I need some help. I’ve been working on this story for a long time. It’s a modern apocalypse story. It takes place in [name]Canada[/name] and the United States. I’ve mentioned these characters before, but am still undecided on them.
At the time of the apocalypse these characters are becoming quit close but they have not begun an affair yet.
The female has been married for 7 years. She is well educated. She loves to read and loves poetry. She obsessively writes in a journal. She is a good mother to her daughter but she isn’t attentive. She gets bored and distracted easily. Her husband works hard and is never home. This character isn’t happy and is slowly coming to the conclusion that her marriage is over. She is ready to move on with this guy she’s been spending time with.
The male has been married for almost 10 years. he too is well educated, but he’s never had luck with jobs. He is not happy with them or the companies down-size and he gets laid off. He’s always been undecided on his future except for marrying his wife and the birth of his child. His son is his best friend and he loves spending time with him. He loves his wife but she is the sole provider in their home so she’s not hom alot and he gets lonely. This character has several novels on the go but never can focus long enough to write. He finds himself sexually attracted to this women but at the same time he loves his wife.
[name]Both[/name] characters are in their early 30’s.
What names do you prefer?
[name]Brian[/name] and [name]Emily[/name]
[name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Noah[/name] and [name]Rachel[/name]
[name]Daniel[/name] “[name]Dan[/name]” and [name]Shea[/name]-[name]Lynn[/name]
[name]Dan[/name] and [name]Rebecca[/name]
or some other combo???
I like Ethanand Claire, personally. But I also think you should keep thinking through names until you have that “oh my gosh yes that’s the one” moment. That’s how it normally happens for me. Good luck with your story!!
Thanks. I like [name]Shae[/name]-[name]Lynn[/name] because it’s different. The other women in the story are [name]Annie[/name], [name]Katherine[/name] (nn. [name]Kate[/name]) and [name]Colleen[/name], and [name]Scarlett[/name]. It might not be a good idea to use [name]Claire[/name] because readers might get confused with [name]Colleen[/name]…both are C names. [name]Rachel[/name] and [name]Rebecca[/name] fit the character. [name]Rachel[/name] may be more fitting because [name]Rebecca[/name] is stronger sounding. This character is the type that sits in the background and listens but when the time comes to speak she is not afraid to speak her mind. When she speaks her mind, a stronger name like [name]Rebecca[/name] fits her.
As for him…all 4 names have a softer sound to them and out of all my male characters, this character is one of the softer characters, for lack of a better word. He’s not the hero type. I think I prefer [name]Ethan[/name] or [name]Dan[/name].
I wouldn’t worry about the Colleenand Claireissue. You have to trust that your readers can remember who is who. As for the names matching the personalities, just remember that sometimes it’s best not to let name stereotypes define characters. [name]One[/name] of my favorite things to do is to take a name associated with a stereotype and use it to make my own association. Once you are able to differentiate names and personalities, you will find yourself with so many more options, because you will be more open to names you weren’t really a fan of in the past. Take whatever name you like, forget the how you think it should be used, and make it your own. Readers will love that. I’m currently reading Paper Towns by [name]John[/name] [name]Green[/name], and one of the main character’s names is [name]Margo[/name]. And there’s a name I’ve never cared for and would never have thought someone would use it for a main character. But once I started reading, the story turned my entire view on the name around. And I like the name, and it works for the character he’s created because he took a name that’s not “popular” or “pretty” and he made it a pretty name.
I go back to what I said. Think of the name that you think fits best, for whatever reason, and make it your own. Besides, your reader may not automatically think of the same personality you do when you hear a name. Whenever I’m naming a character, my mind just starts reaching out for names, and if it doesn’t stick, than it’s not the right one. And when it does stick, I forget about whatever stereotype it might have, and I make it work for my character. I’m sorry if this sounds ridiculous, I’m not terribly good at explaining how I think.
I really like all the names, and Shae-Lynnis very pretty! [name]Just[/name] try not to get caught up with what personality you think a name represents, and redefine it all for yourself. Shake it up a little
And when it comes to pairing names for couples, I wouldn’t get caught up in if it sounds nice together, because once you start writing, and developing their relationship together, the names will always start to fit perfectly no matter what they are. Because as the reader grows to love the character’s just thinking their names will invoke a happy feeling, and saying their names together will be all that much greater. If that makes sense 
“Pick a name and make it your own.” I love that advice. It’s smart and it makes sense. If I followed your advice maybe naming wouldn’t be such a nightmare for me. LOL
Thanks! Haha, maybe. I still have difficulties. But it’s easier when you take a name that you wouldn’t originally think of, and then start imagining scenarios in your head where the name is used. Good luck with everything!! I hope it all goes very smoothly!