So my LO is great about sleeping in her crib at night, but will not take naps in her crib during the day. She will nap on me or next to me. I will be returning to part-time teaching in [name_u]August[/name_u] so I am needing ideas on how to get her to nap in her crib. Thanks in advance.
Are you just concerned about her refusing to nap for daycare or a babysitter? I can’t promise that this will be the same for you, but I started watching a little boy when he was three months old. He also refused to nap anywhere but on his mother. But once I started keeping him, he napped no problem. I think that if his mom was around, he obviously wanted to sleep on her. But since she wasn’t there anyhow, he had no problem sleeping in his crib. I have a friend who works in a daycare, she says that parents often warn her that the baby just won’t nap in the crib, but she has yet to come across a baby who won’t nap at daycare. So if it’s possible, I would say just enjoy the naps while you can.
If you really need the baby to sleep on her own during the day while you are home, have you tried: 1) black out shades (babies are a lot like fat little canaries. They usually sleep better in the dark.) 2) white noise 3) putting her down drowsy but not asleep yet? Or conversely, letting her fall asleep on you and then transferring her to the crib and building up to putting her in awake?
@tarynkay - mostly hoping she will take naps when she is with my [name_f]MIL[/name_f]. Thankfully I only have to be gone 6 hours a week for my job, but I know she would need her hands free sometimes to not hold her every time she naps.
I haven’t tried the black out shades or the white noise machine, I will be trying these. I have tried putting her in her crib asleep after she has fallen asleep on me. I will attempt the putting her down drowsy. Thankfully I have three months to try to make it work.
Thank you so much for responding.
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it too much. I’d try a new method every few days, and if one seems like it could work, keep with it.
I think most babies go through this phase, and I don’t remember it lasting for more than 3 months!
My daughter is almost a year old, and she only naps on me as well. But I am pretty sure she naps at daycare, at least cat naps. On the weekends, sometimes I can get her to fall asleep on my and then I put her in her crib. She will never fall asleep on her own, in the day or the night. She is my last baby, so I just kind of enjoy all of the snuggles and cuddles I get, because I know it will be over soon and she won’t need me. And I know that is totally cliche, but it is so true for that.
I say don’t worry about it. They will settle into their own routine and get it figured out when the time comes.
Try reading up on The Sleep Lady method and using those techniques for naps. Blackout shades and white noise are a good idea, if you read a story at bedtime, read one before naps. Does she use a lovey? Have her nap with the same blanket with/on you for a few days and then try the crib.