Still brainstorming from time to time, and won’t find out gender til beginning of [name_u]August[/name_u] (me and our current 4 kids can’t wait!)!
But really trying to allow my mind to go back to the drawing board.
Top girl contenders are (for those who don’t already know this saga!)—
Noémi [name_u]Love[/name_u]
Noémi Rhema
[name_u]Shiloh[/name_u] Rhema
Rhema _________
Here is where I get stuck on my moving things around. On one hand, I love all 3 names before Rhema on the list above, and all 3 are special & fit our family in some way. On the other hand, I want to see if Rhema as a first name (particularly meaningful as it relates to prayer and the touch of God when this baby had a threat to its little life) could work.
But then—I hesitate to use Rhema as first name because my oldest daughter is Amaré (Am-uh-[name_u]Rae[/name_u]) and the other daughter Sélah (say-luh) and the one matches the “[name_u]Rae[/name_u]” in Rhema, while Sélah & Rhema kind of rhyme.
Maybe I’m overthinking. We don’t do a NN with Amaré, so even if we called a Rhema “[name_u]Rae[/name_u]” it would not be too obvious. Or maybe it would.
Anyways! I’d love some input as I’m just mulling. Nothing decided as of yet, and we don’t even know if it’s a girl, we all just have a hunch. Ha!
Middle name ideas that include a “y” that are official spellings and one or two syllables preferably —for example: [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_f]Blythe[/name_f], or [name_u]Gwynn[/name_u]—would be great!!! Send them over! I’ve tried all those with Rhema and it doesn’t seem to work. I guess Verity is 3 syllables. I can’t even keep yo my own rules, lol. Bonus if the meaning is love—our girl theme.
Big sis’ names are Amaré [name_f]Elyse[/name_f] & Sélah [name_f]Carys[/name_f]
[name_f]Virtue[/name_f]/Biblical Names with Y:
[name_f]Trinity[/name_f] (a bit much imo but I had a stuffed lamb named this for some reason – I was a weird kid)
[name_f]Chastity[/name_f] (just kidding)
[name_f]Annys[/name_f] (grace if it comes from [name_f]Ann[/name_f], satisfaction if it comes from [name_f]Anice[/name_f])
[name_f]Blyss[/name_f] (I’ve seen this enough that it’s kinda official)
Alivya/Alyvia (from [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] meaning “peace”)
[name_f]Cheryl[/name_f] (dear one, darling)
[name_f]Caryna[/name_f] (beloved)
[name_f]Gwyneth[/name_f] (happiness, blessed)
[name_u]Abby[/name_u] ([name_f]Abigail[/name_f], bringer of joy)
[name_f]Amy[/name_f] (beloved friend)
[name_u]Arya[/name_u] (from [name_u]Ariel[/name_u], lion of God)
[name_u]Aubrey[/name_u] (fair ruler)
[name_u]Avery[/name_u] (counsel)
[name_f]Edyn[/name_f] (I’ve seen this, but …)
[name_f]Jayla[/name_f] (one who is special, I guess!)
[name_f]Kyra[/name_f] (not sure, but it randomly came to mind)
[name_f]Marilyn[/name_f] (wished-for child or rebellion … neither of those seem right? I think it’s just a derivative of [name_f]Mary[/name_f])
[name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] (wished-for child)
[name_f]Rayne[/name_f] (queen)
Romily (God’s beloved one)
[name_f]Rosemary[/name_f] (dew of the sea … again, that doesn’t seem right, but this site I’m on says so!)
[name_f]Alyce[/name_f] (noble)
[name_f]Nadya[/name_f] (hope)
[name_f]Raya[/name_f] (heaven)
I also knew a [name_f]Heavyn[/name_f], but um … please don’t.
And I’ve always thought [name_u]Ruby[/name_u] was a virtue name because of that one Proverb. So that kinda works.
[name_f]Trinity[/name_f] is a name we’ve considered, lol! We like it.
I’ve also considered [name_f]Rayne[/name_f] but too much with Rhema as first. Not sure DH and I would agree on it too. And I would def think of [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] and [name_f]Lydia[/name_f], but have family members use these.
[name_f]Annys[/name_f] and [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] beautiful combo ideas.
Thanks for all the thoughtful input. Def not doing [name_f]Heavyn[/name_f]— my DH is not a fan of made up spellings.
What about Rhema [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] or Rhema [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] ([name_f]Felicity[/name_f] means good fortune or happy)? LMK what you think!!
I do like those, but we just had family members use [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] on their little one, and DH is not going for [name_f]Felicity[/name_f]! @heloise_chrissa
I personally wouldn’t do Rhema as her first name bc of the similar sounds in your daughters’ names. Noémi seems to fit best, so my vote is for Noémi Rhema!
That is def the stumbling block! I agree! I just wondered if I found a perfect MN if that would override my feelings on that sound issue. It bothers me too so most likely not. But I love new ideas and sometimes they bring about The One even if you think you already have it.
Eek, didn’t mean to ditch [name_f]Trinity[/name_f]! It’s too much for me personally (except for my baby lamb haha who I need to find … probably my mom still has her?), but it does have a pretty ring.
Annys and [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] are both faves of mine! I don’t know if I’ll ever get to use them, but gah, they’re so classy!
My favorite from your list is definitely [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] [name_u]Love[/name_u]! (I don’t know how to do the accent mark on here)
I wish I had some suggestions; the only one I can think of with a y that means love is [name_f]Priya[/name_f]. There are already some fantastic suggestions so I hope you find something you like!
Thank you! Yes I can’t let it go either, so that might be telling me smthg. But, I just wanted to play around a bit before settling entirely. Thanks for the confirmation!