Irish names are the biggest category of this kind of name for me. For example, I love how [name_f]Sorcha[/name_f] looks like it’s pronounced (to me): “SOR-cha” or “SOR-sha”, but I don’t like the sound of “SOR-ka”. I love the look of [name_f]Caoimhe[/name_f] (“KEE-va” or “KWEE-va”) but not the sound. Conversely, I like the sound but not the look of -gh names like [name_f]Clodagh[/name_f] and Daragh. And I prefer [name_f]Neve[/name_f] over [name_f]Niamh[/name_f].
[name_m]Mathis[/name_m] is another one for me. I do like “ma-TEES” but it sounds too close to [name_u]Matisse[/name_u] and, being pretty uninterested in art, I wouldn’t feel comfortable using it. I’d love it if it were pronounced “[name_m]MATH[/name_m]-iss” though. I also like “ma-THY-us” over “ma-TEE-as” for [name_m]Matthias[/name_m], but most people pronounce it the latter way, especially here in Europe.
I like the name [name_u]Micah[/name_u]. But crossed it off our list because it sounds like you’re saying [name_u]Michael[/name_u], and getting cut off.
“What’s the baby’s name?”
“No, [name_u]Micah[/name_u].”
“[name_m]Hi[/name_m] [name_m]Mike[/name_m]!”
Irish names for me too. [name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] is probably the only one whose look I love as much as the sound. [name_m]Tadhg[/name_m] is close, I’m not sold on the spelling though but I love how it sounds. And then [name_f]Caoimhe[/name_f], [name_f]Niamh[/name_f], [name_f]Aisling[/name_f] and [name_f]Eilidh[/name_f]… [name_u]Love[/name_u] how they sound, don’t like how they look. Especially [name_f]Aisling[/name_f]. I could go for [name_u]Keeva[/name_u], [name_f]Neve[/name_f], [name_f]Ashlyn[/name_f] and Aylee which look pretty, but they’re just not the same imo. I echo what PP said about [name_f]Sorcha[/name_f] as well.
Elysande - my only objection is it looks made up
[name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] - I prefer [name_f]Elinor[/name_f] spelling
Gersemi - the meaning is beautiful
Of the top of my head, I think [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] and [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] look nice, but don’t sound as great. Also [name_f]Orlaith[/name_f]. I don’t mind how it sounds, but I’d love it if it was said how it looks (Or-layth).
Just remembered, Peregrine! I love how it looks and I feel like it should be on my list, but I always want to say Peh-ruh-gwin and really have to think and force myself to say it right.
I can’t think of any where I feel the opposite, but I really don’t mind how aesthetically displeasing a name looks, as long as it sounds good. I do kind of wish [name_m]Ptolemy[/name_m]'s spelling was more approachable. I love how he looks, but it’s more that I know people would struggle. Not that that would deter me at all from using the name.
For me, it’s:
[name_m]Hector[/name_m] - has a really interesting look but sounds like hectare to me and even without that association, I still fit it to be a bit of a let down every time I actually hear the name.
(Unless they are a really interesting person, then I find it very fitting. I suppose it may be one of those names that sound great on the right person but boring on many others?!)
[name_f]Madeleine[/name_f] - looks super pretty but the English pronunciation just doesn’t capture any of the delicate strength. It’s a name that truly belongs to it’s language.
[name_m]Ferdinand[/name_m] - looks so much better than it sounds.
[name_u]Percy[/name_u] - looks really cool and intriguing but while the sound has it’s own thing going for it, I don’t think look and sound match in style (does that sound super weird?)
[name_f]Josephine[/name_f] - I really adore the look but the sound is just not for me
[name_f]Marigold[/name_f] - same as above - and the more I hear it, the more I notice how much I prefer to just look at it and say it in my head
One that immediately jumps to mind is [name_f]Aurora[/name_f]. I love how it looks, I love the meaning, but, for me, it’s like saying a tongue twister. [name_u]Rory[/name_u], for boys or girls, is the same.
Conversely, as already mentioned, I love the sound of many Irish names but don’t love the look. For example, you wouldn’t look at the name [name_f]Aoibh[/name_f]éann and intuitively pronounce it even / evan / ee-van.
Echoing the opinions about Irish names. For me, the one that stands out is [name_f]Maeve[/name_f]. I think it looks just gorgeous, but I’m not a fan of the pronunciation “Mayv”. I liked [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] so much better when I thought she was pronounced Mah-eve!
[name_f]Maude[/name_f]. I like how it looks and its connection to [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] and its meaning, but I just don’t like the sound. It reminds me of ‘mort’ (death) or mold. I do like it more than I used to, though, and I’d be pleased to see it being used more.
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] for me. It looks so sophisticated but sounds a bit strange to my ears. I still like it a lot, but I wish it was “her-mee-o-ne”.
[name_f]Cressida[/name_f] was mentioned before. It’s a really good example of listen not look for me. Unless you hear the alternate pronunciation of kre-SIDA.
I love the sound of [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f], but the name just doesn’t look right to me written.
Viceversa is [name_f]Sian[/name_f], which is often pronounced either “sharn” or “shahn” depending where you’re from, and I love the look of it but hate the sound.