[name_m]Emerson[/name_m] does combine your friends name is nicely it’s actually a really great idea. I think [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as a nickname is sweet for girls and maybe for boys you could use the nickname [name_m]Sonny[/name_m] if you decided to go with [name_m]Emerson[/name_m]. Still completely agree [name_m]Emerson[/name_m] feels stylistically different from your twins names. Maybe [name_m]Emerson[/name_m] could be a middle name? I love the idea of [name_f]Kate[/name_f] [name_m]Emerson[/name_m]. Upfront for girls maybe actually using [name_f]Emily[/name_f] would work! [name_f]Emily[/name_f] is very classic and feels in keeping with your beautifully named twins. Alternatively maybe [name_f]Emmeline[/name_f], [name_f]Emma[/name_f], [name_f]Emilia[/name_f], [name_f]Emiliana[/name_f] & [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] could work as a way to honour your friend and all sound pretty with [name_f]Kate[/name_f]. For boys I think [name_m]Anderson[/name_m] is fun but again a little modern I did think [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] would be more in keeping with your twins whilst honouring your friend. I also liked the idea of [name_m]Anders[/name_m] and [name_m]Emil[/name_m].
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