Name Rants

If I get one more ad covering my reply button today… I’m going to break something :grin:

This is more of a NB rant than a Name rant but oh well


[name_m]Just[/name_m] tried to reply and say I couldn’t agree more BUT AN AD CAME UP


You can install adblockers, even some mods have recommended that in the past!


I think [name_f]Eliza[/name_f] is a bit over hyped, and this is coming from a [name_m]Hamilton[/name_m] fan. It’s just plain to me for some reason, idk?? [name_m]Even[/name_m] as a nn it’s a bit too plain bc I much prefer [name_f]Beth[/name_f], or [name_f]Libby[/name_f] over [name_f]Eliza[/name_f].


One of my mom’s friends named their son Nixon after his dad, Nick. No one even connected it to scandal when they announced it. Btw most of the people they know are not name nerds.


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Quick Poll Thread! (Part 4)

I voted anyway, but wrong thread?


I’m glad to hear that! I actually know a little [name_m]Nixon[/name_m] too and I thought it was a cool and cute name, but most people’s reaction was “like the president?” which had me worried.

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Has anyone disliked their own name, but like other varients/versions of them? Like, I dislike [name_f]Emily[/name_f], but [name_f]Emilia[/name_f], [name_f]Emmaline[/name_f] and [name_f]Emmeline[/name_f] I like. I wouldn’t name my own kid these bc I dislike my own name.


Not so much a rant, just a sort of name surprise!!

I saw that the 2021 most popular baby names (in the US) have been released, and I was shocked that Wanda was up 54% following the success of WandaVison! That character has definitely made me like the name more… but still!! Wow!!

Also, I was shocked that Vison has risen in popularity as a girls’ name! Whaaat! It’s now more popular in the US than my mother’s name. :rofl:


I like my full name more than my nickname (but I don’t feel like I can go by it) and a lot of times I feel like I’m better suited as a [name_u]Joey[/name_u] than a [name_u]Josie[/name_u]. But I feel like it’s just too similar to change and people would just make fun of me if I said I wanted to go by that now.

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This was me. I hated my given name, but I love the Spanish/Russian variant.


this is me! i love elisabet, elisheva, elisabel, elisa, elisabeta etc. but i intensely dislike eliz@vet@ because it’s my actual name.


That’s too bad, your name is gorgeous


Me having a name that doesn’t have variants galore from various times and countries for me to have opinions on:


While I don’t think I’m ever going to have children, there are a few names picked out that I would use if I did. The other names I like are, like…character names to me? They can be kind of out there and outrageous, alliteration is always a bonus, because I’m thinking of a fictional person with an exciting life who deserves a name like that, a name that wouldn’t necessarily be recommended for a real child. I don’t know if this made any sense, and it’s not really a rant, but I’ve realized it might kinda explain my slightly weird taste in names :woman_shrugging:


i know it’s not this deep at all, but i get oddly upset when caf makers have every single wife be younger than every single husband. like okay thanks for playing into that ig :sob::sob::sob:


I was literally just thinking about that, it’s like you read my mind :skull:

edit: I tried to quote your post but it disappeared??


that’s so weird?? nameberry glitch part one million i guess LOL. but yeah for real i start to think it has to be intentional and people just have weird views about femininity and marriage because HOW is it that the wife is younger in 99% of them :sob: i end up keeping track of it because it really starts to not feel coincidental after the 800th pair.


Why I don’t put ages or quite honestly genders on my cafs :skull: