Names you liked in the past that are completely different your current naming style?

As you can see from my signature, I love names that fall in the “classic unusual” and “classic eccentric” categories. However, I distinctly remember that when I was around four or five years old, my favorite names were [name]Emily[/name], [name]Monica[/name], and [name]Melissa[/name]! (I apparently didn’t care about boys names back then).

By middle school, when I really got interested in names, my taste started to tend toward the types of names I like now. But clearly, when I was in preschool/kindergarten, my taste was quite different!

[name]Do[/name] you remember any names you liked as a child, or even in the more recent past, that are totally different than the types of names you like now?

I actually didn’t get interested into names until quite recently, but as you can see from my user lists, my first names and middle names are completely different style-wise. Compare my girls list in my signature to my combo list Calla Combos With Unusual/Rare Middles. …Am I Hopelessly Hipster?

Balloonsforellie, I love many of the names in your lists! Maybe I’m missing something, but how do I differentiate between your choices for first and middle?

I’ve loved names for as long as I can remember, and my first loves were '80s and '90s names that were common among my friends. [name]Jamie[/name] was my deepest love, a name I got from my doll who came pre-named, and remains one of my top 3 contenders for a future daughter. I still do love names from that era, so I can’t say my style has changed much (though it has VASTLY broadened to include nickname names and literary names, etc.), but several of my first loves have passed. Names that I no longer love anymore include [name]Michelle[/name] (because I met a pretty bad one) and [name]Alyssa[/name] (<< I thought this was the epitome of beauty but now consider it bland). Still, if I met babies today with most of the names on my childhood name list, I’d think their parents had pretty fantastic taste. :wink: Unfortunately (or fortunately?), it seems that nobody shares my love for the nostalgic '90s names! :slight_smile:

Porcelain and [name]Pink[/name] are all fn’s and all the middles are in the second list. :slight_smile: I picked [name]Calla[/name] to put as a fn in the combo list.

I had super awful taste when I first became interested in names - Masculine names for girls, Misspelled, Overly Gothy…just bad.

Then I went from there to the other side of the spectrum and my taste became what I consider extremely pretentious and over the top - but they were not bad, just over the top. (Ezebel [name]Rhiannon[/name] [name]Willow[/name], [name]Ginevra[/name] [name]Eponine[/name] Rosabel…that kind of thing)

But NOW, I think I have toned down my style, I still love a lot of over the top, very obscure names but generally not all put into one combo - pairing things like [name]Tullia[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Joy[/name] together instead of combining [name]Tullia[/name] with 2 other super obscure, super frilly choices.

I used to [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Emma[/name], [name]Emily[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name]. I named a lot of characters [name]Pamela[/name], for some reason. When I first discovered the name nerd community I fell hard for offbeat mythological names, the weirder the better. Give my kid a name in the top 1000? Perish the thought! While I still enjoy offbeat names, my tastes are back to what they were before my wacky phase: slightly dusty but distinguished antiques with strong connections to history and literature. I do still love me some nature names, though…

My taste in boys have really stayed the same I like short, slightly quirky well known names like [name]Levi[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Henry[/name] & [name]Elwood[/name]. The middle names are normally family names or have a meaning to me. As for girls I like frilly femimine classics that sound cultured like [name]Jane[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name], [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Amira[/name].

However I used to like [name]Mackenzie[/name], [name]Dakota[/name] and [name]Skye[/name] which are not my taste now at all, [name]Mackenzie[/name] in my eyes now is a masculine name and a surname. A name I only like as a surname. [name]Dakota[/name] is [name]Dakota[/name] [name]Sioux[/name] an Native American tribe and shouldn’t be used as a name by people who aren’t of Native Amerian descent just the name [name]Cohen[/name] shouldn’t be used if your not Jewish. [name]Skye[/name] is so dated so yes my tastes have changed considerably over the years, I now hate all three names I used to love !!

I don’t really know what my naming style is… Could someone tell me by looking at my signature or something? lol But when I was younger, (8 or 9) I LOVED “J” names. For a girl, I liked [name]Jamie[/name] and [name]Janessa[/name]. For a boy I liked [name]Jason[/name]. Now, I apparently like “L” names. [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Lily[/name], [name]Larissa[/name], and [name]Liam[/name], [name]Louis[/name] (pronounced like [name]Louie[/name], not [name]Lewis[/name]), and [name]Leo[/name].

As a little girl, I loved [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]James[/name]. I’m still head over heels in love with [name]James[/name], but my love for [name]Abigail[/name] has faded a bit (although I’m still nostalgically fond of her).

like balloonsforellie my interest in names is (relatively) new, but i remember this one conversation i had with my mom when i was maybe a pre-teen:

I’m not sure why i brought it up, probably because there’s someone in my life i love and respect named [name]Eva[/name]. I said to my mom, I like [name]Evelyn[/name] as a name.
She promptly made a sour face. “EW! that’s so old lady.”
Now i’d never use it because it’s so popular!

Ugh, my style was so awful when I was first into names! My top 5 for girls was [name]Ashlyn[/name], [name]Bailey[/name], [name]Emmerson[/name], [name]Sarah[/name], and [name]Honor[/name]. I still like [name]Aislinn[/name], and I think [name]Sarah[/name]'s lovely, but [name]Bailey[/name] and [name]Emmerson[/name] are awful, and [name]Honor[/name] is okay, but [name]Honora[/name]/[name]Annora[/name] is much more my style now.

I still like a couple of trendy names like [name]Macy[/name] and [name]Hadley[/name], but I wouldn’t use them, because they don’t really fit with [name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Arianne[/name], [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Violet[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], etc. :slight_smile:

I can’t remember the very first names I was in love with, but I do recall loving [name]Elizabeth[/name] for a long time, which is still considerable now, I had a major love affair with [name]Evangeline[/name] also, which I still love, but wouldn’t like use due to the religious overtones, [name]Calypso[/name] is still a major love, but not very usable imo. I had a tom-boyish name phase, loving names like [name]Alexis[/name], [name]Quinn[/name] and [name]Tegan[/name] for awhile, not my style anymore clearly! I can’t honestly think of any though that make me think “What was I thinking?!” or just completely stand out from what I normally like. I think my taste has definitely grown and evolved now though.

While the names have channged my taste has stayed the same, more at less. I am started to like more quirky names now, but I still like the classic names as well. There was I stage I went through were I liked overly frilly girly names, ([name]Ariana[/name], [name]Arabella[/name], [name]Lilliana[/name], [name]Isadora[/name]) which I can’t stand anymore.

I have always been a name-collector.

I still honestly like the nicknames I liked when I was tiny (and named my dolls after): I still love [name]Jenny[/name], [name]Susie[/name]/[name]Suzy[/name] - I had one doll named [name]Susie[/name] and another named [name]Suzy[/name], it was my first real encounter with “same name different spelling” and [name]Sally[/name] and [name]Kitty[/name] still, though the long forms have changed.

What I don’t love are the names I thought were terrifically stylish and cool as an older kid/teenager. [name]Jenny[/name]/[name]Susie[/name]/[name]Kitty[/name]/[name]Polly[/name] etc. ARE very cutesy, but today I much prefer those, which I liked when I was very little, to [name]Chelsea[/name], [name]Madison[/name], [name]Alyssa[/name] and [name]Hunter[/name], [name]Harrison[/name], [name]Tyler[/name] etc. I thought were sooo much cooler when I was 10-15.

I don’t have a list as such at the moment, but my naming style is very similar to yours with some added quirks.
As a little girl, I loved [name]Cindy[/name], [name]Kathleen[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name], no boys names come to mine.
When I first started using nameberry, my boys list was:
[name]Alasdair[/name] [name]Cayden[/name]
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Laurent[/name]
[name]Ashton[/name] [name]Cole[/name]
[name]Chase[/name] [name]Anthony[/name]
[name]Dermott[/name] [name]Pierce[/name]
[name]Dexter[/name] [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Tate[/name]
[name]Emmett[/name] [name]Flynn[/name]
[name]Finnegan[/name] [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Harrison[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Hunter[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Ignatius[/name] [name]Jude[/name]
[name]Jagger[/name] [name]William[/name]
[name]Jasper[/name] [name]Owen[/name]
[name]Jett[/name] [name]Phoenix[/name]/[name]Jett[/name] [name]Ryder[/name]
[name]Killian[/name] [name]Elijah[/name]
[name]Mason[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Roman[/name] [name]James[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Augustus[/name]
[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Xavier[/name] [name]Kurt[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]

My girls list was:
Aleithea [name]Hope[/name]
[name]Antigone[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]
[name]Asta[/name]-[name]Skye[/name] [name]Morgana[/name]
[name]Blair[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name]
[name]Bristol[/name] [name]Paige[/name]
[name]Cecelia[/name] [name]Victoire[/name]
[name]Cerelia[/name] [name]Rowan[/name]
[name]Columbia[/name] [name]Faith[/name]
[name]Edie[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name]
[name]Effie[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
[name]Evangeline[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Florence[/name] [name]Elisabetta[/name]
[name]Genevieve[/name] [name]Odette[/name]
[name]Hazel[/name] [name]Sienna[/name]
[name]Ivy[/name] [name]Estelle[/name]
[name]Ivy[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name]/[name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]
[name]Kaya[/name]-[name]Rayne[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Mercie[/name] [name]Annamarie[/name]
[name]Monet[/name] [name]Nirvana[/name]
[name]Octavia[/name] [name]Irene[/name]
[name]Persephone[/name] [name]Arwen[/name] [name]Belle[/name]/[name]Persephone[/name] [name]Alice[/name] [name]Sage[/name]/[name]Persephone[/name] [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Wren[/name]
[name]Seraphina[/name] [name]Jade[/name]
[name]Temperance[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name]/[name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Temperance[/name]
Tenebre [name]Winter[/name]
[name]Willow[/name] [name]Dakota[/name]

While there are some names that I still like individually, there’s no combinations that I still truly like.

Oh gosh, I remember making my first name list about 9 years ago when I was 13ish, and in retrospect it was terrible! Influenced by pop culture, I loved [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Harrison[/name], and surnamey names for girls (Stokely, [name]Peyton[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Hadley[/name]). I would never dream of using any of those now! I then started using naming forums and my taste improved, though I was a tad pretentious with a penchant for overly long and clunky names like [name]Bartholomew[/name], [name]Peregrine[/name], [name]Dorothea[/name] and [name]Leonora[/name]. I think my taste has been how similar to how it is now for around 6 years.

I remember being about 7 years old and naming all of my dolls [name]Zelda[/name]. I was obsessed with that name for some reason.

When I was really little I wanted to name a boy [name]Presley[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name]. It was the name of an ancestor on my grandmother’s side and I thought it was amazingly unique.

In my teen years I was always so envious of girls named [name]Taylor[/name] and [name]Jordan[/name]…they seemed so adventurous.

Now, even though I still have my love of vintage names, [name]Presley[/name] is off the list. [name]Montgomery[/name] however will hopefully be making an appearance in the middle spot of a future daughter. [name]Taylor[/name] and [name]Jordan[/name] have gone the way of [name]Presley[/name] but I still don’t hate the gender benders.

I LOVED [name]Yasmine[/name] and [name]Zoe[/name] as a double barrel [name]Zoe[/name]-[name]Yasmine[/name] for boys I loved [name]Seth[/name] and Murdoch. I have loved [name]Eamon[/name] since I was 10 (2008)