DW: FN starts with the letter that your real first name ends with, MN is 4 letters long
DH: FN starts with S, MN is one of: [name]Peter[/name], [name]Charles[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Richard[/name], [name]Thomas[/name], [name]Robert[/name]
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see how many kids (only name as many children as the number on the dice): http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/ten.htm
For each child, roll again to see gender: [name]EVEN[/name] = BOY, ODD = GIRL.
Child #1: FN is from the ticker on the homepage, MN is from ‘Today’s Most Popular Names’
Child #2: FN begins with ‘Th’, MN is after mother/father
Child #3: FN is from Color Names for Babies | Nameberry, MN is after a character in the last film you watched
Child #4: FN is Italian, MN is from Greek mythology
Child #5: FN ends in ‘ie’, MN is after your real parent/grandparent
Child #6: FN is that of a favourite actor/actress, MN is a month/season/virtue name
Child #7: FN is somehow derived from the last song you listened to, MN is 3 letters
Child #8: FN is from the ticker on the homepage, MN is from ‘Today’s Most Popular Names’
Child #9: FN is an adaption of your username, MN is: [name]Scott[/name]/[name]Wallace[/name]/[name]Stephen[/name]/[name]Neil[/name] or [name]Ramona[/name]/Knives/[name]Kim[/name]/[name]Stacey[/name]
Child #10: FN is a favourite name, MN is a name you usually dislike
[name]Roll[/name] dice again for each child’s age (children with the same age are twins/triplets/etc.)
Write down your family’s names! [name]Feel[/name] free to add descriptions, pictures, etc.