Some of these I wish I was brave enough to name a child one day (but I’m not), others I love but just don’t fit my style. And then there are my guilty pleasures…
[name]Agatha[/name]: I’m ready for it, not sure about the rest of the world. [name]Agatha[/name] [name]Christie[/name] is such a cool namesake.
[name]Alfie[/name]: This is really cute, but I feel like it would be hard to take an “[name]Alfie[/name]” seriously.
[name]Anselm[/name]: I just can’t do it.
[name]Archie[/name]: Soooo 1950s. That’s why I love it. That’s part of why it won’t work.
[name]Augustine[/name]: [name]Saint[/name] [name]Augustine[/name] is one of my heroes, but I can’t help but feel this is too much for a child. I may have to shorten it to [name]Gus[/name] and stick it in the second or third name slot.
[name]Avery[/name]: Meaning, check. Sound, check. But I’m not too into unisex names for the most part.
[name]Axel[/name]: [name]LOVE[/name] the meaning, “father of peace,” but it can’t escape the image of a wannabe rocker.
[name]Baxter[/name]: Great sound, great feel. Too bad it’s ultimately meaningless. If only I had an association that would give me an excuse to use it.
[name]Caroline[/name]: Everyone would say “lyn” instead of “line.” Sorry, [name]Neil[/name] [name]Diamond[/name].
[name]Casey[/name]: At the bat. I love it, but it doesn’t fit it with my “Absolutely must use” list.
[name]Chester[/name]: Either he’d be really cool or doomed to never be.
[name]Clementine[/name]: The jury’s still out on whether I can actually get away with this one in real life.
[name]Digby[/name]: Purely based on the wonderful, British sound of it. [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name], here he comes.
[name]Ebeneezer[/name]: Be nice. I have eclectic tastes. Anyway, the Biblical reference is powerful and it’s definitely fun to say. But I think this is one that has forever fallen by the wayside.
[name]Eleazar[/name]: Great name, but maybe just a tad too Old Testament. Oddly though, I don’t feel the same way about [name]Obadiah[/name] and [name]Phineas[/name], which I’m so using.
[name]Ella[/name]: Graceful but strong. Too bad it’s overused.
[name]Enoch[/name]: Handsome but ultimately too serious. [name]Ezra[/name] has more flair.
[name]Eulalie[/name]/[name]Eulalia[/name]: ACTUALLY, I might not be brave enough to make this a first name, but it has a REALLY good chance in the middle.
[name]Finn[/name]: It’d be downright strange for me to use something so Irish when I’m not even close.
[name]Galilee[/name]: I wish I could name a girl this. It’s feminine, quirky and full of associations.
[name]Hephzibah[/name]: I know. I know. You can’t do that to your daughter. But it means, “my delight is in her!” Too sweet! Not to mention, if you let it roll off your tongue a few times it grows on you. Go on. [name]Say[/name] it three times.
[name]Huck[/name]: I love [name]Mark[/name] [name]Twain[/name], but how could I look my son in the eye when he went to apply for college?
[name]Jedidiah[/name]: My own personal [name]Jedi[/name] [name]Knight[/name].
[name]Jericho[/name]: This sounds like it should be the name of a hard-boiled detective in a film noir. [name]Jericho[/name] [name]Jones[/name], etc. But I’m awfully tempted…
[name]Jethro[/name]: Why, oh why, does this have to have “hick” written all over it?
[name]Lillian[/name]: Beautiful, but just a tad too stuffy. This falls under the category of, “I’d love to see it on someone else’s child.”
[name]Lincoln[/name]: Another one I love to see but don’t know if I’ll use. Mostly because it doesn’t fit the style of my absolute favorites.
[name]Margery[/name]: I personally don’t think of margarine, but sadly, other people do. Frankly, I think this classic should be brought back into use.
[name]Marian[/name]: Ditto.
[name]Marilla[/name]: An [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables favorite. But maybe shortened to [name]Rilla[/name]?
[name]Maxine[/name]: I want to love it, but then a red-nailed Madame comes to mind.
[name]Mickey[/name]: Why state the obvious? Too bad. I love it’s retro feel.
[name]Ottilie[/name]: Same as [name]Eulalie[/name].
[name]Quinn[/name]: The Mighty [name]Quinn[/name]. Once again, too Irish.
[name]Sawyer[/name]: Another tribute to [name]Mark[/name] [name]Twain[/name]. But what with the show Lost and the trendy feel of it, it’s probably off the first name list.
[name]Shiloh[/name]: I [name]LOVE[/name] this name! But [name]Angeline[/name], bless her heart, may have taken it off the market. We’ll have to see.
[name]Tallulah[/name]: I love the attitude. The whimsy. But unless my daughter’s going to be a famous thespian, it might be more of a pain than it’s worth. If I move to [name]England[/name], however…
[name]Tess[/name]: [name]Lovely[/name], simple. It’s just missing some umph. Another one I’d love to see used but probably won’t myself.
[name]Wesley[/name]: I think of [name]John[/name] [name]Wesley[/name] which makes me happy. However, I can’t get the image of a spoiled, rich bully out of my head.
[name]Wylie[/name]: Coyote. [name]Even[/name] though it’s so much more fun than [name]William[/name].
I’d put [name]Jemima[/name] on the list, but dang it, I love it. And God help me, I’ll use it. That syrup can go stuff itself.