Nameberry downloads rather than opening

So, this is sort of a weird thing that keeps happening. For the past week or so, when I click on my Nameberry bookmark, it downloads to my computer and won’t open the website. I use Chrome, but I tried it in Firefox and it did the same thing. Any idea what that’s about? It always fixes itself, and I end up forgetting about it when I get into NB again, but it’s done it a good 4 or 5 times.

It happens to me a couple of days ago . To get in i open a different page and not the opening page of NB . But i have thought that they have fixed that . It happens , today too ?

It happened a couple of days ago, but went away pretty quickly. The only way I found to get around it was to search for ‘Nameberry’ in Google and then click on the ‘Girl’s Names’ link and go on to the forums. It never worked when I clicked my NB bookmark or went to the home page though,

Same thing has been happening to me too lately :confused:

That happens to me every now and then. I just go through Google or go directly to one of the forums, whichever works.

Same thing happens to me! :frowning:

Same thing happens to me. Like Southern [name_f]Maple[/name_f] I end up googling and going straight to one of the forums. It’s weird!

It keeps doing it. I keep worrying it’s a virus DL’ing. A few weeks ago the entire site was in some foreign language and it freaked me out. I got in today via googling nameberry and clicking on the forums button, but that’s the only way I was able to get in.

Hmm. It was a problem for me earlier but it seems to have gone away.

I’m having this problem too. It happened another time some hours ago…