We are so excited to be matched with a birthmom and expecting a baby girl due in [name]October[/name]! She had already picked a name that she liked but my husband and I really want to name the baby ourselves. We are leaning towards the name [name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. Would love opinions and help. We love that the name sounds like Amazing [name]Grace[/name]. We want something with meaning since we have waited and prayed for our first baby for so long. Any other suggestions for beautiful names with strong meaning and significance? Our last name is White so it would need to flow well with that.
Congratulations on your daughter! [name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is NMS, but not horrible. Honestly, the names sound too similiar to me to be paired together. It also reminds me too much of the the R&B singer [name]Macy[/name] [name]Gray[/name]. I would choose the name that is more significant to you and find another name to go with it. Also, since your last name is one syllable I would personally choose a longer first or middle name to add some length and syllables to the flow. Good luck!
[name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is not my style either, and I do see the connection to [name]Macy[/name] [name]Gray[/name], but I think it sounds really great. If you love it, use it.
Macy Grace is too cutesy for me. If the connection to “Amazing Grace” is what you like about the name, why not name her Grace?
Grace Dorothy/Dorothea - “gift of God”
Grace Mattea - “gift of God”
Grace Theodora - “gift of God”
Grace Anina - “let my prayer be answered”
Congrats! What is the name the birth mother picked? Maybe it could be a third middle?
I like [name]Grace[/name] but [name]Macy[/name] isn’t my style cause it’s kind of trendy & reminds me of the Teen Mom
[name]Marguerite[/name] [name]Grace[/name] nn [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Grace[/name]?
[name]Margaret[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Mary[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
I like [name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name], although I do find that the C sounds are a little bit too rhymey for me.
I would like [name]Macy[/name] [name]Hope[/name] better. Congrats!
[name]Grace[/name] is always beautiful for me but I’m not a fan of [name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. I’d choose another longer FN and keep [name]Macy[/name] as a nn.
[name]Macy[/name] is lovely, but reminds me a lot of the store. I think the softer [name]Maisie[/name] would be a better fit for you guys! [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is a stunning name!
xo [name]Viv[/name]
Overall, I like [name]Macy[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. I slightly prefer [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Grace[/name].
I’ve never been in your situation, but I like the idea of incorporating birth mom’s name choice (or a variation on it) somewhere in your daughters name. [name]One[/name] of my friends who was adopted has her birth mothers name choice as a second middle name (this might make sense in your case) and another has her birth mom’s actual name as a middle name to honor her.
I think the soft 'c 'is both [name]Macy[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] is too much for me plus I’m not a big [name]Macy[/name] [name]Gray[/name] fan and that’s the first thing that popped into my head rather than amazing grace. I agree that [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is lovely, it flows better, and it takes care of that soft ‘c’ rhymie sound. I am also curious on the choice of the birthmother and think it would be a great idea to honor her by incorporating it as a second mn.
Congratulations on your daughter
Perhaps you would consider incorporating the name her birth mom has chosen. I think this is a beautiful way to honor her other mom and the amazing gift she is giving to you. believe me when I tell you that this will mean a lot to your daughter as well.
Im not a fan of [name]Macy[/name] personally but its not horrible. [name]Grace[/name] is nice.