Names with the nn Jo/Joe?

So I have a bit of a love hate relationship with [name_u]Joe[/name_u], I’m not a massive fan of it but I always find myself thinking about it. So I’ve been trying to find names that can maybe get me to like it better, even if it’s a bit stretchy. These are my favs so far~

[name_m]Joaquin[/name_m] (hwah-keen)
[name_m]Johannes[/name_m] (yoh-han-es)
[name_m]Jonas[/name_m] (both jo-nes and yo-nas)
[name_u]Junot[/name_u] (pronounced the same as Juno)
[name_m]Junípero[/name_m] (hoo-nee-peh-do)

So I’d love any more ideas for names that can get the nickname Jo/Joe! Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with, I don’t mind if they’re a bit stretchy either!


[name_m]Jordy[/name_m] or [name_m]Jordi[/name_m]

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[name_m]Jacoby[/name_m] or [name_m]Josian[/name_m]?

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[name_u]Jovi[/name_u] / Jovy

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[name_u]Junot[/name_u] and [name_m]Junipero[/name_m] are cool!!


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[name_m]Giovanni[/name_m]? The spelling makes it seem like a stretch, but the pronunciation is there. :slight_smile:

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