I’m sure there has already been a thread similar to this one, but I decided to start this one because I’m very interested to hear your stories! [name]Do[/name] you have any regret in naming your child? Maybe you decided on one name in the beginning then decided to change it later on? Or perhaps you never changed it but wish you would’ve?
I knew one couple who decided to change their son’s name when he was 2! It seemed really odd to everyone at the time, but eventually they all (including the boy) got used to the name change. Now he’s 7 and probably wouldn’t remember it anyways.
I know a girl who was called [name]Naomi[/name] until she was 5 and then her parents changed her name to [name]Emily[/name] (her middle name!)
We planned on naming our daughter [name]Cadence[/name] until the day before she was born but changed our minds to [name]Annabelle[/name]. I always loved [name]Annabelle[/name] my Husband was the one who was against it.
not me personally, but my cousins while still teenagers AND my uncle all changed their names to less ‘cultural’ names though they’d been living in nz all this time! uncle over 20 years, older cousin 16 years. Beforehand they were Javad, Kourush, [name]Mina[/name]. Now my cousins are [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Nina[/name] and i cant remember what my uncle changed his name too! [name]Jack[/name] maybe? i didnt think it was nessecary i’ve known them by their ‘old’ names for years! i’m still shocked to this day as it seemed really sudden.
I don’t regret any of the names I’ve chosen for my children, but I do occasionally regret the spellings we’ve used. Most on my daughters – [name]Cambry[/name] and [name]Teagan[/name]. I thought they were straightforward and understandable when I chose them.
People tend to say [name]Cambry[/name] (prn. [name]CAM[/name]-bree) as “[name]Cam[/name]-BRY” as in [name]Bryan[/name]. When we were choosing her name we struggled with decided how to spell it. We were torn on whether to use [name]Cambry[/name], [name]Cambree[/name], or [name]Cambrie[/name]. I wish we would have go with [name]Cambree[/name], sometimes. She likes her spelling, though.
[name]Teagan[/name] (prn. TEE-gan) is often called “[name]TAY[/name]-gan” like [name]Reagan[/name]. I sort of understand why it’s happening, but I’ve never met or heard of someone named [name]Teagan[/name] that pronounces it that way. I’ve always assumed that [name]Teagan[/name] is a fairly well known name. I regret not spelling it [name]Tegan[/name] a lot of the time. That is one thing I probably would change if she wasn’t already six.
Their names as a whole I love. For a very short period after my first son’s birth I regretted not naming him [name]Justin[/name]. Twelve years later I cannot imagine him being a [name]Justin[/name]. [name]Glad[/name] I didn’t act on that.
Yes, I named my son [name]Mason[/name] back before it was quite so ubiquitous. There was a time when it was a normal name but you didn’t hear it on every other kid. Now of course, he’s a [name]Mason[/name] H in class, and introduces himself as such to EVERYBODY, classmate or no. [name]Kinda[/name] bums me out. I still love the name. It’s a family name, and I had my heart set on it for years. It fits his personality very well, too, I just wish it didn’t jump to number one in popularity. I never thought it would have, because [name]Mason[/name] has always been one of those names that was common but not ever uber trendy. His middle name is [name]Wilder[/name], though, so at least there’s something unique about his name. Currently waiting impatiently for a nn to pop up. He likes being one of a million Masons though. It must be like belonging to a club.
[name]Felix[/name] was never on our baby name list. I don’t even think we ever looked at it let alone considered it. When my son was born we went in thinking he was a she so when it became obvious that he couldn’t be named [name]Agatha[/name] we fell back on our number one boys named [name]Percy[/name]. But he didn’t look or feel like a [name]Percy[/name] and for some reason both of us thought of [name]Felix[/name] at the same time.
I love the meaning of the name, and it does suit him completely, but I wish we would have chosen another name off our list now that we are pregnant with number two. It is hard to pair [name]Felix[/name] with names that don’t match.
I don’t have naming remorse, thankfully. I just wanted to reply that [name]Felix[/name] seems really flexible to me since it fits a few different categories (vintage, Hispanic, [name]Saint[/name] names, international, “nerdy”, etc.) I think [name]Felix[/name] would be great paired with most of the names in your siggy! (All except maybe Nightingale, Evergreen, and maybe [name]Lettice[/name]). Actually, [name]Felix[/name]'s flexibility is one thing that really draws me to it. I bet once you find the right name for #2 you’ll not have remorse about [name]Felix[/name] anymore.
I was kind of young when I got pregnant (18) and I just kind of just went along with what my mom wanted because she would make rude comments about the name I liked - at this point, I had been a name nerd for several years already and had a good idea of what I liked and what I wanted, but I didn’t want to disappoint - never again! My son’s name is way too popular for me. It’s nice and all, I just wanted something more distinctive. (His name is [name]Caleb[/name], btw).
Whats weird is that while I don’t really like his name, it honestly fits him to a T.
I had namer’s remorse after my first child. I think it was more the process that felt so strange to me. Choosing another human being’s name felt like such a big responsibility and I worried we didn’t have a good enough reason for the name we picked. I guess I thought I would have more of a spiritual epiphany about the name, and that never really happened. It just felt so arbitrary choosing a name we liked and agreed on. I think he just needed to grow into the name a bit and for us to start thinking of him as [name]Luke[/name]. Now, 6 years later, I spend no energy worrying about whether I made the right decision. He’s [name]Luke[/name], through and through.
It’s not so much namer’s remorse as it is sadness over not being able to use one of my top names for my only daughter. Some of you may remember my story because I agonized over it for months. I had 2 sons already and I had my girl name picked out for years - [name]Elle[/name]. I ended up (stupidly) telling it to a friend who happens to have the same last name as me. She then used it for her daughter. Then I picked out another name - [name]Estelle[/name] - which I ended up loving and I felt it solved my dilemma perfectly. I loved everything about the name [name]Estelle[/name]. DH had liked the name [name]Elle[/name], but didn’t really care for [name]Estelle[/name], even though he did agree to it. Up until she was born, I thought her name would probably be [name]Estelle[/name]. Once we got to the hospital and had the baby, he did not want to name her [name]Estelle[/name]. He wanted to name her [name]Ella[/name]. I did not want [name]Ella[/name], but guess what we ended up naming her on the day we left the hospital? Yep, and while the name [name]Ella[/name] is pretty, it makes me sick whenever I think about her being one of 5 Ellas everywhere she goes. On the plus side, it fits her. I also learned that [name]Ella[/name] is a family name and my grandma was really happy about it. I really hope that I can get over everything that annoys me about this.
Yes! I’ve had name regret on and off for 15 months. I chose [name]Gabrielle[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] and I feel that it’s a mouthful. We also get a lot of mis-pronunciations. People call her [name]Gabriel[/name] all the time. I also don’t care for the meaning “heroine of God”. [name]Just[/name] seems lackluster to me.
I often wonder if I should have gone with something more spunky or sophisticated or just plain shorter like [name]Harper[/name] or [name]Sutton[/name] or [name]Camille[/name] or [name]Greta[/name] or [name]Violet[/name]…the list is never ending. I suppose there’s always number 2.
We were going to name her [name]Joselin[/name]. I am SOOO glad that we at least didn’t go forward with that. I had announced it to friends and family, had items monogrammed, but just couldn’t do it. I went to the hospital with a short list of [name]Katherine[/name]/[name]Catherine[/name], [name]Sarah[/name], [name]Harper[/name], [name]Piper[/name], [name]Gabrielle[/name], and I think that was it. We knew the middle name would be [name]Amelia[/name] after my great grandmother. After labor, I went to sleep that night and dreamed her name was [name]Gabrielle[/name] and we went with it.
It’s a lot of pressure to name another person. It’s not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be. I think my love of names made it harder!
Yep - my baby girl is 8 months old and I called her [name]Ivy[/name]. I like the name but it has irked me since day 1 and has never felt right. [name]Every[/name] time people ask her name I feel embarrassed to say ‘[name]Ivy[/name]’. Her name unfortunately has been a real downer for me. My family don’t like it and have openly said so. Changing her name for me is in the too hard basket. I wish I could go back in time and ‘name her properly’ as she was named under pressure and when I was sleep deprived and on painkillers with my mum breathing down my throat to hurry up. I am actually bad with decision making in general. When she was named I panicked and choose the name that my husband liked most and that was the middle name for the others on my list. There was a name ([name]Britta[/name]) that has been my favourite since I was about 13 and came from my Danish heritage. For some reason I thought the name I chose should be a name that my husband and I thought of together, not a name that I liked personally. Now I realise that I should have been more selfish as I am sure my partner would have let through [name]Britta[/name]. Argh…I have tried for the last two weeks to forget about it as the naming moment has really passed but I cant seem to let it go (hence this entry on this blog!!!)
My stepdad’s ex-wife did this. She’d been in the U.S. for about a decade when she decided [name]Larissa[/name] sounded too Russian and changed it to [name]Laura[/name]. Honestly, I don’t get it.