What do you think of Greer?
I’m so sorry that happened to you! Although it’s no ones fault, I can only imagine how devestating that would be. My partner and I aren’t even trying for babies yet, but we know if we have a daughter she will be our [name]Claudie[/name], and though no one outside of nameberry knows of our love for the name, if someone I knew ever used it before we got the chance I’d be crushed!
Having said that, [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] are all gorgeous names! What are [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Imogen[/name] like popularity wise in Australia? They’re both top 100 names here in the UK so that colours my opinion of them a little.
I absolutely [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Arlo[/name] (though my partner vetoed it!) so I have to point out that when I say [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Arlo[/name], they sound very similar to me, to the point of being awkward to my ears. It’s the repeating “arl” sound. For that reason I would rule out [name]Scarlett[/name], but even before I got to your comment about [name]Arlo[/name], [name]Imogen[/name] or [name]Greer[/name] were going to be my top picks for you.
They have more of the unsual, quirky charm of [name]Kit[/name] for me. [name]Imogen[/name] is super popular here like I said, so if it’s the same in Australia obviously that takes away some of the quirkiness of the name.
[name]Greer[/name] - it is a love/hate name, or a Marmite name lol. I hated it at first, couldn’t undertsand how anyone liked it. It had a harsh, masculine sound, it almost felt like I was growling when I said it. Then slowly I found myself drawn to it, and wanting to say the name, and I loved saying it! Then it became one of my favourited for a long time! I think it’s a “grower”. It’s a name a lot of people have a negative reaction to initially and then it really grows on them, as with me and your partner. Now I see it as strong, but glamorous, unusal, and sophisticated. I love it! And it embodies the things you love about [name]Kit[/name] the most to me of your choices.
I say be brave, and go with [name]Greer[/name]. If you called her something like [name]Greer[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Greer[/name] [name]Giselle[/name], [name]Greer[/name] [name]Gabrielle[/name], [name]Greer[/name] [name]Gwendolen[/name] etc, you could call her [name]Gigi[/name] as a nickname which might seem more “approachable” and friendly, and certainly gives her another option!
You also didn’t mention [name]Thea[/name] in your post but she’s in the subject title and I have to say I [name]LOVE[/name] her (see my signature, she’s there!). She has a very simialr sound to [name]Greer[/name], but is a little softer, friendlier, and possibly easier to live with. She also sounds great with [name]Arlo[/name] and is still very underused so I think you should definitely consider her!
Good luck
I prefer [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Imogen[/name] over [name]Greer[/name]. [name]Greer[/name] to me is a surname and I’ve just never been able to get behind it as a girl’s name. [name]Both[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Imogen[/name] are very pretty though and I don’t think you can go wrong with either.
That being said, if I were you, I would still use [name]Kit[/name] (or use [name]Katherine[/name], [name]Christina[/name] or [name]Keturah[/name] with the nickname [name]Kit[/name]). So what if your friends also used it? Friends come and go (sad but true) and I don’t think you should let go of your favorite name just because someone else used it. I would just let them know in advance and if they get upset, oh well.
[name]How[/name] sad that you favorite name was taken! I think [name]Greer[/name] is sweet, and it would grow on people once they see her. If you love it, don’t let society’s expectations scare you away from it! People will get used to it, and many will appreciate the creativity and uniqueness of the name. Those who don’t like it…who cares? I’m sure none of us like [name]EVERY[/name] name we hear, but for as many people as hate the name [name]Greer[/name], you will find lots of other people who [name]LOVE[/name] it. You’re not choosing a horrible name that is vulgar, difficult to pronounce or spell, or has teasing potential. Keep it on your list! Other suggestions you might like:
Thank you for your thoughtful advice! I did mention [name]Thea[/name] at the bottom of my post, but only briefly as a name that has appeared on my list. It’s definitely an option even though I do love [name]Greer[/name] slightly more. And yes, [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] are both following similar trends here in Australia as they do in the UK. [name]Both[/name] names are certainly very familiar and in the top 100. My family and friends [name]LOVE[/name] them. Thanks again.
Thanks for your thoughts, but [name]Kit[/name] really isn’t an option for us. And even if I didn’t care, my partner certainly won’t agree to [name]Kit[/name] now in respect to them. These friends have been his best friends for 15 years, they are tied up with family so aren’t going anywhere, and they live around the corner! Not an option, unfortunately. Any other ideas folks?
(This is most likely not helpful, but I have a little niece named [name]Katherine[/name] and her nickname is [name]Kit[/name]-[name]Kat[/name]… just putting that out there for you.)
Have you considered telling them about your love for [name]Kit[/name] and asking if they would mind if you still used it or if you chose a name nn [name]Kit[/name]? I think [name]Kate[/name] would be a great sub for [name]Kit[/name] but I really like [name]Greer[/name] as well. [name]Greer[/name] is nms but it’s one of those names I would love to see on someone else’s child.
I’m so sorry to hear that you won’t be able to use [name]Kit[/name]! : / You’ve got some great options on your list already!
[name]Just[/name] a couple comments:
I am one of those who doesn’t understand [name]Greer[/name] as a girls name, but if you love it, you should just use it! With that said, I think it might be a little odd to have a girl named [name]Greer[/name] and a boy named [name]Arlo[/name]. [name]Arlo[/name] has a nice, soft sound to it and is not as strong as [name]Greer[/name].
I think you might like the name [name]Bronte[/name]. The common pronunciation on name sites is bron-tay, but I’ve also heard it bron-tee. Either way, I think it has the same vibe as [name]Kit[/name] and [name]Greer[/name], but would go better with [name]Arlo[/name] because of the more feminine ending.
Yeah, they now know I had loved [name]Kit[/name] and are sympathetic, but me using it really isn’t an option. Thanks. Maybe just more confidence to use [name]Greer[/name], or otherwise other options altogether that have a similar feel to [name]Kit[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] would be most helpful to me! Cheers
Ahh… You are totally on my style! Thanks for the name suggestion. I love the name [name]Bronte[/name] but it’s my close cousin’s name and I would not use it for that reason. But you’ve certainly picked well to my tastes! Thanks for trying.
Alright, good! I’ll keep thinking then.
More ideas:
[name]Toby[/name] (maybe [name]October[/name] nn [name]Toby[/name]?)
Not all of these are quite the right style (in my mind) but I figured I’d include them just in case.
I forgot Sloane and Blair!
I like [name]Greer[/name]! I think it is very flexible in that it can work for a lawyer or a poet or a teacher.
If you are looking for some new suggestions what about
I adore [name]Greer[/name], it’s on my girl and boy list
I have a love or hate name, [name]Tara[/name] (TAR-uh) and my mom got a lot of flack about giving a little girl such a hard name. [name]Just[/name] today I got a blank stare when introducing myself. No biggie. I’m often the only [name]Tara[/name] people have ever met and they start liking the name when they get to know me. The same will happen with [name]Greer[/name]
Thanks everyone.
@sunshine.10 and @teacup42: thanks for the suggestions!
Really like [name]Wren[/name], [name]Annika[/name], [name]Lark[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Neve[/name]/[name]Neva[/name] and [name]Etta[/name] - too bad her dad has dismissed them as unusable.
Really appreciate your input though!!
Any further thoughts on [name]Greer[/name] as a usable fn?
Middle name suggestions? [name]Greer[/name] _______ [name]Moody[/name]?
Thanks again.
Well, do you want to go with a more feminine sound for the middle name?
If so, maybe:
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Clara[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Calla[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Violet[/name]
Not as feminine sounding names:
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Eliza[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Fern[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Juniper[/name]
Also, idk if this is your style at all, but I just thought of [name]Geneva[/name] [name]Greer[/name] and I can’t get it out of my head!
[name]Greer[/name] is 1000x more refreshing that [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] (I’m in Aus too). I know a [name]Greer[/name] who is probably about 25. It suits her.
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Imogen[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Lucette[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] Fionella
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Katherine[/name]
[name]Greer[/name] [name]Olympia[/name]
[name]Anthea[/name] (this goes better with your last name that [name]Thea[/name] I think)
You have such beautiful taste in names! It’s a shame about [name]Kit[/name], but your daughter will have an equally wonderful name. I for one, think [name]Greer[/name] is fantastic and hope you have the courage but [name]Thea[/name], [name]Scarlet[/name], [name]Imogen[/name] are also beautiful (and on my own list for a future little one, so I can’t think you’ll go wrong here!).
Sad about kit, but moving on, [name]Greer[/name] is an amazing name! I love it! I love the name [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Greer[/name], or [name]Greer[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are lovely names on a little girl. Good [name]Luck[/name]