Hey Berries,
Hopefully you can help me No rush, just thinking ahead - my boyfriend and I are planning to start trying for a little one somewhere this year, and my mind is already doing overtime!
In september last year I very suddenly lost my best friend. She was like a sister to me and the only friend that really knew me as both a young teenager up till now. My boyfriend and I have decided we would like to name our baby after her if we can find a name that we like (first or middle name).
My friend had a local Dutch name stemming from Marinus, meaning “of the sea”. (She had the first Dutch name on there, which is actually unisex, not just for girls. I know two men with that name.)
For a girl, we’re both pretty much settled on [name_m]Romar[/name_m]Ă (NN could be [name_f]Ro[/name_f], [name_u]Rori[/name_u], [name_f]Mar[/name_f]Ă, [name_u]Romy[/name_u]…).
This is a translation of rosemary (the herb), rosemary being the symbol for remembrance and friendship - and, my friends’ name is part of the Dutch translation of rosemary, which means “dew of the sea”. My grandmother’s name was [name_f]Marie[/name_f], and I had always hoped to have an honour name for her, and [name_m]Romar[/name_m]à would tie that in beautifully.
It just all fitted perfectly. [name_f]Rosemary[/name_f] being the symbol for remembrance and friendship, her name being part of our word for rosemary, and the [name_f]Marie[/name_f]-sound in this translation. I was so happy!!
For a boy, I’m just coming up with blanks.
I don’t like the sound of Marinus, or the Dutch diminutives, or my friend’s unisex name.
I would consider [name_f]Marin[/name_f] (pronounced MAH-rin) but am not in love with it.
Names we both like are
GIRLS - [name_f]Leah[/name_f], Nehalennia, Lemoni, [name_f]Aster[/name_f], Firenze, [name_u]Vesper[/name_u]
BOYS - [name_m]Feodor[/name_m] (honour name after [name_m]Theodore[/name_m]), [name_u]Linden[/name_u], [name_m]Walden[/name_m], Firenze
Preferably nothing religious. Must be easy to pronounce and read out. [name_m]History[/name_m] as a name not that important (we haven’t found a proof of a baby named [name_m]Romar[/name_m]à yet, but it sounds like a name, so we’re okay with it).
Must be pronounceable in Dutch and [name_m]German[/name_m] with ease and they must sound more or less the name - this means first letters should preferably be Z, C, G, and best not V or W.
It’s quite a challenge - one I hope you will enjoy
Thank you for reading and thinking along,
love, [name_f]Lin[/name_f]