I have no idea what a manic pixie dream girl is, so I’m afraid I can’t offer any suggestions. But I just wanted to say HEY FELLOW WRIMO. I’m here on Nanowrimo business, too, looking for a name for a character that unexpectedly sprang into existance this morning.
Thank you! I’m insanely busy, so actually finishing it is a long shot, but i plan to try!
So you know, the manic pixie dream girl trope is used to describe a female character who is defined by a few characteristics such as an unusual taste in music, retro fashion, and a childlike love for life. They aren’t developed beyond that because their sole purpose in the work of fiction is to further the heterosexual white male character. Think [name]Kirsten[/name] Dunst in Elizabethtown, [name]Natalie[/name] Portman in Garden State, or [name]Zooey[/name] Deschanel in (500) Days of [name]Summer[/name].