First, roll the die ( to answer these questions.
What district do you live in, and how likely are your children to be chosen for the Hunger Games?
1: District 6 (Transportation). Your children have a 1/18 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
2: District 4 (Fishing). [name]Roll[/name] the die for each child. If you roll a 1 or a 2, that child is enrolled in a special school that teaches students how to excel in the Hunger Games. If this is the case, that child has a 1/4 chance of participating in the Hunger Games. Otherwise, your children have a 1/30 chance.
3: District 7 (Lumber). Your children have a 1/13 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
4: District 2 ([name]Stone[/name] quarries). [name]Roll[/name] the die for each child. If you roll a 1, 2 or 3, that child is enrolled in a special school that teaches students how to excel in the Hunger Games. If this is the case, that child has a 1/4 chance of participating in the Hunger Games. Otherwise, your children have a 1/100 chance.
5: District 5 ([name]Power[/name]). Your children have a 1/20 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
6: District 1 (Luxury items). [name]Roll[/name] the die for each child. If you roll a 1 or a 2, that child is enrolled in a special school that teaches students how to excel in the Hunger Games. If this is the case, that child has a 1/4 chance of participating in the Hunger Games. Otherwise, your children have a 1/100 chance.
7: District 11 (Agriculture). Your children have a 1/5 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
8: District 3 (Electronics). Your children have a 1/12 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
9: District 9 (Grain) or District 10 (Livestock) – you choose. Your children have a 1/8 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
10: District 12 ([name]Coal[/name] mining). Your children have a 1/3 chance of participating in the Hunger games.
11: The Capitol. Your children have a 0/0 chance of participating in the Hunger games.
12: District 8 (Textiles). Your children have a 1/10 chance of participating in the Hunger Games.
Who does your family sympathize most with?
1-4: [name]Katniss[/name] Everdeen.
5-8: President [name]Snow[/name].
9-12: President Coin.
Next, pick a surname. Select a maiden or unmarried name in addition to a last name.
LN: Abernathy, Aldjoy, [name]Aurelius[/name], Baxwoll, Boggs, Cardew, Cartwright, [name]Clarke[/name], Combe, [name]Crane[/name], Cresta, Dinwiddie, Donner, Dunbryll, Duncain, Elphinstone, Everdeen, Flamsteed, Flickerman, Greenlaw, [name]Hawthorne[/name], Heavensbee, Herriot, Holloway, Homes, Honeyman, Inchcape, [name]Ivory[/name], [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Keene[/name], Keynam, Lapworth, [name]Mason[/name], Mellark, [name]Mitchell[/name], Naysmith, Odair, Odinshoot, Paylor, Perthshire, Redpath, Spectral, Spottiswood, Templesmith, Thread, Trinket, Undersee, Vipointe, Wellwood, [name]Yule[/name].
Spouse 1: Your choice.
Spouse 2: Your choice.
[name]Roll[/name] the die ( to determine the gender of each child. [name]Roll[/name] seven times initially. An odd number signifies a boy, and an even number signifies a girl. If you roll an 11 or 12, you have had twins; roll twice more to decide the genders of the twins.
Namebank for first child/ren:
Girl: [name]Aster[/name], [name]Axelle[/name], [name]Bonnie[/name], [name]Dove[/name], [name]Enola[/name], Fimbria, Flitter, [name]Hazelle[/name], [name]Iris[/name], Lyme, [name]Maia[/name], [name]Maris[/name], [name]Posy[/name], [name]Rue[/name], [name]Severina[/name], Sunflower, Tambria, Terpischore, Tourmaline, Zayalee.
Boy: Alder, Brabantio, Cadwal, [name]Cedar[/name], Chaff, [name]Cicero[/name], Corvinus, Gloss, [name]Lysander[/name], Menteth, [name]Prentis[/name], Pyrite, [name]Romulus[/name], Seleucus, Tallow, [name]Thomas[/name], Varius, Waxer, Woof, [name]Yarrow[/name].
Namebank for second child/ren:
Girl: Annarose, Atala, [name]Calliope[/name], [name]Clove[/name], [name]Cornelia[/name], Fliss, Helva, [name]Isadora[/name], [name]Johanna[/name], [name]Lucia[/name], Marjoram, Melete, [name]Midge[/name], Polyhymnia, [name]Portia[/name], [name]Rhya[/name], [name]Siddalee[/name], Surah, [name]Tigris[/name], [name]Viva[/name].
Boy: Aelius, [name]Cinna[/name], Cleomines, [name]Cypress[/name], [name]Fergus[/name], [name]Flavius[/name], Gallus, Gillitch, Guiderius, Mallow, [name]Marvel[/name], Minster, Novellus, [name]Pollux[/name], [name]Quince[/name], Shatter, [name]Talon[/name], Thersander, [name]Titus[/name], Tober.
Namebank for third child/ren:
Girl: [name]Annika[/name], [name]Aquilia[/name], [name]Astra[/name], Blye, [name]Briony[/name], [name]Clio[/name], Dolabella, Enobaria, Leevy, Magenta, [name]Melly[/name], [name]Octavia[/name], Orca, [name]Peridot[/name], Sagittaria, [name]Sorrel[/name], Tearose, Venia, Ysobelle, Zenobia.
Boy: Abhorsen, [name]Bastian[/name], [name]Brutus[/name], Capulet, [name]Claudius[/name], [name]Ember[/name], Flank, Glint, [name]Hodge[/name], [name]Horatio[/name], Meriwether, Messalla, Natta, [name]Peal[/name], Plutarch, Print, [name]Sedrick[/name], [name]Sholto[/name], Sumac, Thresh, [name]Tiberius[/name].
Namebank for fourth child/ren:
Girl: [name]Adabelle[/name], Adoxa, [name]Alma[/name], [name]Bea[/name], Blazingstar, Century, [name]Corliss[/name], [name]Cressida[/name], Glow, Keavy, [name]Lavinia[/name], Lissy, Maysilee, Melpomene, Merula, [name]Nerissa[/name], Perilla, [name]Primrose[/name], [name]Taffeta[/name], Thimble.
Boy: Beetee, Cardoon, Catulus, Cilantro, [name]Dalton[/name], Finnick, Glass, Longinus, Madder, Mardian, [name]Osrick[/name], [name]Otho[/name], Peeta, Priscus, [name]Rory[/name], Rullus, Stonecrop, Strike, Thurio, Torkill.
Namebank for fifth child/ren:
Girl: [name]Alvy[/name], [name]Artemisia[/name], [name]Cecelia[/name], [name]Citron[/name], [name]Ebony[/name], Erato, Flicker, [name]Fulvia[/name], [name]Jacquenetta[/name], [name]Katniss[/name], [name]Lace[/name], Maritess, Ocella, Purnia, Regula, [name]Rosaline[/name], Sabry, [name]Tansy[/name], Twill, [name]Willow[/name].
Boy: Blight, Caper, Coriolanus, Currant, [name]Floss[/name], Foxglove, [name]Gower[/name], Hawken, [name]Julius[/name], Maccabee, [name]Melton[/name], Oregano, Rennick, Rutilus, Seeder, Tayvitch, [name]Tertius[/name], Tread, [name]Vick[/name], Whim.
Namebank for sixth child/ren:
Girl: [name]Azura[/name], Bristel, Coriander, [name]Delly[/name], Euterpe, Flax, [name]Glimmer[/name], Kesilee, Liselle, [name]Margaret[/name], Meliss, Mellerose, Nettle, Rooba, Pictrix, Quartzite, Spark, [name]Tully[/name], [name]Urania[/name], [name]Velvet[/name].
Boy: [name]Angus[/name], [name]Burgess[/name], [name]Caesar[/name], Cossus, [name]Cotton[/name], Cray, Egeus, [name]Fennel[/name], [name]Flame[/name], [name]Heath[/name], [name]Martin[/name], [name]Pell[/name], [name]Pepper[/name], [name]Ridge[/name], [name]Seneca[/name], Seyward, Spurge, Stitch, Trigeminus, Voltemand.
Namebank for seventh child/ren:
Girl: [name]Araminta[/name], [name]Cashmere[/name], Elsarose, [name]Euphemia[/name], [name]Geranium[/name], [name]Glory[/name], [name]Helena[/name], [name]Jubilee[/name], [name]Leocadia[/name], [name]Lily[/name], [name]Madge[/name], Maebry, [name]Mica[/name], [name]Saffron[/name], Scaura, Soosa, [name]Tamarind[/name], [name]Thalia[/name], [name]Umbria[/name], Wiress.
Boy: [name]Alaster[/name], [name]Ariel[/name], Berowne, [name]Cato[/name], [name]Darius[/name], Dasher, Edge, Florus, Fustian, [name]Gale[/name], Hallow, Marcius, [name]Parry[/name], Phlox, Ripper, [name]Sage[/name], Silius, Tax, Tullus, [name]Webb[/name], [name]Wester[/name].
Next, go to this website ( Put your odds into the first box (e.g., if your children have a 1/15 chance of participating in the Hunger Games, put in 15). Put 1 into the second box, and put the number of children you have into the third box. If any of the numbers comes out as a 3, the corresponding child has been selected for the Hunger Games. If this happens, roll the 12-sided die. If you roll a 7, your child has won the Hunger Games. If you roll any other number, they do not survive.
List your family here: