i’m wishing you all so much love and joy as the holiday season begins! and wondering if you could help with a little dilemma of ours. there are a few stand-out names we’re adoring, right now. they honor family, they’re simple and timeless, while still rather unexpected for a tiny human. they are, without further ado…
for a little boy, william, john, and robert, and for a little girl, alice, dorothy, and martha.
i know, i know. probably not as exciting as some of you were hoping, but, i could really see these as my future children’s names, or at least incorporated in their names.
here’s how you can help- i’m going to leave our long lists below, and i’d love if you could give me some wonderful, berry-ific suggestions. we love double middle names, but are fine with just one as well. if you’re more inspired to use these names as middles instead of firsts, i’d love to see those ideas, as well!
abel abner abram acre alden ames amias amos amory ark arthur autry averill avett beau benaiah benson bill bingham boaz bowen boone cal calder calhoun calvin canaan catcher charles copeland corbin coy cullen cyrus dacre dane deacon desmond destry duke eastman edwin elias ellis emmett emmons ennis enoch ephraim esau everett ezekiel ezra fielding fletcher fordham ford foster frank franklin fred freeman gaines gatlin gentry george gideon graham gus hal hank harlan hart harvey hatcher hayes henry hendricks herschel hezekiah hiram howie huck ignatius ike ira jack james jarvis jem jessop jethro joel john jonty judah judd judson junius kerouac kip knox lawson leland levi locke lowell lyle matthias mccoy merrick merritt montgomery mack marshall morris nash noble oak oakland obadiah odin orville otis quade quince rafe raleigh ralph ransom ray rayland redmond rhett roamer roarke robert roscoe rudy rufus rush sampson sawyer shepherd silas sonny sylvan sylvester taft tex thaddeus thatcher thomas tillman tobin townes townsend tripp truett tull twain ulysses utah vernon victor wacey wade wallace walt waylon wellington wells whitman woodrow worth wilder wilfred william wilkes zalman zane zeb zion
abilene ada adaline adela adelaide alice alma annabelle annabeth annie avila avis avonlea bea beatrice bernadette bennie bess betsy beulah beverly birdie calpurnia charity clementine cricket deliverance della dolly dorothy edith eleanor elisabeth eliora ellowyn elsie emmylou enid esther etta eula evangeline eveline evelyn fable farrah faye fern flora florence frances georgia goldie greer hadassah harriet haven hazel helen hopie hosanna ida imogene iris janis jean jemima joanie josephine joy june junia juniper kate katherine kindred lena leonora lettie lois loretta lou louise lucinda luella luetta lula mabel magnolia maisie margaret margo marigold marilla martha mary matilda maud maxine may mayella mercy mildred nancy nella nona odetta olive opal patience patsy pearl poet pollyanna prairie priscilla promise prudence reverie ruby ruth selah sue susan susannah sybil sybilla temperance tennessee tess twila vada vera verlie virginia virgie vivian wanderer wildflower wilhelmina willa willodean winifred winsome zipporah
william obadiah joel
william hezekiah duke
william jethro ellis
william eastman averill
william desmond enoch
william judson mccoy
john ransom ray
john orville zion
john wellington merrick / john merrick wellington
john redmond quade
john levi locke
robert jessop freeman
robert oakland ira
robert everett hal
robert lowell hank
alice zipporah ruth
alice luetta jean / alice luella jean
alice evelyn greer
alice ellowyn fable
alice hadassah ruth
alice mayella winsome / mayella alice greer
dorothy abilene
dorothy temperance
dorothy priscilla joy
dorothy winsome / winsome dorothy virginia
dorothy vada adelaide
dorothy eula evangeline
John Shepherd Wellington
John Silas Oakland
John Montgomery Rhett
John Marshall Rafe
John Everett Hatcher
John Wilder Thomas
John Ephraim Oak William
William Autry Boone
William Rayland Worth
William Sawyer Jem
William Jarvis Knox
William Gentry Zane
William Roscoe Ford
William Deacon Judd Robert
Robert Ransom Junius
Robert Wilder Coy
Robert Canaan Elias
Robert Harlan Jack
Robert Catcher Beau
Robert Sylvester Townsend
Robert Fordham Levi
Alice Juniper Kate
Alice Willodean Faye
Alice Emmylou Pearl
Alice Mayella Mercy
Alice Magnolia Joy
Alice Luetta Kindred
Alice Winsome Bea
Alice Beverly Opal Dorothy
Dorothy Wildflower Sue
Dorothy Zipporah Fable
Dorothy Marilla Maud
Dorothy Annabelle Cricket
Dorothy Hosanna Prairie
Dorothy Deliverance June
Dorothy Eula Josephine
Dorothy Marigold Tess Martha
Martha Poet Annabeth
Martha Clementine Greer
Martha May Evangeline
Martha Reverie Ruth
Martha Patience Eleanor
Martha Winifred Avonlea
Martha Hazel Katherine
Firstly thank you for the holiday wishes I also I’m wishing you lots of peace, joy and happiness over this holiday period
I love your choices!
All your boy names are family names for me so these make me smile. [name_u]John[/name_u] is so refreshing as a first name with [name_u]William[/name_u] and [name_u]Robert[/name_u] being very classic handsome names.
As for your girls I adore [name_f]Martha[/name_f] + [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] they are such vintage gems with a nostalgic cosy feel. Such beautiful names. [name_f]Alice[/name_f] isn’t my favourite however she’s a Nameberry darling and I do see the appeal.
[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f] [name_f]Opal[/name_f]
[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] [name_f]Edith[/name_f]
[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_f]Charity[/name_f] [name_f]Winifred[/name_f] had to get your mums name into a combination somehow!!
[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] [name_f]Kate[/name_f]
[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] [name_u]Florence[/name_u]
@clair.de.lune georgie, i’m absolutely floored by the beauty of your choices! william obadiah joel, alice luetta jean, alice mayella winsome, dorothy temperance, dorothy eula evangeline, and martha calpurnia bea are perfect. they are the true epitome of our styles! thank you!
@amalfi i love william judson rafe, robert harvey boone, alice magnolia, alice tennessee pearl, dorothy adelaide, and martha josephine kate with all my heart! thank you for the wonderful suggestions!
@Greyblue so many great ideas here! i’m especially loving your choices with these names as middles. luella mary alice and gideon wilder jack just speak to us! thank you!
@tori101 thank you for the kind words, and insight on each name. don’t these classics just give such a warm, cuddly feel? anyway, i adore your choices. william benaiah jack, john everett noble, and robert sampson merritt are so handsome and strong, and martha charity winifred, dorothy imogene fable, and alice jemima olive are jaw-droppingly beautiful!
[name_f]My[/name_f] great-grandmother’s first and middle names were [name_f]Estella[/name_f] and [name_f]Alice[/name_f], and I’ve always thought that those two names go really well together and are timeless. Plus, [name_f]Estella[/name_f] is kind of unique but not too out-of-the-box if you like more classic names. You can switch the order of the names too if you want (Estella [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Estella[/name_f] are both really good combinations)!
[name_m]Abel[/name_m] [name_u]Sylvester[/name_u] [name_u]Ray[/name_u] for a boy.
[name_u]Prairie[/name_u] [name_f]Olive[/name_f] [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] for a girl.