[name_f]Annika[/name_f] sounds like a lot of other names I am not keen on.
annika 100%!
Both are amazing names! I could see them as sister names for sure.
I land on Team [name_f]Saskia[/name_f]! I knew a couple Annikas growing up in the '90s so it feels a bit of that decade to me (granted, it was a hippie college town that had some rather fashion-forward naming trends). [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] feels powerful, ardent, and fiery–I associate it with orange-red.