So here’s the game: Provide a description of a child including both physical and personality traits. The next person will name that child and provide a new description.
Example: This girly girl loves pink, will only wear dresses, and wants to be a ballerina when she grows up. She has blond ringlets and light blue eyes. Whats her name?
I might say: [name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Belle[/name]
So lets start: This little boy may grow up to be the class clown. He has reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. He loves to laugh and perform for his parents, he is quite curious and intellectual. What’s his name?
This little boy may grow up to be the class clown. He has reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. He loves to laugh and perform for his parents, he is quite curious and intellectual. What’s his name?
His name: [name]Owen[/name] [name]Jason[/name]
This little girl loves playing outside. she has dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. She most likely will grow up to be a athletic person. But she is a troublemaker. What is her name?
This little girl loves playing outside. she has dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. She most likely will grow up to be a athletic person. But she is a troublemaker. What is her name?
Ths little boy is good at maths and science. He’s clumsy though. He has cury dark hair and daark brown eyes.
[name]Everett[/name] [name]Dean[/name]
This little girls has a light olive complexion with brown eyes. Her hair is medium brown with blond and copper highlights. She loves music and is always singing a new song she has made up. She loves to play pirates rather than with dolls. Surprisingly, her favorite color is hot pink.
This little girls has a light olive complexion with brown eyes. Her hair is medium brown with blond and copper highlights. She loves music and is always singing a new song she has made up. She loves to play pirates rather than with dolls. Surprisingly, her favorite color is hot pink.
[name]Imogene[/name] [name]Noah[/name]
that’s a hard one she’s all opposites!–
NEW ONE: This girl loves gymnastics. Her favorite gym leotard is orange with yellow and gold sparkley stripes. Her favorite class is singing. She’s has a thin pixie like frame and long strawberry blond hair. And has two cats named [name]Clover[/name] and Koki.
This girl loves gymnastics. Her favorite gym leotard is orange with yellow and gold sparkley stripes. Her favorite class is singing. She’s has a thin pixie like frame and long strawberry blond hair. And has two cats named [name]Clover[/name] and Koki.
[name]Seren[/name] [name]Tatiana[/name]
This girl loves anything arty, her favourite thing to do is paint. She likes to make up jokes, that really aren’t funny most of the time. She has shoulder length messy chocolate brown hair and big dark green eyes. She’s a bit crazy and falls over a lot but she is always thinking of other people’s feelings.
This girl loves anything arty, her favourite thing to do is paint. She likes to make up jokes, that really aren’t funny most of the time. She has shoulder length messy chocolate brown hair and big dark green eyes. She’s a bit crazy and falls over a lot but she is always thinking of other people’s feelings.
[name]Eliza[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]
This boy is very handsome but very shy. He hides in his mother’s skirt a lot. He wears preppy collard shirts and plaid kaki’s. He holds his ear and sucks his thumb. He’s afraid of the loud girl described above.
This girl loves anything arty, her favourite thing to do is paint. She likes to make up jokes, that really aren’t funny most of the time. She has shoulder length messy chocolate brown hair and big dark green eyes. She’s a bit crazy and falls over a lot but she is always thinking of other people’s feelings.
This girl has fiery red hair, and a temper to match. She is very creative, and loves to be the center of attention. She dances, sings and acts, and has VERY high hopes for herself.
Next girl: This girl loves to write. She is on the track team. She has had elbow length brown hair her whole life but recently cut it shoulder length. Her brown hair is really think and she has dark green eyes. Very friendly and polite.
This girl loves to write. She is on the track team. She has had elbow length brown hair her whole life but recently cut it shoulder length. Her brown hair is really think and she has dark green eyes. Very friendly and polite.
[name]Daniella[/name] [name]Johanne[/name]
This boy has red hair and hazel eyes. He is gangly; all arms and legs. He loves to make people laugh and he is always on the go. He is very active. When he wants to be, he can be serious and quiet (but that is not very often).
This boy has red hair and hazel eyes. He is gangly; all arms and legs. He loves to make people laugh and he is always on the go. He is very active. When he wants to be, he can be serious and quiet (but that is not very often).
[name]Mason[/name] [name]Paul[/name]
This girl has light brown, straight hair. Her eyes are deep, deep blue. Her height is right in the middle of the charts. She is very contemplative and wanders in her imaginary world, but she can be wild and bit of a tomboy. She has many fears but she is also really stubborn and everybody thinks she’s precocious.
sounds like someone I’ve known [name]Melanie[/name] [name]Lynne[/name]
we missed one so I’ll repost it
This boy is very handsome but very shy. He hides in his mother’s skirt a lot. He wears preppy collard shirts and plaid kaki’s. He holds his ear and sucks his thumb. He’s afraid of the loud girl described above.
This boy is very handsome but very shy. He hides in his mother’s skirt a lot. He wears preppy collard shirts and plaid kaki’s. He holds his ear and sucks his thumb. He’s afraid of the loud girl described above.
[name]Bennett[/name] [name]Blue[/name] nn [name]Benny[/name] [name]Blue[/name]
This girl has light brown, straight hair. Her eyes are deep, deep blue. Her height is right in the middle of the charts. She is very contemplative and wanders in her imaginary world, but she can be wild and bit of a tomboy. She has many fears but she is also really stubborn and everybody thinks she’s precocious.
[name]Aiden[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
This little girl is 7. She has long messy dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She’s half girly girl and half tomboy. She’s witty and sweet and a little silly too. She’s bubbly, full of life and has alot of friends. She’s a little tall for her age and has a love for reading. Name this little girl.
This little girl is 7. She has long messy dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She’s half girly girl and half tomboy. She’s witty and sweet and a little silly too. She’s bubbly, full of life and has alot of friends. She’s a little tall for her age and has a love for reading. Name this little girl.
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Margaret[/name]
He’s a pee-wee football player. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His favorite subject in school is math or gym. He’s “all boy” and his mom is constantly trying to get grass stains out of his clothes!
He’s a pee-wee football player. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His favorite subject in school is math or gym. He’s “all boy” and his mom is constantly trying to get grass stains out of his clothes.
[name]Cooper[/name] [name]Tomlin[/name]
This little girl has long, thick, [name]RED[/name] hair and bright blue eyes. She has light freckles all over her face and is 9 years old. She’s a little shy at first but once you get to know her she’s extremely sweet. She loves to play the guitar and sing. She also ha a golden retreiver named who she loves dearly [name]Milo[/name]. She’s a laid back kinda’ girl and her style’s a little spunky and she’s quite intelligent.
This little girl has long, thick, [name]RED[/name] hair and bright blue eyes. She has light freckles all over her face and is 9 years old. She’s a little shy at first but once you get to know her she’s extremely sweet. She loves to play the guitar and sing. She also ha a golden retreiver named who she loves dearly [name]Milo[/name]. She’s a laid back kinda’ girl and her style’s a little spunky and she’s quite intelligent.
[name]Ailsa[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
This girl is 12 years old with long, light blonde hair and romantic, blue fairy-eyes, pale skin and freckles, and she loves reading and being outdoors. Her style is girly and sweet, and she also loves to paint. She’s creative, clever, and a daydreamer who loves her family and small group of close friends.
This girl is 12 years old with long, light blonde hair and romantic, blue fairy-eyes, pale skin and freckles, and she loves reading and being outdoors. Her style is girly and sweet, and she also loves to paint. She’s creative, clever, and a daydreamer who loves her family and small group of close friends.
This is a girl who is 15 years old with long, auburn hair and dark blue eyes, and a light tan. She is very popular among her friends. She is very athletic, she plays volleyball in the fall, basketball in winter, and softball in the spring. She also loves to play with dog, [name]Cassie[/name].