Naming Characters

Does anyone else here read a book and think, well, that’s a REALLY awesome name and then think I wish I could name my character that and then realize you probably shouldn’t?

TBH, though, I still did name a character Luna…
Oh well?

Yeah, that’s me all the time. Some names I can never use for MCs because they’re too closely linked to another person’s character, including [name_f]Katniss[/name_f], which I love. Most names I don’t consider unusable for MCs though and I figure “a name is a name”. Usually, as long as your character isn’t a complete copy of somebody else’s, hopefully nobody will care.

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I’ve got a [name_f]Mya[/name_f] who’s canonically named after [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] from [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m], but yk, that’s a stretch. I have a major thing with associations and don’t tend to name characters anything that I even mildly associate with another character or person, no matter how cool the name is. :woman_shrugging:

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