A crosspost from the siblings board:
[name]Just[/name] found out the LO we are expecting in February will be a boy. So excited for our first to be a big brother. There are several naming patterns that we could follow but I’m not sure how closely we should stick to any of them.
We all have “k” in our name and a second name that starts with an “a”. Also, all our names follow the germanic/ scandinavian spelling as DH is german and I am swedish. Our last name is very german sounding.
The first names that we have thrown around are all scandinavian spelling, such as:
We have no ideas for middle names other than using a shortened version of my middle name: [name]Alexei[/name]
With all these patterns I’m not sure where to start. If we don’t follow the “k” and “a” pattern I feel like our next born will be left out. We are not planning on having any more children. Maybe we’re just overthinking this and should scrap all the naming conventions, just go with something we love.
Any advice would be very much appreciated, we are so lost!!
Other suggestions, not sure on whether the spellings are legit as Scandanavian/[name]German[/name] but:
[name]Nikolas[/name] - though love [name]Nikolai[/name] as well
Why not go for [name]Aleksandr[/name] as a middle? I think [name]Nikolai[/name] [name]Aleksandr[/name] is handsome.
If you only plan to have two children, I don’t think there is enough of a pattern for your newest LO to feel left out. If I was the new child in your situation, I would feel worse knowing that my parents gave me a name they didn’t love just so it would fit a pattern. The most important thing is that you love the name.
But if you legitimately like the idea of sticking with the pattern, I think you already have an excellent name with [name]Nikolai[/name] [name]Aleksandr[/name]. The names sound lovely together and it fits your pattern. [name]Alexei[/name] is nice, but [name]Aleksandr[/name] has such a strong sound and I like it in the mn place.
What do you think of [name]Klaus[/name] [name]Aleksandr[/name]? (This carries the pattern a step farther. Now your first son and your husband have a name that ends in “k” and you and your second son have a name that begins in “k”… others would be [name]Kristoffer[/name] or [name]Konrad[/name])
[name]Love[/name], love, love [name]Oskar[/name]! I think [name]Henrik[/name] and [name]Oskar[/name] are just perfect as brothers. Sort of swoonworthy, actually. I think [name]Oskar[/name] [name]Alexei[/name] (or even [name]Oskar[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]/[name]Aleksandr[/name], if you want something a little more mainstream like [name]Henrik[/name]'s combo is) is fabulous.
But I agree with @dovah - I never would have recognized the pattern until you said something. I noticed [name]Henrik[/name] had your husband’s MN, and I noticed all your MNs started with “[name]Al[/name]”, but other than that, I don’t think I would have even noticed the “K” thing. I think I would still stick to [name]Alexei[/name] your son’s MN, though–I think it’d be cool for one son to have Daddy’s MN and the other to have a variation of Mommy’s name.
I have to echo the suggestion of [name]Konrad[/name], though–I believe it’s [name]German[/name] (maybe even Dutch? But I’m guessing that would be the Scandinavian spelling, as well?), but [name]Henrik[/name] and [name]Konrad[/name] is just as perfect as [name]Henrik[/name] and [name]Oskar[/name]!
[name]Oskar[/name] [name]Alexei[/name]! I love the idea of your son having a variant of your middle name. [name]Aleksandr[/name] could also work for that though, since [name]Alexis[/name] came from [name]Alexander[/name].
I love [name]Oskar[/name] [name]Aleksandr[/name]! Everything about it. The Ks, the Rs, the strong, solid architecture of both names… [name]Just[/name] beautiful.