I think we have pretty similar tastes in names!
I love Alberich (Alberic and [name_u]Auberon[/name_u] forms are good too) and [name_m]Severin[/name_m]/[name_m]Severus[/name_m] is one of my favorite names!
I realise most of these names are a little ‘out there’ I’d probably never use most of them, but fun to consider…
My personal favourites are Alberich, [name_m]Barthelemy[/name_m], [name_m]Edric[/name_m], [name_m]Josephus[/name_m] (pronounced jo-SEF-us with emphasis on the middle syllable), [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] and [name_m]Severin[/name_m].
njordv - I too love [name_u]Auberon[/name_u] as well as Alberich! I prefer [name_m]Severin[/name_m] to [name_m]Severus[/name_m] but both are great.
[name_m]Edric[/name_m], [name_m]Emilien[/name_m], [name_m]Redmond[/name_m], and maybe [name_m]Marcellus[/name_m] are the only ones that feel wearable as first names. The others are middle name material.
Aemilius – This is fine as a middle, but I don’t see it working in the front. It’s a bit awkward. Cool looking though.
Alberich – I like this as a first name. Normal nicknames of [name_m]Rich[/name_m], [name_m]Abe[/name_m], [name_m]Albie[/name_m]… Very cool
[name_m]Antonius[/name_m] – This is obviously usable. I don’t like it too much, but it’s handsome in an exotic way.
Apollonios – [name_f]Love[/name_f] it! Very handsome and usable [name_f]IMO[/name_f]. [name_f]Apollonia[/name_f] is considered usable.
Augustinus – Meh. It’s a little much. [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] is great so this just takes it a step far
[name_m]Barthelemy[/name_m] – [name_f]Love[/name_f] this! I love [name_m]Bartholomew[/name_m] too so this is very awesome to me.
Berinhard – I like [name_m]Berin[/name_m], but I don’t like hard
[name_m]Edric[/name_m] – Yes. This is usuable and very neat with two common nicknames
[name_m]Emilien[/name_m] – [name_f]Love[/name_f] it! I know a guy named I [name_m]Emilian[/name_m] (I like it this way). He’s one of the boys in the Romani family I’m sort of acquainted with. Everyone in his family has awesome names.
Faunus – O_O I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else who likes this name. I like it in the middle but if [name_f]Fauna[/name_f] is usable for girls, why not?
[name_m]Josephus[/name_m] – Obviously usable. I prefer just [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] though.
[name_m]Marcellus[/name_m] – I don’t like it but it’s very usable with [name_m]Marc[/name_m] as a nickname
[name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] – All I think of it [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] [name_m]Apollo[/name_m] and [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I think it’d be neat in the middle
[name_m]Redmond[/name_m] – Obviously usable but boring compared to everything else on the list
[name_m]Severin[/name_m] – [name_f]Love[/name_f] love this name! I wish people would use it!
[name_m]Theodorus[/name_m] – This name makes me smile
Theodosius – This name takes it too far.
dantea, I’m pleased to hear your thoughts! You have great taste in names.
I’m surprised to see some more love for [name_m]Barthelemy[/name_m] as it was shot down in a previous thread!
I too associate [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] with The Hunchback of Notre Dame but I still love it! If girls can have [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] why can’t the boys have [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m]?
I’m warming more and more towards [name_m]Severin[/name_m]!
Can anyone explain the appeal of [name_m]Severin[/name_m]? I’d like to like it, but it means severe, and it’s really obvious that’s what it means… So what do you guys like about it? Hoping someone can convert me!
I just like the feel of it. I’m one of those weird people that can like the way a name feels coming out of your mouth. To me, it’s pleasant to say and I love the V sound in there. Also, lots of names go into my head and I think “What kind of character would I write with this name?” And then I imagine someone in one of my worlds with it.
I already have a character named [name_m]Severin[/name_m]. He’s a bad guy, but he’s one of those I love. He’s smart, charming (when he wants to be), dark and sexy. But he can be brutal and cold too. And I’m odd and I like that in a character. And he’s really interesting looking.
So the pleasant feel of the name when I say it and that it has sounds I like coupled with that it’s the name of one of my most liked characters and it reminds me of [name_m]Severus[/name_m] Snape makes me love it.
I think they’re all great in theory, but I wouldn’t use those forms of any of them. I’d consider many variations though.
[name_m]Augustine[/name_m], [name_m]Augustus[/name_m], [name_m]Bartholomew[/name_m], and [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] have all been on my list (and shut down). We have a friend with a son named Augustan, so [name_m]Augustine[/name_m] and [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] are unusable according to df.
I like [name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] (The Hunchback of Notre Dame!!) And [name_m]Marcellus[/name_m]. I prefer Elric and [name_m]Eric[/name_m] to [name_m]Edric[/name_m]…
Aemilius - that’s a whole lot of vowels
Alberich - I don’t hate it, but I don’t really like it either
[name_m]Antonius[/name_m] - I think this is usable. It feels ethnic.
Apollonios - I prefer simply [name_m]Apollo[/name_m].
Augustinus - I’m not fond of the [name_u]August[/name_u] names, including this
[name_m]Barthelemy[/name_m] - I love Bartimaus and I like [name_m]Bartholomew[/name_m] and I like Bethlehem (on a girl), but no fond of this one
Berinhard - I like the sound of it, but I think it would be mistaken as [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] by most. I also like [name_m]Bertram[/name_m] nn [name_m]Bram[/name_m] a lot.
[name_m]Edric[/name_m] - I’m not super fond of [name_m]Ed[/name_m] names, but I love Emeric
[name_m]Emilien[/name_m] - too close to [name_f]Emily[/name_f] [name_f]IMO[/name_f]
Faunus - fawning anus…sorry that was my first though
[name_m]Josephus[/name_m] - I’ve actually met someone with this name! I think it’s cool
[name_m]Marcellus[/name_m] - usable, similar to [name_m]Antonius[/name_m]
[name_m]Phoebus[/name_m] - too close to [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] for me.
[name_m]Redmond[/name_m] - I can see this being used. color names and surnames are popular, so yea, usable
[name_m]Severin[/name_m] - all I hear is severing (like cutting off) I understand the appeal it’s just not a pleasant connotation
[name_m]Theodorus[/name_m]/Theodosius - [name_m]Theophilus[/name_m] is on my list! I prefer it to either of these because I don’t think it be as easily mistaken for another name