Name our Fiery Aries Sister for Balanced Libra Isabel Rose

  1. Juliet & Susanna are my faves with Isabel. The trim and tailored Juliet looks visually the best but Susanna sounds equally good as Juliet with Isabel. Re Susanna, I also like Suki as a nickname (though maybe a K middle would be better for that - eg Susanna Skye nn Suki).
  2. I associate Luna now as either a dog’s name or a nickname. It is not as refined or mature sounding as Isabel. Too cutesy for a first name, I think! I would go for Louisa, Lucinda or Tallulah for a Lulu nickname. I agree with others that Susanna should have a different middle than Luna because of the repeat sounds.
  3. They all go well with Izzy - except for Suzie. I love Sam! I just think Samantha is too far from the sparkly Aries brief.
  4. Wildcards: Lydia (Lydie/Liddie - very much the spirited second!), Seraphina Seraphina meaning fire/burning and great nn options - Sera, Phina, Raphie), Aurelia (nn Sunny), and see others above - eg Susanna Skye or Tallulah Violet would be fab.
  5. Wildcards for middle to add to starry vibes: Celeste, Stella, Esther, Aurora, Ember. Isabel Rose & Lydia Celeste or Lydia Violet would be perfection to me!

:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:Sparkly, feminine & balanced :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

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