some I have loved for years [[name]Liberty[/name], etc] others are new:
most are for boys, I find them boyish for some reason. lol
[name]Shade[/name] - my dad suggested it, when we were talking about [name]Shadow[/name]'s name.
[name]Shadow[/name] - either gender. I recently went to Disneyland, and there was a young girl named [name]Shadow[/name] there.
[name]Drake[/name]: I’m partial to [name]Drake[/name], as it’s a family name.
[name]Arizona[/name]: I think it’s better suited for a girl, but could go either way.
[name]Jackson[/name]: [name]Love[/name] this name.
[name]Demetrius[/name]: Classic.
I like [name]Arizona[/name] for a girl, [name]Nevada[/name] is also okay for a girl. I like Alaska for a girl as well. [name]Valentine[/name] would be better as [name]Valentina[/name] or [name]Valentino[/name]. I like [name]Jackson[/name], though it’s popular. [name]Holiday[/name] is okay in sound, but I can’t really see wanting to name a child that when [name]Holly[/name], [name]Holland[/name], or [name]Hollis[/name] is fine. I like [name]Willow[/name], and [name]Liberty[/name] is okay. [name]Shade[/name] I can’t see naming a child, nor [name]Shadow[/name], those are names for horses or dogs. [name]Shade[/name] in particular has a sinister sound and implication to it. [name]Aspen[/name] I’ve never understood, all I hear with that is “ass pen…” the rest I dislike or am indifferent to.
From your list for girls I like: [name]Holiday[/name] you could call her [name]Hollie[/name], [name]Liberty[/name] (love it), [name]Valentine[/name] but I would do [name]Valentina[/name] instead, and [name]Sonnet[/name] (but I think I would prefer it as a mn for a girl)
Boys: [name]Drake[/name] (great choice), [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Yarrow[/name], and [name]Demetrius[/name].
I had a cat named [name]Jedi[/name] and a dog named [name]Shadow[/name], so those are no-gos for me. I do really like [name]Drake[/name], [name]North[/name], [name]Willow[/name] and [name]Demetrius[/name]. [name]Willow[/name] used to be on my girl names list. I lightly considered [name]Drake[/name] for my son and I am considering [name]North[/name] as a middle name for my next. As for [name]Demetrius[/name], I have always had a soft spot for names from Greek mythology and Russian names like [name]Dimitri[/name].
Alpine - different
[name]Crescent[/name] - for a girl?
[name]Jedi[/name] - too close to star wars
Mississippi - nice if you like it missi as nn
[name]Nevada[/name] - again very nice dand unusual
[name]Drake[/name] - i like it but could be seen in regard to rap singer
[name]Arizona[/name]- My daughters middle name!! Bloooming [name]LOVE[/name] it!
Alaska - i like
[name]Valentine[/name] - hmmm…?
[name]Jackson[/name] - yup i like
[name]Holiday[/name]- no not keen
[name]North[/name] - more of a middle i think…
[name]Alabama[/name] - hmm…
[name]Sonnet[/name] - yes very nice
[name]Liberty[/name] - Oh hello!!! I also very much [name]LOVE[/name] this name too!! hehe
[name]Yarrow[/name] - sounds like marrow…
[name]Willow[/name] - like but also getting to be a popular name so not as ‘unusual’ as it was!
[name]Venice[/name] - yes very unique
[name]Aspen[/name] - i like…
[name]Shade[/name] - not a fan but i do like [name]Shaye[/name]… could be close contender!
[name]Demetrius[/name] - its nice… but does it have the uniquness… hmmmm
[name]Shadow[/name] - very unique…
Archimedes - all i can think of is the bird from sword of the stone on this one . xx
Alpine- This is the breed of dairy goats I raise so my intial responce is absolutly not, but then upon realizing I’m weird and most people won’t reconize the goat connection but think of the mountains instead I think it would be a cool nature-y type name, it would probaly be best as a middle name though, but [name]Al[/name] or [name]Allie[/name] would make a good nn if you used it as a first name and the child wanted a more “normal” name
[name]Crescent[/name]- pretty cool sounding as a name. my first thought is a crescent moon which is a cool conection
[name]Jedi[/name]- too star wars, but if you really like it I would say use it as a nn for [name]Jedidiah[/name] or something so the child has something to fall back on if they ever want a more “normal” sounding name. I think most little boys would probaly love the star wars connection though.
Mississippi- for a little girl with the nn [name]Missy[/name] this would be pretty cute. Same with [name]Missouri[/name].
[name]Nevada[/name]- for a boy or girl? either way it sounds pretty cool
[name]Drake[/name]- pretty normal for a boy, I don’t see any issues with it
[name]Arizona[/name]- nn [name]Ari[/name] (air-ee) and [name]Zona[/name] are pretty cool for a girl
Alaska- boy or girl? [name]Allie[/name] or [name]Lassie[/name] would be cool nn for a girl
[name]Valentine[/name]- like it. [name]Valentino[/name] and [name]Valentina[/name] are awesome too and a bit more gender spacific
[name]Jackson[/name]- like it
[name]Holiday[/name]- best for a girl I think
[name]North[/name]- cool
[name]Alabama[/name]- cool, [name]Al[/name] and [name]Allie[/name] make good nn
[name]Sonnet[/name]- like it
[name]Liberty[/name]- love it!
[name]Yarrow[/name]- like it
[name]Willow[/name]- love it!
[name]Venice[/name]- Venny is a cute nn
[name]Aspen[/name]- boy or girl? like it either way
[name]Shade[/name] - can’t see it on a child except for maybe as a nn. All I can think of when I hear it is window shades or lamp shades.
[name]Demetrius[/name]- I don’t see any problems with it, it’s a nice old name
[name]Shadow[/name] - can’t see it on a child, sorry
Archimedes- [name]Archie[/name] is an awesome nn
[name]Just[/name] wondering, do the state names have any special meaning to you? I noticed you like alot of state names so I thought you might have a connection to each one. If so that would be a great rfeason to use them, if not they’re still cool names.
A lot of your names are place names, and my feeling is that a place name only really makes sense if there is a special significance to that place and that child. (But please, no ‘my child was conceived here.’ That’s SO awkward.) That being said…
Alpine - Fine for a boy
[name]Crescent[/name] - not into it.
[name]Jedi[/name] - A little too sci-fi for me.
Mississippi - Could be a sweet and different middle for a girl
[name]Nevada[/name] - not into it.
[name]Drake[/name] - not my style
[name]Arizona[/name] - For a girl
Alaska - For a girl
[name]Valentine[/name] - I don’t like it at all
[name]Jackson[/name] - This always reminds me of [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name]. No.
[name]Holiday[/name] - Sweet for a girl, as a middle
[name]North[/name] - For a boy
[name]Alabama[/name] - I Sounds like a far stretch for both boy and girl
[name]Sonnet[/name] - I like this one! Middle for a girl
[name]Liberty[/name] - I don’t like this virtue name, although not all are bad.
[name]Yarrow[/name] - Sounds like a mix between Yellow and [name]Arrow[/name]. I don’t like it.
[name]Willow[/name] - Beautiful name.
[name]Venice[/name] - For a girl.
[name]Aspen[/name] - For a boy.
[name]Shade[/name] - I don’t like it. It’s always in the shadow of something.
[name]Demetrius[/name] - Not my style at all.
[name]Shadow[/name] - I don’t like it. It’s either mysterious, or comes off as inferior to something
Archimedes - Wow, not my style.
Alpine – I can’t see this as a first name, but it could make a cool middle.
[name]Arizona[/name] – This is very unusual, but I think it is pretty and spunky for a girl.
[name]Valentine[/name] – I have been loving this one lately as a middle name for a girl! Reminds me of the sweet character in the [name]Count[/name] of [name]Monte[/name] Cristo book.
[name]Jackson[/name] – This one is okay. Much more popular than the rest of your list.
[name]Holiday[/name] – This is cool. Might be a little much as a first name since it is a common word, but as a middle it would be just lovely!
[name]North[/name] – Very strong and handsome.
[name]Sonnet[/name] – So lovely!
[name]Liberty[/name] – This is nms, but quite cool and spunky.
[name]Yarrow[/name] – I don’t like this one, but it reminds me of [name]Sorrel[/name] which I like a lot!
[name]Willow[/name] – Very nice.
[name]Venice[/name] – Wow, this one is cool! Nice imagery.
[name]Aspen[/name] – Very pretty, although it does have unfortunate syllables
[name]Demetrius[/name] – [name]Love[/name] it! But idk if I would be bold enough to use it.
Names I don’t like much
[name]Shade[/name] - my dad suggested it, when we were talking about [name]Shadow[/name]'s name.
[name]Shadow[/name] - either gender. I recently went to Disneyland, and there was a young girl named [name]Shadow[/name] there.
I like [name]Arizona[/name], Alaska, [name]Sonnet[/name], [name]Willow[/name] for girls, and [name]Valentine[/name] {b}, [name]Jackson[/name], [name]North[/name], [name]Aspen[/name], and Archimedes for boys. I actually think [name]Willow[/name] could work for a boy, though.
I really like [name]Liberty[/name] with the nn [name]Libby[/name]!
Alpine - Not so fond of this one. I like [name]Alfred[/name] much better.
[name]Crescent[/name] - It’s pretty, but might have some religious issues.
[name]Jedi[/name] - Reminds me of [name]Star[/name] Wars…Darth, [name]Hans[/name], [name]Lea[/name]…etc.
Mississippi - Not as nice as [name]Tennessee[/name] but has some cool nn options…[name]Missi[/name], Pipa, [name]Cissy[/name], [name]Cece[/name].
[name]Nevada[/name] - I like this one. It sounds sheik.
[name]Drake[/name] - Yes, I like this one too. Although it could be duck related…It reminds me of an athletic person.
[name]Arizona[/name] - No, too familier with the Jeans & Clothing line.
Alaska - It’s ok, but also could have some teasing issues.
[name]Valentine[/name] - I love this one. It is fashionable and lovely with many nn options. [name]Val[/name], Valie, [name]Len[/name], [name]Leni[/name], [name]Tine[/name], [name]Tina[/name], even [name]Hart[/name] would be cute!
[name]Jackson[/name] - I love it, but it’s a little too trendy right now.
[name]Holiday[/name] - This is one that would be different but stylish. I like it very much!
[name]North[/name] - Yes, I like this one too. Reminds me of [name]Winter[/name] but it is unique.
[name]Alabama[/name] - This is too country and reminds me of a redneck name.
[name]Sonnet[/name] - Beautiful and ironically poetic.
[name]Liberty[/name] - [name]One[/name] of my favorites. I’ve always loved [name]Liberty[/name] with the nn [name]Libby[/name].
[name]Yarrow[/name] - [name]Unique[/name], but I’m not fond of it. It might be one that grows on you though.
[name]Willow[/name] - I love this name! Also one of my favorite word names. Since I was a little girl the Weeping [name]Willow[/name] trees had a beauty and imagination theme to me.
[name]Venice[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this one too! Like [name]Vienna[/name] it’s one of my favorite place names.
[name]Aspen[/name] - I don’t care for this one. It could have very unfriendly teasing opportunities.
[name]Shade[/name] - my dad suggested it, when we were talking about [name]Shadow[/name]'s name. - This is unique and extremely stylish! I love it!
[name]Demetrius[/name] - I have a close love to this name. It is a special family name on my husband’s side. We were going to use it for a mn if our first child was a boy.
[name]Shadow[/name] - either gender. I recently went to Disneyland, and there was a young girl named [name]Shadow[/name] there. _ VEry different and cute. I’d consider it!
Archimedes - Too much of an [name]Archie[/name] vibe. It’s ok, but not one of my favorites.
Alpine- it throws me off b/c it’s an adjective being used as a noun. [name]Aspen[/name] is close, I prefer that.
[name]Crescent[/name]- interesting…but I think of crescent rolls.
[name]Jedi[/name]- Like [name]Star[/name] Wars? Mmmmm…not on a person. On a pet is better.
Mississippi- Too geo/political. Only works as a place/geograpical name imo.
[name]Nevada[/name]- I could see this on a girl, better as a middle name, imo.
[name]Drake[/name]- cool, not usually on peoples radar, but far from being out-there.
[name]Arizona[/name]- definitely on a girl. Since it’s been introduced into pop-culture with the movie Raising [name]Arizona[/name], I see it as a viable choice.
Alaska- maybe as a middle for a girl, but I don’t see it working beyond that. Alaska has crossed my mind before, but I rulled it a no-go.
[name]Valentine[/name]- I see this on a boy, but I like [name]Valentino[/name] better as a first, [name]Valentine[/name] would be better for the middle, I think.
[name]Jackson[/name]- Too trendy
[name]Holiday[/name]- cute for a girls mn
[name]North[/name]- Really cool, best as a boy mn
[name]Alabama[/name]- see my comment for Mississippi
[name]Sonnet[/name]- cute for a girl
[name]Liberty[/name]- I know a little girl with this name, but I find it a stretch
[name]Yarrow[/name]- Knew a boy with this name, I get a hippi vibe. Its also the name of a plant
[name]Willow[/name]- Can see it on a girl more. I knew a boy with this name, but didn’t dig it on him, I thought it was just too soft for a boy.
[name]Venice[/name]- Sound like it could make a good girl mn, don’t see it on a boy
[name]Aspen[/name]- Met a baby girl once with this name. I like it’s nature-y associaton
[name]Shade[/name] - sounds too dark and sad
[name]Demetrius[/name]- nms, but totally viable fn or mn
[name]Shadow[/name] -like shade, just too dark and sad of a connotation
Archimedes- cool for a pet, a little ridiculous on a human, not meaning to be harsh, but its over the top unless you’re from/live in Greece
[name]Drake[/name] - love love love this one!
[name]Shade[/name] - I can see this working, I don’t love it, but it’s not bad
[name]Demetrius[/name] - this is okay, bit out there but very much a name
[name]Liberty[/name] - love this for a girl, not for a boy
[name]Willow[/name] - all girl to me, it’s just too popular for girls for me to imagine on a boy
Alpine -meh, I might be able to see this as a middle name.
[name]Valentine[/name] - I prefer just [name]Valen[/name], I think [name]Valentine[/name] is too loaded
[name]North[/name] - meh, I don’t mind this as a middle
[name]Jackson[/name] - super common to the point of being dull. I prefer just [name]Jack[/name]
Archimedes - meh, bit excessive but not as terrible as some
[name]Holiday[/name] - I don’t get the appeal of this one. I’ve see it on lists before but…
[name]Venice[/name] - hmm, I dunno, I think it’s too close to venison for me, maybe [name]Venetia[/name] for a girl
[name]Alabama[/name]/[name]Arizona[/name] /Alaska/Mississippi/[name]Nevada[/name] -state names are just state names to me, I don’t like any of them as given names, even the super common [name]Georgia[/name].
[name]Sonnet[/name] - meh, as a middle for a girl I’d be okay with it, as a first for a boy…not so much
[name]Yarrow[/name] - hmmm, this feels to me like naming a kid Potato
[name]Crescent[/name] - same as above, like using Bagel for a name - what about [name]Cressida[/name]?
[name]Shadow[/name] - much prefer [name]Shade[/name], shadow is a bit too close to ghost for me
[name]Aspen[/name] - ass pen
[name]Jedi[/name] - no, I would laugh so hard if I met a kid named this. Would you name your kid [name]Wizard[/name]?
Some others that might work for you: [name]Cedar[/name], [name]Cyprus[/name], [name]Field[/name], Dare, [name]Crane[/name], [name]Reef[/name], [name]Thane[/name], [name]Banks[/name], [name]Pace[/name], Rook, [name]West[/name], [name]Justice[/name], [name]Gage[/name]
I like [name]Demetrius[/name] and [name]Valentine[/name]. Archimedes was the name of my rat (nicknamed [name]Archie[/name]) so I have a skewed vision of that one.