Names Names Names!

So first off, i’m sorry about the long post… Okay so let me now state that both my DH and myself are hispanic, my husband likes more spanish names and I like both spanish and american and don’t mind mixing and matching… My list of names is longer than my husbands. My DH only likes 2 girl names and [name]ONE[/name] boy name.

His #1 choice for girl is [name]Lilyana[/name], which I like a lot too but I can’t get him to like any other name for a middle name. I’ve thought about [name]Lilyana[/name] [name]Isabel[/name], [name]Lilyana[/name] [name]Belle[/name] (nicknamed [name]Lily[/name] [name]Belle[/name]), and a few others he was just adamant about not liking. He doesn’t like any of these names and other names that I like or what he may like is already taken by family, between both of us we have large families.

His second choice for girl name is [name]Catalina[/name], but that’s his aunt’s name and I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that, it’s not like it’s one of his favorite aunts who have passed or any type of "in memory of’ kind of situation.

I’ve mentioned [name]Juliana[/name] to him and he gave a somewhat approving smile. BUT, I don’t like how it’s pronounced in Spanish (Hu-lee-ana), the spelling would need to be with a Y, like [name]Yuliana[/name], but then I’m afraid of how it will be pronounced in English.

Now for the boy names, we both like [name]Sebastian[/name], it’s his favorite and only choice if it was up to him BUT I know alot of people with the name including one of my little cousins. We like the name [name]Gian[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name], and in latin culture we tend to use both first and middle names including in schools… However, here, only the first name is used unless I hyphenate and [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] is a long name to hyphenate and i don’t want him to be known by only [name]Gian[/name] in school.

Another name that I like is Gianlucas, but my husband’s not a big fan. He also doesn’t like [name]Mateo[/name] and [name]Noah[/name], which were on my list. And so now because of his very tiny list of names, I can’t think of any other middle names. Any advice, suggestions, opinions???

[name]Hi[/name] there! [name]Welcome[/name] to Nameberry :slight_smile:

My husband is Hispanic as well, and both our families are large, so I know how you feel about having all the names taken already!

Let me say that I absolutely love [name]Catalina[/name]. It’s gorgeous by itself, but also has so many nicknames, from [name]Cat[/name] to [name]Cate[/name]/[name]Kate[/name] to [name]Kit[/name] to [name]Lina[/name]. Your husband having a living aunt with that name might be a little bit odd, but in a close family I don’t see a huge problem. I’ve considered [name]Celia[/name] myself, and I have an Aunt [name]Celia[/name] (although she’s always gone by her middle name, [name]Jacqueline[/name]).

I like [name]Lilyana[/name] and [name]Juliana[/name], but neither one really has the spark to me that [name]Catalina[/name] has. Other names that might work in both Spanish and English: [name]Alicia[/name], [name]Angelica[/name]/[name]Angelique[/name], and [name]Lucia[/name]/[name]Luciana[/name]. :slight_smile:

I really, really like [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name]. I don’t think it’s horribly long hyphenated.

Thanks esrever88… Your reply makes me feel better… lol…

[name]Catalina[/name] was actually our first choice until my husband heard [name]Lilyana[/name]. I think if we have a girl I’ll know which name once I see her :slight_smile: i just need to figure out a middle name. And I’m so glad that you don’t think [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] is too long, cuz I kinda don’t want to give up on the name!

I like [name]Luciana[/name] but my husband won’t go for it. He’s very difficult to please when it comes to names. Our first daughter’s name is [name]Kailyn[/name] [name]Tatiana[/name]. I wanted [name]Tatiana[/name] as the first name but he didn’t… We finally agreed on [name]Kailyn[/name] but I think we were both tired of disagreeing on names lol.

I also really like the sound and look of [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] (I have Gianfranco and Gianpaolo on my list, so this is very handsome too). I don’t think it’s horribly long. (It’s not as if you want to hyphenate [name]Francesco[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] or anything). If you want him to be known by both names, I’d go for it. His classmates may shorten it to [name]Gianni[/name] or [name]Seb[/name] (I love both of these, so I might be a teeny bit bias here), but that’s not really something parents have much control over anyway. I’d go for it!

Also I think all of your girl names are gorgeous too - [name]Catalina[/name] (again, I love [name]Katarina[/name]/[name]Caterina[/name], so I am bias), [name]Yuliana[/name] (with the Y), and then [name]Lilyana[/name].

Good luck!

Not that it matters, but you said you would prefer a Spanish name and Gianlucas or [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] automatically make me think, Italian. If it doesn’t bother you that the name does not exactly reflect your culture, then I think either one are great names.

[name]Yuliana[/name] is ok, but I do get a Ukrainian association, not a Spanish one.

[name]Lilyana[/name] is a bit too frilly for my tastes, I do prefer the [name]Liliana[/name] spelling as it looks cleaner and less tryndee.

My favorite is definitely [name]Catalina[/name], a classic and pretty Spanish female name.

Some suggestions:



Thanks guys. If it’s a boy I think I will go with [name]Gian[/name]-[name]Sebastian[/name] then. I do love the name and so does my husband but my concern was how to place it but I’m glad that you guys agree with it. We would call him [name]Gian[/name] Sebas (in spanish) for short.

Shaymin2… you’re right [name]Gian[/name] is the italian version of [name]John[/name]. But I think [name]John[/name] or [name]Jon[/name] are overused as filler names in spanish so I thought [name]Gian[/name] would be another version that’s not seen much in our culture… the DH likes it cuz it’s close to spanish. As for [name]Yuliana[/name], that’s actually a spanish name as well. I’ve found that there are alot of spanish names that are also Ukranian, like [name]Tatiana[/name] for example, that’s my daugther’s middle name and it’s very popular in spanish.

I also like [name]Mariana[/name], but it’s very close to my niece’s name ([name]Arianna[/name]). I like [name]Viviana[/name], but that’s my aunt’s name. And I like [name]Isabel[/name] as a Middle name but the DH doesn’t like it. I love [name]Lucas[/name] but he doesn’t like it and the only way he would use it would be as Gianlucas.

Have you considered [name]Juan[/name]?

No, it’s way too overused in Spanish… I don’t like the common spanish names like [name]Juan[/name], [name]Pablo[/name], [name]Jose[/name]… etc. [name]Gian[/name] was appealing to us cuz it’s not [name]John[/name] but serves the same purpose. See my husband likes Spanish names but he doesn’t like the overly common ones… I’m open to any ethnicity as long as it sounds good to me, but in the end we both have to agree.

[name]Catalina[/name] is my favorite :slight_smile:

Thanks… [name]Catalina[/name] seems to be the favorite :slight_smile: