The “F” stands for “freaking” because this is a family website…
This is a thread for everyone participating in NaNoWriMo this year! [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to use this to pose questions, comment about how your writing is going, update word counts, or as a void to scream into when that second-week slump hits. I’d love to connect with others undertaking this challenge!
I’m also @sparkleninja18 on NaNoWriMo if you wanna hit me up. This’ll be my 7th (!) year participating so also feel free to ask me any questions about the process and the challenge. I’m a bit nervous about getting everything done this year, especially in the first week because I’ll be traveling, but I’m optimistic.
I’m so sad that [name_u]November[/name_u] is such an inconvenient month for me. I have all my final exams in November/December so I’ve never been able to participate. Hopefully once I’m done with my education in 5 or 6 years I can start getting involved! University and secondary school exams always fall within that month, unfortunately.
I’m trying it for the first time this year, which is probably a bad idea given that I’m taking lots of hard classes and getting involved in lots of things…but we’ll see how it goes.
Any tips for someone trying it for the first time?
I don’t even know what LFG is short for but I saw NaNoWriMo so I couldn’t not click
I’m Auck Rus over there (on the main site, in the forum it’s Auck_Rus). I mostly interact with the German forum but you can add me as a buddy! It will be my 5th year.
I’ve been thinking about trying the Reverse-approach this year, where instead of writing 1667 words every day, you have an individual plan for each day - some 3400 on the first and then less and less every day until there’s only a single word left to write on the 30th. Anyone done that? I feel like it could be a good idea because on the first day I usually write double the daily amount anyway - once before and once after sleeping. But I also feel like it could be a bad idea because I have a job now and usually am super super tired when I come home.
When I did my first NaNo I was very very eager to win and used writing as a way to procrastinate my classes. My tip is to not do that. I’d rather be able to say I never failed an exam than to say I’ve never not won a NaNo. Don’t focus on winning to much - the worst thing you could to is to stop writing because you see you can’t reach the 50000 any more. Every single word is one more than you would have written without NaNo. Every single word is a success.
Write every single day. First and foremost, that’s the point of the challenge—to get you to write. If you’ve written something, even if it isn’t the full 1670ish words, everyday, then I think you’ve won.
If you’re passionate about making it, don’t let yourself fall behind. It can be tempting to think that you’ll just put it off and write the week’s worth over the weekend but that means writing almost 12k words every weekend . The first year I competed, I took 2 days off and it took me almost 10 days to get back on track. Like @Wandarine said, every word is one more than you would’ve written without NaNo so just take it by day.
Here, it stands for Let’s Freaking Go!
I sort of accidentally did something similar for camp NaNo this summer! I had downtime between jobs/school and jobs so I was writing full time and could fit in 3k-5k words per day for the first couple weeks, and then went on vacation for the last two weeks and was writing closer to 1k words per day. I’ve never tried it on purpose though—it also sounds like too much math for me lol. Definitely won’t be possible this year because I bet it’ll be a struggle to get even the daily word count in for the first week due to my travels.
I’m doing my first NaNoWriMo this year! I’m on the [name_m]Young[/name_m] Writer’s Program since I’m not 18 yet, and my project’s got a goal of 30,000 which is probably a bit more achievable for me considering I have to revise for my mock exams in the first half of [name_u]December[/name_u] during [name_u]November[/name_u] as well… saying that, it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen. I’ve got a schedule for Maths, no list at all for Spanish and a fuck ton of stuff to cover in [name_m]History[/name_m], which is three out of eight or nine subjects. Yay.
Okay, contrary to the post I just deleted I think I’ve settled on an idea?
A girl is drunkenly lamenting to a mysterious stranger about how her biggest regret in life is not being able to prevent her brother’s death. Unbeknownst to her, the stranger is a crossroads demon or similar creature, who sends her back in time to like a week before he died. She now has to try to prevent it, and no one else knows its about to happen. If she does prevent it, her parents stay married and her step brother never becomes her step brother, he’s just some kid at her school she barely knows. She saves brother, and maybe would-be-step-bro dies in his place as an unexpected trade off. Not sure what the ending will be yet, maybe just the crossroads demon finding her again and asking if it was worth it.
It’s loosely inspired by an optional ending in the game Oxenfree, but it’s all original characters and I’m only writing this for my own enjoyment rather than publishing goals so I’m not really concerned about that
so i’m gonna do nano this year and i’m a mixture of excitement and nervousness! my biggest goal is, if i can’t reach the 50K word mark is to meet a certain goal every day, which i’ve set to be about two scenes. i have a really stable plot and an actual outline (which is incredibly weird for me) and i’m writing fantasy, so we’ll see how this goes!
i’m actually looking forward for november to start!