Narrowed it down to 3 first names and 2 middle names

See the results of this poll: Wdyt of these Combos? how do they flow?

Respondents: 34 (This poll is closed)

  • Cody Michael : 3 (9%)
  • Leo Michael : 9 (26%)
  • Martin Michael : 0 (0%)
  • Cody Edward : 1 (3%)
  • Leo Edward : 14 (41%)
  • Martin Edward: 7 (21%)

I voted for [name]Martin[/name] [name]Edward[/name]. It’s solid, and has a nice sound to it.

I also voted for [name]Martin[/name] [name]Edward[/name]. Simple, straightforward, handsome name. (I think the biggest drawback here is the potential for nn [name]Marty[/name]).

I’ve never been a fan of [name]Leo[/name] - not sure why - maybe because to me, it always sounds like it’s short for Leondardo, which I just think is altogether too much.

[name]Cody[/name] is cute, but I don’t think it would age well.

I just have to mention that my brother is [name]Cody[/name] and I’ve always liked his name. I know two other Codys as well. They are all (including my brother) in their 20’s and it seems to fit that age well. I think it ages nicely ;). My brother does complain about being confused as “[name]Cory[/name]” a lot, though. [name]Just[/name] an FYI.