Names with interesting meanings

Looking for some names that have a lot of imagery in their meaning!

For example:
[name_f]Belinay[/name_f] means the reflection of the moon on a lake.
[name_u]Everly[/name_u] means a wild boar in a woodland clearing.

I love the idea of such a poetic meaning, but am not fond of either name. :sweat_smile:



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Apricity - the warmth of the sun in winter
Ortal - dew of light
Guinevere - white phantom
Alpenglow - the rosy light of the sun setting / rising on high mountains
Sandalio - true wolf
Shulamit - peace
Herut - freedom
Ceridwen - as beautiful as a poem
Apollonia - strong mother lion

a lot of people have listed some on this thread, as well!

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