This is inspired by the “Smells Good!” thread. Here’s an example of how this thread will work:
Person 1:
Person 2:
[name_f]Ella[/name_f] reminds me of a cafe with jazz playing in the back while it’s pouring down rain outside.
[name_m]Just[/name_m] say what scene comes to mind when you hear the name the last poster suggested.
First name:
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Ophelia conjures a midnight blue sky lit by a thousand stars. There are people dancing below in shining lemon yellow gowns.
Percival is a muffled discussion in the kings bedroom of a castle. It’s evening but not dark and the workers have their ears pressed to the door.
Octavia: It is the late 1800’s. It’s early morning, a woman in a dark green dress is getting ready for the day. The room is still dark, its sparse wooden furnishings are only half lit. There are blackbirds singing outside.