Nameberry Confessions

Nameberry has introduced me to a lot of names that I like but I actually try to avoid coming here, particularly to the forums, because it seems like every time I find a name I really like, right after I’ll come to the forum and see that someone has just been hating on the name, saying its hideous and one of the worst names out there, yes they are entitled to their opinions but a lot of times I begin to doubt my name list but honestly if I were to pay attention and be offended by everything that I read on here then I’d end up with no names at all on my list. What I’m getting at is, how do you all deal with seeing others hating on names that you love? I know you shouldn’t pay too much attention to the opinions of others but sometimes that can be difficult. I’m beginning to stop liking this site because literally every time I come here I see someone being very negative towards a name that I’d use for a child and I start to think, “well, I guess I can’t pick that name”.

Have their been any names that you used to like that people on Nameberry have made you dislike or have you ever had a name that you love and you’ve seen someone on here talking trash about it? I still like hearing others opinions when they are stated in a friendly way and aren’t so negative but at the end of the day my future children and characters will have names that I like and I don’t care what others think about them really. It’s just that sometimes I have my doubts, and no I don’t like names with cre8tive spellings or [name_f]Neveah[/name_f] or anything like that, the names I like are almost all actual names. We all do realize that any name can be made fun of, right? If kids want to tease someone then they will do everything possible until they find a way to tease you, just wanted to say that because I’ve seen people say stuff like [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] is bad because [name_f]Vikki[/name_f] rhymes with icky. I actually sort of admire the people who name their kids whatever they want and refuse to pay attention to others’ opinions. It’s almost as if some people just are trying to keep people from using certain names. Hello, [name_m]John[/name_m] is another word for toilet yet it’s considered perfectly normal and is still widely used, if that name is fine why isn’t any other? Ok, I understand that if the name is Buttrisha or Dorkish then the name really is awful and should be avoided, but most names are not that bad, some people are just ultra picky and negative and hate every other name and try to spread their hate online.

What do you guys think of all this? I hope I haven’t bored or annoyed anyone. I think this is actually a good topic to talk about since their are so many differing opinions on here. What are your Nameberry confessions? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think that people on here can sometimes be overly mean about disliking a name. Sometimes people seem so judgemental about names.

What I mean is that it’s ok to dislike a name for whatever reason but people need to remember that there are people out there with those names and their are people that really like those names so they should be more careful about how they express their dislike. [name_f]Imagine[/name_f] if someone says that your name or one of your favorites is ridiculous, idiotic, or ugly, you’ll probably feel at least a bit bad. Yes, their will always be people who dislike a name but hey, I’m not crazy about [name_f]Bertha[/name_f] or [name_f]Dorcas[/name_f] or [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f] but I’m not going to be super mean about them because their are people out there who like or have those names and they might see my comments and feel bad about themselves, if they like their names. [name_m]Just[/name_m] like [name_f]Hephzibah[/name_f], it still annoys me that the creators call it a “you can’t do this to your daughter name” because I’ve seen people who like the name, I’ve seen i used, heck, I don’t dislike the name, they might not like the sound but it’s not like her name is Buttrisha. Sometimes people just seem sort of hostile towards some names.

I think people can be mean, but I don’t think any of it is really mean spirited. I think people find a joy in beautiful names and hate to see children with names they find trashy or trendy. It’s rude, but I understand. I’m probably guilty of it too. Ok, I definetly am. I’ve trashed [name_f]Michaela[/name_f], [name_f]Neveah[/name_f], [name_f]Tessa[/name_f], [name_m]Abraham[/name_m], and the -ayden names. Sorry to anyone I upset.

I think sometimes all of us need to take a step back and remember it’s just a name.

I have strong feelings about the name [name_f]Caitlin[/name_f] and its many spellings that differ from most. I know I was a bit rude, but I’m a passionate defender of spellings such as [name_f]Catelynn[/name_f] (my personal favorite) which others seem to think is tacky.
This gets sorta tricky on the “Rate the Previous Signature” thread, because there are times when I honestly loathe a name, but am trying to be polite.

I can see what you’re saying. There has been quite a bit of negativity expressed on the forums, to the point where I basically post and run…I don’t often check back, because I don’t want to see it. To be fair, I’ve only gotten negativity expressed towards my viewpoints on non-name related stuff. Moving on…When it comes to getting negative opinions on names I like…or even names I don’t like, but I feel bad for those who post that they like the name and it gets bashed…I just try to keep in mind that we’re just all so different. There is so much that can influence someone’s opinion on a name. Maybe they had an abusive ex, or a school bully…or a best friend, or a beloved grandma…who had the name that you are considering and can’t help but feeling some emotions towards the name. I think all of us wouldn’t want to see a child saddled with a name that would bring about bullying or anything. Prime example: I really do not like the name [name_f]Helga[/name_f]. However, some on here love it. If they post asking for honest opinions, I would state that I personally do not like the name…but I would also try to say something positive about it. Like if they give an example combo, I would try to say something like “[name_f]Helga[/name_f] is not my cup of tea, but I think that [name_f]Helga[/name_f] [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] sounds really good! I like that combo :)”. I don’t always accomplish this, but I do try. It gets a bit tricky though, because it can be hard to restrain yourself if someone loves [name_m]Adolph[/name_m], and all you can picture is Hitler, and you know that a good number of people also make the same connection.

Regardless, it is your choice what you name your child. You are the mom (well, potentially). We may bring some things to your attention that you didn’t think about (and this is a general “you”). Please don’t let others taint your liking of a name. I’ve been in the same boat, with various names I like. It’s even happened with names that I don’t mind, but that others hate more than anything else in the world (for example: [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f]…yes, it may be a bit trendy, but come on, is it the worst? If she has onesies on her back, diapers on her butt, and milk in her belly and is loved, is it that big of a deal?)Then one day I realized 1) people on here usually don’t have horrible intentions and 2) if I said I had blonde hair, and someone on here told me they hated blonde hair but thought brunettes were the bomb, would I go running to the hair dresser? no.

Take things with a grain of salt and despite whatever you see, respond positive.

My name is one of the ones that others tend to hate; they could say it sounds like it is meant for hookers, I honestly don’t care. They aren’t saying they hate me (even if they do :smiley: ), instead they are saying they hate the name that happens to be mine. The thing is you will never make everyone happy; everyone has different tastes. Trying to search for a name that will be loved by everyone is futile. If you like the name put it on your list. This is something that people should consider when it comes to sharing names with family and friends too. If a negative opinion makes you (general you, not targeting the op) reconsider, then you shouldn’t be telling people your names. You’ll end up constantly doubting yourself and adding way too much stress that pregnant women don’t need. I’m usually a big people pleaser, so I understand feeling swayed by what others think. However, important things like family/kids and other major life events are something that require a bit of stubbornness behind your decisions.

People can bash the names I love all they want, I will always love them. Personally, I’d rather know the bad stuff with the good. What are the associations people make? I can decide from there if an association is too negative for me to deal with on a daily basis. Also take into account that associations behind names differ depending on where you live too (i.e., [name_f]Jemima[/name_f], [name_f]Allegra[/name_f], [name_f]Fanny[/name_f]). And not to offend anyone on here, because I like the discussions, but most of us are strangers on the internet all over the world. Most of us will never meet. Why stress out over what some stranger who might live half way around the world or on the other side of the country thinks about the name?

Yes! It’s like, I don’t know if they want me to say how much I sraight up hate the name or write it off as not my style.

I don’t let other opinions change how I feel about a name, but people on here do get annoying. I understand why people hate on the -ayden names sometimes, but I’m fed up with seeing it. My nephew’s name is [name_m]Caiden[/name_m] and it’s a perfectly fine name.
I also have to leave forums sometimes because I get so frustrated at seeing everyone hate on more popular names. Hello, there’s a reason they’re popular. They sound good. [name_f]Deal[/name_f] with it. If you want to name your kid Broomhilda go for it, but don’t wrinkle your nose atmy [name_u]Noah[/name_u] or [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f]. It’s beyond irritating. Some berries don’t understand the word “opinion” and act like it’s black and white - good names and bad names - but one person will like [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] while another likes [name_f]Kayleigh[/name_f]. Get over yourselves.

Preach it, that’s how I feel sometimes! Lol Broomhilda.

I hear you. I don’t have a problem with people being negative about names, per se, if it’s not too disrespectful or unreasonable. That’s kind of part of talking about names and why you feel they are usable/valuable/acceptable, or not. I do, however, have a problem with the tone of a lot of the blog posts and “name info” sections. It’s like, what emperor presides over what names are used, by whom, how often, etc.? I get that there are statistics, and that they exist for a reason, but a lot of statements on this websites are hyperbolic generalizations. The opinions of the experts on this website are just that - opinions. Not decrees so sayeth the [name_m]Lord[/name_m]. A lot of the tone makes me feel annoyed. It’s as though everyone feels the same snarky way about all names, and it’s clearly not true. The hatred of popular names that seems to be so pervasive really annoys me, too. If everyone has a special snowflake name, nobody is a special snowflake. What is wrong with just being regular and forming your own identity, by your own personal merits? My baby will not need a name to provide him/her characterization.

When people say, “Give me your honest opinion”. I usually do. I’m not horribly mean, but I’ll say “I really dislike XXX” “I wouldn’t consider XXX because of it’s connection to/sound like ZZZ”.

The only names I’ve sort of been put off of are names that are very straightforward like [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]. It used to be my #1 ages ago and I still like it, but it feels so plain in the light of all the other options.

I really think Nameberry has made me a lot more open about names actually. 5 years ago I would never have looked at names like [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f], [name_f]Coralie[/name_f], [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_m]Zane[/name_m], [name_u]Reid[/name_u], or [name_u]Tate[/name_u].

But then I’m naturally more aggressive and less passive than average. I’ve never been easily swayed by people’s opinions. So when people say [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] makes them think of eggs and traitors, I argue back! There have been a few times where really good arguments changed my opinion though, but I think that was for the best and sorta the point of NB.

I agree, it’s opened me up to a lot of names too. Neither of us changed out minds, but I enjoyed our discussion on [name_m]Benedict[/name_m]. I thought it was very thought-provoking, at least for me, about how people can view names differently within our country.

I agree with the overall sentiment. I honestly feel like people on here can be very snobby when expressing their tastes. Honestly, people constantly harping on kre8tive names gets irritating sometimes, because I constantly see people in the forums lamenting others for naming their kid something trendy or popularz or with different spellings, and my immediate reaction is always the same: “why do you care?” I think there’s a fine line between giving your opinion and then outright judging people. I mean, yeah, if you name your kid [name_m]Adolph[/name_m] than I understand THAT judgement, but really, if you hate a name like [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] or [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f], why do you care so much if a stranger names their baby that? I hate the name [name_f]Ethel[/name_f], but I’m not going to act appalled if someone names their kids that. Everyone has their own reasons for choosing a certain name. I would never want somebody to feel like they shouldn’t like a name because I don’t like it. I know a lot of people here hate the name [name_f]Kayleigh[/name_f] and all its various other spellings, but I don’t care. I think it’s beautiful and to me personally, I think it’d make a good name. I don’t care if people don’t like it because it’s not their potential kid being named, it’s mine.

Basically, people should just not take everything so seriously.

It is very different thinking about names for an actual child and names for a list. Honestly some of those that are enjoying creating names that are pushing their boundaries, will end-up backing up and using something that might be more popular when they are actually naming a real human being. I have named a real human being, it is not the same as making lists. I made lists in my teens and young twenties. I was pretty adamant at the time of my thoughts and what will happen when I was older (not only about names but how my life would be, how I would raise my children, etc). My views and opinions changed over time and when a real person was involved…and a husband.

As to the comments people make about names. I think it is helpful to hear constructive opinions. I also think it is fine for others to say they do not like certain names or not fond of them and explaining why. The out-right rude, over-the-top comments look juvenile and silly. I have seen posters that seem to go around just planting rude statement after rude statement, rarely posting anything constructive. They do not make me mad, they make me think poorly of them and I wonder why they feel the need to try to upset others.

As to those that make the statement that others need to not take things so seriously. Often times I notice the teens and young adults are making this statement. Sure when I was that age, I did not take things so seriously either. As time went on things became more important.

I have also noticed that quite a few of those that post over-the-top comments do not have a signature. Why don’t you boldly place your favorites in your signature line for the rest of us to view and maybe comment on. Those that do have signatures. I have often seen posters complaining about unisex names and boys’ names on girls, surname names, or a few putting down SON names to only have a few or even more of these names in their own signatures. Mainly it is those complaining about surnames. I have always wanted to point this out to them.

Plus you do not need to post in every thread. If you dislike the name enough that you honestly do not have anything nice to say, then skip over the post. I do this, and I am guessing many others do too.

Well, my name is Jennifer, so let’s start there.

I’m a long time fan of Linda and Pam and have a first edition of Beyond Jennifer and Jason: The Enlightened Guide to Naming Your Baby. I picked it up over twenty years ago when I was a young teenager…somewhere around the age of 12 or 13 I think. I loved it because I am one of many Jennifers, and at the time, I wished my name was anything but Jennifer!

That being said, I’m now pushing 40, and I LOVE my name. There’s a reason it was a number one name for twenty years. There’s a reason it didn’t fall out of the top fifty until 2006. There’s a reason it will come back one day and be popular again. It’s a freaking awesome name. I’ve said it here on different threads quite a few times. It’s got all the qualities of a perfect Nameberry name, aside from its recent popularity. It’s got a rich and lovely history dating back to the Welsh Gwenfrewi and Cornish Guinevere. It’s also got an interesting sound and combination of consonant sounds…J/F/R…it’s not like any other name (and no, I’m not counting “Juniper” because Juniper has a much harder sound than Jennifer–say them both aloud and listen to the difference).

I hate that so many people just trash my name because it was super popular. As someone who has worn a popular name, I will say I tend to gravitate towards less popular names, BUT some of my favorite names are very popular and/or common ones: Hailey, Ava, Isabelle, Sophie, Sarah, Olivia, Emily, Paige, Valerie, and Kaylee (this spelling because Browncoat FOREVER), for example. I don’t hate the names because they are popular, and I don’t bash parents who choose them. Popularity doesn’t ruin a name for me, even though it makes me less likely to use it, no matter how much I like it, mainly because I already know a lot of people who HAVE used it, and I don’t want to copy them.

However, even though I LOVE some really out there names, I’m also hesitant about using some of them as well, just because I want my children to really like their names, too, and not feel like I was just indulging my own interests at their expense. I tend to love names attached to characters I love, but some of them (Neytiri, Rukia, and Galadriel, for example) just aren’t usable for real, actual people. (I remember an episode of Night Court where Mac and Quon Le had their baby and she told him she wanted to name their daughter after her favorite character from her favorite book, and he immediately agreed…the name? FLICKA. As in the horse. And while some Berries think the nn Flick is just super-cute, all it makes ME think about is flicking boogers, as in, “pick it, flick it, watch it stick.” And of course, the horse. They ended up using Flicka as a mn, but still, that episode made a huge impression on me as a child!)

That being said, I do have a problem with “kreatif” names because I don’t think changing the spelling enhances a name that much, and sometimes it just makes it look silly. I saw an “Analyse” that was supposed to be pronounced “Anna-leese” but just looked like the British version of “analyze.” Some names have acceptable variants: C/Katherine, Eliz/sabeth, C/Kaitlin, Haley/Hailey, for example. Sometimes, though, though, parents can take even this too far and end up with the Kardashian effect and the names end up looking dated. Also, sometimes changing letters can confuse pronunciations, as in, G/J or even C/K, so I think parents should be careful there, too.

I really do wonder why some parents feel the need to change the spelling of names so much, too. Changing the spelling doesn’t make it a different or more unique name, so aside from sheer aesthetics, why? (Note: I am fine with two versions of most names, at the most three, if considering minor differences like endings of -y/-ie/or even -eigh, but after that, it can get ridiculous. And some names, like Jennifer, shouldn’t ever be changed…I’m looking at you, Ginnifer Goodwin–born Jennifer Goodwin!)

Edit to add: Most of the time, I don’t dislike names so much as I dislike the associations I have with them via other people or characters. If I have strong feelings about those associations, it’s worse. For example, Dolores, for me, will ALWAYS be the evil, hateful Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter, and Thatcher will always be Meredith’s disgustingly weak and pitiful excuse for a father on Grey’s Anatomy. My brain is like Velcro for pop-culture references, and sometimes I point those out when I post here, especially if I have a particularly negative association with the name because of that. I think every parent should be informed of loathsome associations…especially of more uncommon names. Names like Tom (as in Tom Riddle, a.k.a Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter), however, can stand up to those associations because there are more Toms around and a child won’t necessarily be ostracized for having a bad name association.

Also, I think NB has helped sway me on a few names. Dorothy, for example. I used to hate it, but now I like it…not enough to use for my own child, but I would admire it on someone else’s child. There are very few names that I don’t like just based on the name itself, and that’s usually because of the way it sounds OR because it’s a name that I think of just being there because Baby had to have a name.

I have requested opinions on names before and don’t always get a positive response…for example, when I first heard the name Tosca, it was when I met writer Tosca Lee, and I liked the name, but wasn’t sure if I was more impressed with it or with her (because she’s really cool and she’s a great writer and she had the most amazing pair of boots I have ever seen!). I got a really negative response to the name on the forums, but realized that I didn’t really care, which told me that I needed to add it to my list. A few years later, and I still love it!

I love this. Well said. I don’t find NB too harsh, sometimes a touch of snobbery? Yes. But I am guilty of those thoughts too. Ultimately I dont give a shnit if someone doesn’'t like my name choices. I know [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] divides NB and I actively enjoy that :wink:

Hey, ShellezBellez, just want to say thanks for being a longtime fan! And yeah, the name [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] is really intrinsically beautiful, isn’t it? There’s a reason some names get and stay so popular for so long.

I totally agree with you! Sometimes there’s a lot of name snobbery on here, which kind of bugs me. It seems like sometimes people think their better for picking [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] as compared to someone picking [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] when really those names are super similar in style, the only difference is popularity.

I also feel like people beat a dead horse on here :stuck_out_tongue: We all know most people on here most likely dislike the -ayden trend and [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f], how many times can there be comments like that?

Like the previous poster [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] (whose name I simply adore), I think about the feedback I get and try and determine if I care about it. If I hear something like “oh my, I really hate [name_f]Elena[/name_f]” and I’m sitting there like “Well, I don’t care” I know I should put the name on my list, but it the “oh my, I hate that name” really bugs me, maybe it isn’t the name for me.

I apologize if I offended anyone. I do enjoy people critiquing my choices as it made me look at my name from a different perspective, in which I have tweaked. I can not believe that anyone meant to reject you or your choices, but we are simply giving you our opinion. Take my opinion with a grain of salt, as I am looking at things with somewhat older take. Both my kids (adults) want me to name their kids as they are happy with their names, so obviously Everybody’s opinion does matter . I find each person here so creative, and sometimes I hate their names as they sound so outdated. Then after pondering that name for a few days it becomes a favorite!

I actually prefer it when people are a lil’ sassy on here. Its the internet, its not like you have to go work with these people and be pleasant and agreeable. I don’t think anyone has to be flat-out rude (especially if it’s a name someone has chosen for a child) but it is a discussion forum after all, it would be nice to get some actual discussion going.