[name]Baby[/name] due this spring and we’re not finding out the sex. I have posted here before and you guys have been great, so hoping for more feedback.
We like [name]Owen[/name], but it was used last year by a family member and we are concerned it is a little too trendy. We like [name]Rowan[/name] as an alternative, but worry that it is too gender-neutral.
I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Nathan[/name] ([name]Nate[/name]) and [name]Isaac[/name]. DH has vetoed them both.
Other names I like (that DH does not): [name]Nolan[/name], [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Gus[/name], [name]Scott[/name], [name]John[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Joseph[/name]
Middle name will likely be [name]Arthur[/name]. Any suggestions that may incorporate these tastes are appreciated.
[name]Hi[/name], my 1st born son is named [name]Owen[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]. Although [name]Owen[/name] is more popular then I would have liked, I adore the name and it fits him so well. Finding a name that was as cool and the same style for my second born son was tough but we went with [name]Rhys[/name] ( Welsh form of [name]Reece[/name]). Of course I am biased but I also think this name is great and [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] sound so handsome. I really like it maybe you will too!
Thanks! I am beginning to take a different approach to thinking that I don’t want a name in the top 100 baby names…I find a name like [name]Owen[/name] which ranks #54 (I think…Or somewhere in the 50s) in 2008. Then I go back to the year I was born in the 70’s and see what #54 was and that gives me a really good sense of just [name]HOW[/name] popular the name is among kids I would have gone to school with! I think this is a great technique!
So while [name]Owen[/name] is a tad popular, it’s only as popular as [name]Gary[/name] was when i was in school. I don’t remember many (or any?) [name]Gary[/name]'s!
The only potential problem with this method is if [name]Owen[/name] is rising in popularity (which I bet it is). In which case, [name]Owen[/name] could become the new [name]Jacob[/name].
I am still bouncing between [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name]. One reason why I prefer [name]Rowan[/name]: I don’t [name]LOVE[/name] the idea of 2 vowels in the initials (OA for [name]Owen[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] Lastname).
One reason why i prefer [name]Owen[/name]: My daughter’s name is [name]Joanna[/name], and I worry it is a bit too (unintentionally) rhymy with [name]Rowan[/name] (Jow-anna, Row-an)??
I also [name]LOVE[/name] the names [name]Isaac[/name] and [name]Nathan[/name]… they are two of my absolute favorites. More names I like- [name]Noah[/name], [name]William[/name], [name]Liam[/name], [name]Ryan[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name], [name]Ezekiel[/name] [nn [name]Zeke[/name]] [name]Jamon[/name], [name]Connor[/name].
I love your sons’ names! [name]Owen[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] is so warm and cuddly and also strong. [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] sounds like a clever Welsh knight. If I could still have babies, I think you would really inspire me! I might have to steal one of your name combos. I love them both so much that it would be difficult to decide which one to steal!