Ok, I have 2 people I need help naming. They’re both girls, and I’m planning on having the names I choose for them to match their personality or their role in the story, but I’m not 100% on that, but I’d love to at least try.
Girl One: She is truly the most poplar girl in school. She has friends in every click, and is the most liked out of the popular crowd. There are some people who are jealous of her, and they have spread some nasty graffiti about her in school, but she just pretends not to see it. She has a perfect GPA, but she ditches class when a class bores her (which is often). She dreams of taking a few years to model then go into law school. She has high aspirations that has to do with several factors in her life, which I’m not going to get into now because we’ll be here all day. Right now I have [name_f]Emma[/name_f] as her placeholder name since that means “universal” and that is a popular name, but I think that name is a bit common for her.
Girl Two: I haven’t developed her as well as I have developed Girl One, but here is what I have. She’s into science, anything to do with space and astronomy specifically. She’s usually quite quiet and stand offish unless she’s with a trusted friend or you’re talking to her about one of her special interests. She’s a little socially awakard, and she’s a bad flirt, but she’s trying. I have [name_f]Signy[/name_f] as her placeholder name because it’s a clunky name that’s easy to pronounce. Which feels like a name for her, but [name_f]Signy[/name_f] means “new victory” and I don’t feel like that is a meaning that suits her.