Narrowed to the Final 4 Boy's Names (Poll)

See the results of this poll: Which of the following names do you most prefer?

Respondents: 72 (This poll is closed)

  • Kian : 18 (22%)
  • Caius : 44 (54%)
  • Amias : 14 (17%)
  • Caian: 6 (7%)

I love [name]Caius[/name] so that got my vote.

[name]Don[/name]'t think you can go wrong with any of your top 4, although I know in the UK that KEY-an is the way that [name]Kian[/name] will instinctively be pronounced so would caution against that if you don’t want your boy to constantly have to correct it.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Lucius[/name], [name]Callum[/name] and [name]Makai[/name] from the runners up too, like your style!

I adore [name]Kian[/name] but slightly prefer the sp. [name]Cian[/name], because I’m not keen on K names. [name]Caius[/name] is gorgeous and very unique, much more so than [name]Kian[/name]/[name]Cian[/name] which is top 100 in the UK.

They all sound like the same name I voted for [name]Caius[/name]

I think [name]Caius[/name] is a great choice. Nice meaning, lovely sound, and has an obvious, familiar nn should he want something a bit more mainstream during some phase of his life.

I really love [name]Amias[/name]! Plus it has the best meaning. The [name]Cai[/name]- sound seems a little too trendy at the moment.

[name]Amias[/name]! It’s amazing and such a happy name! I also love [name]Alaric[/name], [name]Lucius[/name] and [name]Eamon[/name] from your runner up list.

Thanks for the votes everybody. [name]Caius[/name] certainly seems to be gettin the most love here. Good to know. [name]Kinda[/name] surprised [name]Amias[/name] isn’t gettin more votes, thought it’d be a popular one (especially since lots of people seem to love [name]Elias[/name] and this has a similar sound to that).

I love your naming style! I voted for [name]Caius[/name] because it’s a personal favorite, but all of the names (including runner ups) are fantastically dynamic and interesting. And thank you for introducing me to the name [name]Amias[/name]! I’ve never heard it before, but absolutely love it.

I’m glad to have introduced you to [name]Amias[/name]! I too just discovered it pretty recently and think it’s kinda amazing. And it was given to less than 25 babies in the US last year. So incredibly unique but with a dynamic sound, great meaning, and ancient/historic Latin feel to it. I had a dream last night that we choose [name]Amias[/name] as the name.

[name]Darius[/name] has pushed it’s way into the top 5 now too, while [name]Kian[/name] is loosing a bit of favor due to the fact that we want the Persian pronunciation (don’t like the Gaelic pronunciation nearly as much), and it does seem like most people would pronounce it in the Gaelic way, since it’s much more common. I imagine a lot of people would even think we’re just mispronouncing a name that is increasingly well-known.