Naming help?

Hello everyone! (Well, at least everyone reading this…)

I’ve had an idea for a story rattling around in my head for a while, and I’ve finally decided to write it down on paper. The plot is very very loosely based on “The [name]Little[/name] Mermaid”. The main character is a teenage girl who lives in [name]Florida[/name] and basically falls in love with the sea. She’s rather quiet, and a little bit shy. But the most important thing about her is her complete and utter longing for the sea. At least, that’s what I see when think of her. And I would like that to come through in her name.

For the longest time, her name was going to be [name]Emily[/name] [name]Gale[/name]. But the name never seemed to fit quite right, [name]Emily[/name] just didn’t seem to be her. So today I was searching around on Nameberry and came across the name [name]Merryn[/name]. I love the name, but I’m not sure if it works in the story. I still want her last name to be [name]Gale[/name], and I’m not sure if [name]Merryn[/name] sounds all right with that. So I decided to come here for help!

Opinions on [name]Emily[/name] and [name]Merryn[/name] would be useful. Any other name suggestions would be lovely as well. Names connected to the sea would be even lovlier! (Is that a real word?)

Thanks for all your help, and [name]Happy[/name] New Year!

[name]Merryn[/name] [name]Gale[/name] is a bit too rhymey for me. What about [name]Lily[/name]?

I think [name]Merryn[/name] [name]Gale[/name] is very pretty! The suggestions below have some connection to the sea or water. [name]Happy[/name] Writing!
[name]Meredith[/name] - I quite like the combo [name]Meredith[/name] [name]Gale[/name]
[name]Mira[/name] - sea or ocean in Sanskrit
[name]Marna[/name] / [name]Marnie[/name]


The first name that came to my mind was [name]Marina[/name]. [name]Marin[/name] seems like a great match too, though–it has more of a modest, shy vibe [name]IMO[/name]…! Or you could do a “[name]Michelle[/name]–but everyone’s always called me [name]Shelly[/name]…” sort of thing!! :slight_smile: Have Fun!!

I agree that [name]Marin[/name] or [name]Marina[/name] [name]Gale[/name] seems a little bit more realistic.

[name]Sirena[/name] means “mermaid” in Spanish. [name]Sirena[/name]/[name]Serena[/name] [name]Gale[/name] sounds nice.

I’ll keep thinking of some others!