Name suggestions for my list

[name]Hi[/name] everyone! I love reading everyone’s name lists and I’ve decided to make one of my own, a top ten of sorts. The only problem I have is that I’m having difficulty finding names that fit my “style”. My top boys name as of now is Sorin Bodie Stevensgaard - a lot of name I know ha ha. Sorin is a Romanian boys name meaning [name]Sun[/name]. I love the meaning, and I am half Romanian and I like the nod to my heritage. Bodie is my [name]MIL[/name]'s maiden name, and Stevensgaard is a name that has been passed down through generations on my dad’s side. My top girls name is [name]Lyra[/name]. No middle names as of yet, hopefully that changes soon. I’ve loved [name]Lyra[/name] since reading His Dark Materials, and I like the musical and constellation connections.

So, what would you name siblings of Sorin and [name]Lyra[/name]? I like short and sweet names that are easy to pronounce/spell with good meanings or literary connections.

Here are names I like, but won’t use for various reasons:


I am also considering [name]Valo[/name] for a boy, but I’m not sure if it’s masculine sounding enough if that makes any sense. So, any opinions, thoughts etc., you can give me concerning Sorin, [name]Lyra[/name] and [name]Valo[/name] and any new ideas you can give me for my list would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:
Thanks to you all in advance.

Here are some other names you might like:

I was going to suggest [name]Orion[/name] for a boy, but I see that you have it already. :stuck_out_tongue: I love it with Sorin and [name]Lyra[/name]!

I don’t know if any of those are your style, but I hope it helps!

Thank you so much for the suggestions!

I looooooove [name]Selby[/name], but my last name starts with [name]Ell[/name], so it doesn’t really flow too well much to my disappointment.
I also really like [name]Vera[/name], but I don’t like the way it sounds with [name]Lyra[/name] - it sounds too matchy I think.
[name]Cadence[/name] is on my potential middle name list and [name]Colette[/name] is NMS.

Ha ha I love [name]Orion[/name] with [name]Lyra[/name] and Sorin too, but that’s the name of my best friends little boy :frowning:

That’s sad about [name]Selby[/name]. :frowning: Had you heard the name before?

Yeah, [name]Vera[/name] and [name]Lyra[/name] are kind of matchy. Hmm…

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