[name]Hi[/name]. I’ve chosen my little girls name now, but i’m just wondering…
I’ve been reading through these topics [i’m turning into such a little nerd, never knew choosing names could be so fun!] and I just thought it’d be fun to ask you all.
What do you look for when your naming your little one?
[name]Do[/name] you go for guilty pleasures? Or names that work in the real world?
Totally unusual VS Very common?
Would you discount a name on practical grounds, or just stick with it on a whim?
I’ll answer myself to start off. When i’m choosing names, I look for a good flow. I like strong names, quirky names … but not too off the beaten track. I may go a little crazy when choosing a name, but would never allow myself the indulgence of having a little Adrasteia/Celadne running around. I like names that can age with a child well into old age. I like names that maybe aren’t in the top 20 … but aren’t totally unheard of. I wouldn’t use a name, or a similar sounding one if a friend already had (bye bye [name]Geneva[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name] and [name]Imogen[/name] … your cousin [name]Jenna[/name] got there first with the [name]Jen[/name] sound!).
My kids are [name]Gideon[/name], [name]Flora[/name], [name]Lyra[/name] & [Soontobe] [name]Magda[/name]. What’re yours called?
When naming my first child, my first thought was : what is my favorite little girl name in the world? I didn’t want to name my child something too over the top, I didn’t want her to get teased, but also I wanted to want to say it everyday for the next eighteen years that she was going to live at home.
I still generally stick to naming my children like this. Often my guilty pleasures are practical but sometimes they aren’t and I don’t want to give my daughter or son a name that will result in endless teasing and ridicule. I also don’t want to give them a common name either. It’s a crazy race to name your kids. I tend to stick more unusual names for the MN slot.
As for the unusual verses common debate, I’m in the middle. But I’d rather name my child [name]Lennox[/name] than [name]Savannah[/name] (VERY popular here).
After naming my 1st, I look for names that flow well with it, strong names that have cute petnames, but also unique but not too unusual.
My kids are: [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Becca[/name] ([name]Charley[/name]), [name]Brenner[/name] [name]Cohen[/name], and soon-to-be [name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Denison[/name], [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Linden[/name], and [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Ciel[/name].
Well, I draw heavily from my extensive family tree (On My side we go back to the mid 1600’s, on His side we go back to a bit before the Mayflower).
So while it looks like my kids all are small, the boys are 18 years older than their sister and my daughter is 7 years older than her yet unknown sibling.
I suppose I tend to go for quite uncommon but familiar, seeing as how my boys were in the mid 300’s in1986 and my daughter was mid 200’s when she was born.
With this one, seeing as how it’s our absolute last kid, I’m more inclined to humor my Mr. who’s much, much more of a non-tradionalist than I am. I named the boys when he was stationed 4000 miles away. We beat each other insane with our daughter. He wanted really unusual. ([name]Zuleika[/name], he wanted!). We settled on a family first, a very uncommon family surname in the middle paired with a very classic second middle.
But this time, we’re going with traditional, uncommon for a boy ([name]Rex[/name] with familial [name]Aurelian[/name] [name]Edward[/name] in the middle) And we’re working on girls. See my post on “What would You name [name]Josephine[/name]'s sister” for the beginning drama!
My kids are: [name]Leo[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Coe[/name], [name]Simon[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name] [name]Nash[/name], [name]Josephine[/name] Rosamel [name]Anne[/name] & (either) [name]Rex[/name] [name]Aurelian[/name] [name]Edward[/name] or ??? (right now I’m leaning towards [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Guinevere[/name] [name]Alice[/name]).
Really? I’ve seen [name]Leo[/name] mentioned as [name]Leo[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]JOHN[/name] before.
You considered both [name]Sebastian[/name] and [name]Coe[/name] for another child. I know people reuse names but two names of an already named son is approaching cray cray town.
And how do you explain getting Rosamel off a bottle of hand-cream and then having it appear in your family tree at a later date. Then the name switches from one family member to another? You need to keep the details straight. It’s a gorgeous name. There’s no shame in having taken inspiration from a beauty product. It’s a legitimate name after all.
I’ve also been shown a capture of you posting [name]Leo[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]James[/name]. I know we all mistype things at some point but twice?
I don’t believe a single thing you post and I think you should preface all your threads for child “4” with “Hypothetical”.
Once I started thinking seriously about children i created this giant list of names I liked. It ranges from names that are easy to names that I’d need a lot of courage or pregnancy hormones to use. Once I was in labor I printed the list for my husband and asked him to pick his favorite. Between the two of us he nixes all the names that are too fanciful or out there and I make sure our child doesn’t sound like a jersey shore 2030 cast member.
I think it’s pretty common for couples to balance each other with name decisions. Otherwise you’d have lots of [name]George[/name] Foremans, Harleys, and Spikes OR too many kids whose names go out of style before they are out diapers.