Name help!

Hello Everybody! My name is [name]Mary[/name] and I’m about 5 months pregnant with our first!

We’re not sure what sex we’re having yet but some names that we have to have I can’t figure out what to put with them!

Breaux (pronounced Bro) is my maiden name and I want to incorporate that somehow, as a middle name but I can’t figure out what to put with it!

Our last name is VanEenenenaam (horrible isn’t it hahaha) and that kind of makes other names difficult to pick because the last name is SO long, we’re stuck!

I’d appreciate any help :slight_smile: Have a great day!

Whew! That’s quite a name! [name]How[/name] is it pronounced? I think we can definitley find you a name where Breaux can be in the middle. Also, I was thinking you could use a name that has Bro/[name]Bo[/name] in part of the name.
i.e. boys
[name]Broderick[/name] (nn [name]Brody[/name])

i.e. girls
[name]Brooke[/name] (little too 80’s/90’s for me)

What’s your name style? Anything you like that you’re unsure will work with Breaux? Its sort of difficult to find names that’ll work without knowing your style :slight_smile:

For starters, here’s a few with Breaux in the middle…(I think 3 syllable names work well, but I threw in others, too)

[name]Dashiell[/name] Breaux
[name]Alexander[/name] Breaux
[name]David[/name] Breaux (I like the strong consonent next to Breaux)
[name]Davian[/name] Breaux (ooo! I like!)
[name]Jacoby[/name] Breaux (meh…don’t think I like the double B, nor a P like [name]Jasper[/name]. Too many plosive letters)
[name]Harrison[/name] Breaux (just thought if nn is [name]Harry[/name]…He’ll be [name]Harry[/name] Bro…that’s weird)
[name]Julian[/name] Breaux (but [name]Jude[/name] Breaux doesn’t work)
[name]Maximus[/name] Breaux
[name]Oliver[/name] Breaux (nice!)
[name]Theodore[/name] Breaux

Girls (here I think you need an ultra-feminine name to off-set Breaux):
[name]Julianne[/name] Breaux
[name]Melina[/name] Breaux
[name]Amelia[/name] Breaux
[name]Elizabeth[/name] Breaux
[name]Coraline[/name] Breaux
[name]Cordelia[/name] Breaux (my pick!)

Without knowing your style, what about creatively working Breaux into first and middle names?

For a girl, [name]Briony[/name]/[name]Bryony[/name] [name]Margaux[/name] comes to mind. ([name]Briony[/name] is a plant name…)

I’d go with relatively short names that work with Breaux and your last name, or longer names that can be shortened to brief nicknames:

[name]Amelia[/name] (nn [name]Mia[/name], although it’s very popular)
[name]Beatrix[/name] (nn [name]Bea[/name])
[name]Cecilia[/name] (nn CC)
[name]Eliza[/name] ([name]Liza[/name], [name]Ellie[/name])
[name]Frances[/name]/[name]Francesca[/name] (nn [name]Frannie[/name])
[name]Helena[/name] (nn [name]Nell[/name] or [name]Lena[/name])

If you’re not using your maiden name in the middle, I think names like [name]Rose[/name], [name]Tess[/name], [name]Claire[/name], etc., would work really well.

[name]Leo[/name] (but not with Breaux)

Good luck! :slight_smile: