Nameberry Birthdays & Natal Flower Names

2 - namefan - Groundsel, Senecio vulgaris
3 - iheartnames ([name]Courtney[/name]) - Persian [name]Iris[/name], [name]Iris[/name] persica
22 ” ammimiam ” [name]Early[/name] Whitlow Grass, Draba verna
27 - almost_isabel ([name]Isabel[/name]) - [name]Earth[/name] [name]Moss[/name], Phascum cuspidatum
31 ” bex ([name]Rebecca[/name]) ” [name]Hart[/name]'s Tongue or Spleen-wort, Asplenium scolopendrium

2 - esperrosa ([name]Rosa[/name]) - [name]Snowdrop[/name], Galanthus nivalis
10 ” rbyndlrsn ([name]Robyn[/name]) ” Mezereon, [name]Daphne[/name] mezereon
20 - blueberri ([name]Freya[/name]) - Hound’s-tongue (sometimes called [name]Blue[/name]-eyes), Cynoglossum omphalodes or Cynoglossum lusitanicum
25 - jill - Peach [name]Blossom[/name], Amygdalus persica
26 - dannim26 - Lesser Periwinkle, Vinca minor
27 ” whitney ” Lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis
28 ” grey ([name]Kaitlin[/name]) & lainy (LaRaina) ” Purple Crocus, Crocus vernus

3 ” jlyn2723 ([name]Jennifer[/name]) ” [name]Golden[/name] [name]Fig[/name] [name]Marigold[/name], Mesembryanthemum aureum
10 ” elena ” Upright Chickweed, [name]Veronica[/name] triphyllos
26 - happydreamsbee - Nightshade-leafed Henbane, Hyosciamus scopalia

7 ” evanescencedolly ([name]Bree[/name]) ” [name]Wood[/name] [name]Anemone[/name], [name]Anemone[/name] nemorosa
9 ” jennifermariska ([name]Jennifer[/name]) - [name]Red[/name] Polyanthos, [name]Primula[/name]
10 - [name]Pamela[/name] [name]Redmond[/name] Satran - Pale [name]Violet[/name], [name]Viola[/name] tonbrigens
19 ” suzannevk ([name]Suzanne[/name]) ” Garlic, Allium ursinum
22 - disa_lan - [name]Wood[/name] Crowfoot or Goldilocks, Ranunculus auricomus
26 ” laylarose ” Yellow Erysimum, Erysimum barbarea
28 ” marissa ” Spotted Arum, Arum maculatum

1 - ricamaca ([name]Erica[/name]) - [name]Bachelor[/name]'s Button, Lychnis dioica or Gesner [name]Tulip[/name], Tulipa gesnerina
4 - gipro2003 - Stock Gilliflower, Cheiranthus incanus
10 - p_i ([name]Helen[/name]) ” Slender-leafed [name]Peony[/name], Paeonia tenuifolia
14 - irisrose - Common [name]Peony[/name], Paeonia officinalis
21 - salifer - Ragged [name]Robin[/name], Lychnis flos cuculi
26 - [name]Linda[/name] Rosenkrantz - Yellow [name]Azalea[/name], [name]Azalea[/name] pontica or Purple Rhododendron, Rhododendron ponticum
30 - devinjes ([name]Jessica[/name]) - Lesser Spearwort, Ranunculus flammula

4 - ddair - [name]Indian[/name] [name]Pink[/name], Dianthus chinensis
15 - berriepine ([name]Emma[/name]) - Sensitive Plant, [name]Mimosa[/name] sensitiva
18 - tamara - Horned [name]Poppy[/name], Chelidonium glaucum
21 ” sassy ([name]Stephanie[/name]) ” Viper’s Bugloss, Echium vulgare
22 - lemon ([name]Lauren[/name]) & spotlightstarlit ([name]Bella[/name]) - Canterbury [name]Bell[/name], Campanula medium
24 ” quirkflower ([name]Lily[/name]) ” [name]St[/name]. [name]John[/name]'s Wort, Hypericum pulchrum
26 - hazelet ([name]Hazel[/name]) - [name]Blue[/name] Alpine Sowthistle, Sonchus ceruleus

16 - rkarczynski - Convolvulus, Convolvulus purpureus
24 - bounceparty ([name]Chloe[/name]) ” Lupine Tree, Lupinus arboreus
28 ” mf123 (melissa) ” Mountain Groundsel, Senecio montanus

7 ” bb ” Common Amaranth, Amaranthus hypochondriacus
13 ” emrasmus ” [name]Marsh[/name] Groundsel, Great Fen Rag-wort, or [name]Bird[/name]'s Tongue, Senecio paludosus
14 - dearest - [name]Zinnia[/name], [name]Zinnia[/name] elegans
16 ” james ” Belladonna [name]Lily[/name], [name]Amaryllis[/name] belladonna
30 ” kbkx ” [name]Guernsey[/name] [name]Lily[/name], [name]Amaryllis[/name] sarniensis

3 - charliehotsox ([name]Charlotte[/name]) - Common Yellow Fleabane, Inula dysenterica
21 ” cecily ” Fringed-leafed Passion-flower, Passiflora ciliata

1 - auburn - Lowly [name]Amaryllis[/name], [name]Amaryllis[/name] humilis
10 - redridinghood ([name]Ailsa[/name]) - Wax-leafed Cape Aletris, Aletris viridifolia
16 - hamstertamer ([name]Sandra[/name]) & unicorngal ([name]Sandra[/name]) - [name]Yarrow[/name], Achillea millefolium
18 ” eva ” Mushroom, Agaricus floccosus
23 - countrylizb - Slender-stalked Starwort, [name]Aster[/name] junceus
24 - elea - [name]Carolina[/name] Starwort, [name]Aster[/name] carolinus flexuosus
30 ” saranel ([name]Sarah[/name]) ” Mixen Mushroom, Agaricus fimetarius
31 - millikate - [name]Fennel[/name]-leafed Tickseed, Coreopsis ferulafolia

5 - literaturegeek ” Common [name]Winter[/name] [name]Cherry[/name], Physalis alkakengi
9 - josie - Glaucous-leafed Aletris, Veltheimia glauca
10 - rachelmarie - Scotch Fir, Pinus sylvestris
13 - diana - [name]Bay[/name], [name]Laurus[/name] poetica
19 - nephele - [name]Apple[/name]-fruited Passion-flower, Passiflora maliformis
24 ” name4fun ” [name]Starry[/name] Stapelia, Stapelia radiata
29 - jacjac ([name]Jacey[/name]) - Sphenogyne, Sphenogyne piliflora

13 ” caitalinna ([name]Caitlin[/name]) ” [name]African[/name] [name]Arbor[/name] Vitae, Thuja cupressoides
22 - twinkle - Pellucid [name]Heath[/name], [name]Erica[/name] pellucida
24 - elsabea - Frankincense [name]Pine[/name], Pinus taeda
28 - juliette - Bloody-flowered [name]Heath[/name], [name]Erica[/name] cruenta

I thought it would be a nice idea if we posted our birthdays (just month and day, not year), so when a birthday rolls around, people can shout out a birthday hail to whoever has a special day. I’ll keep the birthday list chronologically updated in this thread, each time somebody adds her or his name and date here.

And, to make it fun (because everything we do here at Nameberry must have an element of fun in it!) I will give you the name of that particular flower that is associated with your date of birth, according to The Floral [name]Calendar[/name].

The Floral [name]Calendar[/name] started out as a medieval church calendar in which certain flowers were associated with certain saints, and assigned to the feast days of those saints. Altars were also decorated with those flowers on the saints’ feast days.

The Floral [name]Calendar[/name] has its roots planted even deeper than the medieval Catholic church. For, as the church took over many old pagan holidays by substituting church holidays for those days, the church retained many of the sacred plants, trees, and flowers that were associated with the pagan gods and goddesses originally honored on those days of the year. In many cases, these sacred plants, trees, and flowers wound up being assigned to the saints who gradually replaced the pagan gods and goddesses for the countryfolk.

Now, to tie this all into our favorite subject of names… Obviously many of the names we admire today are derived from the names of flowers. For those of you who have been participating in my [name]Flower[/name] [name]Fairy[/name] Names thread at…

…you’ve already seen how many of the flowers used as people’s anagrammed surnames could just as easily be used as charming first names – particularly when translated into other languages.

Perhaps your own natal flower might make a charming name? Or, perhaps not. (the date of [name]September[/name] 24th has an unfortunate “flower” assigned to it.)

So, post your month and day here, and I’ll keep our Birthday Thread updated above – as well as give you your natal flower’s name!

– [name]Nephele[/name]

My name is [name]Erica[/name], my bday is [name]May[/name] 1

great idea, btw! :slight_smile:

Ricamaca, your natal flower is [name]Bachelor[/name]'s Buttons, signifying (in “the language of flowers”) “Celibacy.” For possible flower names we have “Centaurea” (Latin) and “Bleuet” (French).

– [name]Nephele[/name]

Does every day have a flower? I already have the flower of the month I was born (same as the state flower where I was born) as part of my name. :slight_smile:

Great idea though - I will watch this thread and see what blooms!

Yep! The Floral [name]Calendar[/name] has a flower (or in some cases a tree or plant) assigned to each day of the year.

– [name]Nephele[/name]

Ricamaca, your natal flower is [name]Bachelor[/name]'s Buttons, signifying (in “the language of flowers”) “Celibacy.” For possible flower names we have “Centaurea” (Latin) and “Bleuet” (French).

– [name]Nephele[/name][/quote]

Celibacy? Oh boy…I’m going to hold back and jokes that are forming in my head :slight_smile:
I always thought [name]Blue[/name] was a great middle name! I looked up my plant…VERY pretty! :slight_smile:

[name]Count[/name] me in on this, I am all for celebrating birthdays!

My birthday is 10th [name]October[/name].

PS [name]Nephele[/name], hope you are going to share yours, too!

If it’s ok with you, please don’t record my date of birth for your list. You make this so hard. I looked and looked for such a calendar and - I found a different one (matched up the date given so far and it came up with a different flower). I looked up my birthday there and the flower I got meant “shame.” The day before was so much luckier, “I shall not survive you.” :frowning: So now I know better than to fox you and your sources, [name]Nephele[/name]!

21st day of [name]June[/name].

[name]Ailsa[/name], your natal flower is the Cape Aletris. Sorry I couldn’t find a symbolic meaning for it in the Language of Flowers.

– [name]Nephele[/name]
P.S. As you asked, I’ve added myself to the birthday list above. And I’ll work on those additional [name]Flower[/name] [name]Fairy[/name] names for you. :slight_smile:

Haha! Okay, I won’t add your b’day to the list. But I will tell you that my 19th century sources for the Floral [name]Calendar[/name] say that your flower ([name]June[/name] 21st) is the Viper’s Bugloss.

– [name]Nephele[/name]

My birthday is Oct. 23rd.

Mine is Oct 16th

My birthday is [name]April[/name] 22nd

countrylizb, your natal flower is Slender-stalked Starwort (Oct. 23). (Edited, going with the flower listed in the earlier reference source - 1835.)

unicorngal, your natal flower is [name]Yarrow[/name] (Oct. 16th).

disa_lan, your natal flower is [name]Wood[/name] Crowfoot ([name]April[/name] 22nd).

– [name]Nephele[/name]

You don’t know me, but that sounds about right. :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope it means that snakes eat the bugs so I won’t have any, but I looked it up, ‘bugloss’ means more of ox-tongue, in shape, I presume. It grows in dry, bare areas and is considered an invasive species! It also looks familiar - it is a purple wildflower looking weedy thing. Echium vulgare, also fitting. My sources tell me bugloss (no specific kind) means “Falsehood.”

In sum, Viper’s Bugloss: would make an excellent band name. Thanks, [name]Nephele[/name]!

Viper’s Bugloss totally rocks as a potential band name. Good call! And nice bit of research you did there, too!

If you change your mind about being added to the Nameberry B’day list, let me know.

In the meantime, I’m going to suggest Viper’s Bugloss over on a goth forum I frequent, where they have a thread currently going on band names. Hahaha!

– [name]Nephele[/name]

Good Idea I love birthdays!!

my birthday is [name]March[/name] 26

happydreamsbee, your natal flower is Henbane ([name]March[/name] 26th), a yellow-flowering plant that was used historically in “magic brews.” “The use of Henbane by the ancient Greeks was documented by Pliny. The plant, recorded as Herba Apollinaris, was used to yield oracles by the priestesses of [name]Apollo[/name].” (ref. Wikipedia)

– [name]Nephele[/name]

My birthday is 24 [name]December[/name]!