Narrowing down my favourites...

Seeing sarahmeezz’s post made me realise that I too really need to narrow down my list…though I’m not sure if I’m ready to cut too many just yet. Anyway, feedback on the names is always welcome and please pick your top 5, give or take a few. :slight_smile:

[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - unsure about…
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - middle name only now.
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - middle name only now.
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - middle name only now.
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - middle name only now.
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - unsure about…
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - unsure about…
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - unsure about…

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

In no particular order fave 5



My favourite name list is under major construction at the moment, envious that people have lists which need to be narrowed down. I’m too fickle when it comes to names especially girls. You have gorgeous names on your list!! I’m first of all going to ‘eliminate’ the names I dislike from this list.
My least favourite names from this list:
[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] - sounds negative and feels really harsh.
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] - again feels harsh and visually looks unattractive in my eyes.
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - I like [name_f]Olympia[/name_f] and [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f] which have a similar sound but there’s something I dislike about [name_f]Octavia[/name_f].
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - [name_f]Love[/name_f] [name_f]Sibylla[/name_f] but for me this simply [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] feels dated for me she’s like Gertude and [name_f]Bertha[/name_f].
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - I’m unsure on [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] in away she feels unattractive and stodgy but in away she’s refreshing. I’m just totally unsure.

The rest (warning going to be picky as there all awesome)…
[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - a new discovery for me and I love her. She’s elegant, demure, and incredibly beautiful. She just feels refreshing. But I’m unsure on nicknames. [name_f]Araminta[/name_f] would have to have a nickname (I feel anyway) would I want her to be called [name_f]Minty[/name_f]? No I just wouldn’t. It’s crisp and fresh nickname but then on other hand, on a popular TV soap in my country, there was a character of a fat car mechanic named [name_f]Minty[/name_f] and even though he was nice I don’t like the association. [name_f]Araminta[/name_f] is the perfect middle name.

[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - lovely, [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] is very elegant and has this lovely spunky vibe. I don’t mind the nickname [name_u]Rory[/name_u] for a nickname for [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] (hate [name_u]Rory[/name_u] as a stand alone name for a girl. [name_u]Rory[/name_u] in that case is all boy), she has this brilliant [name_f]Princess[/name_f] vibe and looks sooo pretty. I also love the nature associations through [name_f]Aurora[/name_f]'s meaning dawn.

[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] - elegant, great Shakespearean connotations, demure, and incredibly usable due to her easy nickname [name_f]Bea[/name_f]. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] is a great choice.

[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] - another brilliant choice, [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] looks effortless and has this gorgeous fruity vibe. I adore the whole effect of [name_f]Clementine[/name_f]. But then I do find that [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] has flaws due to not having an easy go to middle name. [name_u]Clemmy[/name_u] is cute but most likely she’d get [name_f]Tina[/name_f] which is just so dated.

[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] - I love this name she’s so pretty and wholesome. [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] has a fresh spunky vibe and looks so romantic. I also love the [name_f]Cordy[/name_f] nickname. [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] is growing on me so much for recent. I even like the Shakespearean connotations even though the character has a rather sad life.

[name_f]Florence[/name_f] - another fantastic choice (you have such a great taste in names!!) [name_f]Florence[/name_f] is just effortless and again elegant. She has great connotations what with the Italian city, [name_f]Florence[/name_f] Nightingale, and of course flowers through her meaning ‘flowering’. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though [name_f]Florence[/name_f] is great I’m not a massive fan of her nicknames.

[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] - she’s a British staple. In my head [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] feels so British and so upper crust and I do love the whole vibe of that name. [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] is a great choice.

[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - another fantastic name, [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] feels so majestic and has this gorgeous surreal vibe. I actually love the [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] association despite not actually liking [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] just feels light and easy, furthermore I like the fact that despite her length she’s rather short in sound (almost) thus she doesn’t seem to need a nickname.

[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - I do like [name_f]Isla[/name_f], she’s pretty and has a fresh sound but she’s slowly becoming trendy.

[name_f]Matilda[/name_f] - lovely! [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] is sweet, fresh, feminine. She has a range of gorgeous nicknames such as [name_u]Mattie[/name_u], [name_f]Tilly[/name_f], and [name_f]Tilda[/name_f]. [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] has this lovely almost Nordic charm. She feels so Medieval in away which I find charming. [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] is rising in popularity in the UK though.

[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - I like [name_f]Olive[/name_f] she’s a intriguing twist on [name_f]Olivia[/name_f]. [name_f]Olive[/name_f] sounds really fresh and has a very wholesome vibe. But maybe [name_f]Olive[/name_f] is too hipster?!

[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] - she’s growing on me hence the reason why I couldn’t say I didn’t like her but she isn’t my favourite there is something I find odd.

[name_f]Persephone[/name_f] - I love this name she’s pretty, has gorgeous Greek mythological connotations, and has this really elegant sound. [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] just feels intriguing! I also adore the Sephy nickname which makes [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] feel light.

[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - love [name_f]Rose[/name_f] and her variants. Currently [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] is my favourite girl’s name and despite reconstruction on the list she most likely will remain there. So of course I love [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] she’s elegant, wholesome, has a range of great nicknames, and just feels perfect.

[name_f]Violet[/name_f] - I of course love [name_f]Violet[/name_f]. I love flower names!! [name_f]Violet[/name_f] is very pretty she is rising in popularity but doesn’t have that trendy vibe which [name_f]Isla[/name_f] possess. [name_f]Violet[/name_f] is lovely. I also like [name_f]Viola[/name_f] and [name_f]Violetta[/name_f].

So after much processing my top 5 are…

But that was difficult and probably would change my mind if I came back to the list : )

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[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f], [name_f]Violet/name_f, and [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] (I’m torn between this and [name_f]Clemency[/name_f]) are on my list, so I’m biased.

Top 5:

  1. [name_f]Araminta[/name_f]
  2. [name_f]Matilda[/name_f]
  3. [name_f]Octavia[/name_f]
  4. [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - Yes, I’m a Potterhead.
  5. [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f]

Thanks for all the feedback! :slight_smile:

[name_f]Aurora[/name_f], [name_f]Isla[/name_f], [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] and [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] have been demoted to middle names only.

I’m unsure about [name_f]Araminta[/name_f], [name_f]Olive[/name_f], [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] and [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f].

My top 5:

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[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] - I know the most lovely little [name_f]Antigone[/name_f]. It’s a beautiful name, and would make a smashing sister for [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m].
[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - I can’t convince you on this, it’s one of those incredibly stuffy upper class old lady in an ancient manor all by herself with a scary pet snake-cat names.
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - No! Only middle? But it’s so pretty! I love [name_f]Aurora[/name_f]. The northern lights and all.
[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] - Beautiful [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] Portinari (Rossetti’s [name_f]Beata[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]? Swoon!!!) and Much [name_f]Ado[/name_f] are both gorgeous reasons to use this name.
[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] - Gorgeous sweet [name_f]Clementine[/name_f]. [name_f]One[/name_f] of my friends is a [name_f]Clementine[/name_f], so I do love this name very much. So happy!
[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] - I find this uncharming. But it’s quite pretty, just so lifeless.
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] - Swoon alert! [name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] is fantastical. I adore this, [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] and [name_f]Drusilla[/name_f]!
[name_f]Florence[/name_f] - Very pretty, the area I live in is flooded with Florences though, so it’s started to seem rather common to me. But it’s a lovely name, and all the girls I meet by this name are pretty, clean and polite.
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] - [name_f]Harriet[/name_f]'s very sweet. I like it much more than I should.
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - [name_f]Lovely[/name_f], this is one of my favourites for you. [name_m]Rupert[/name_m] & [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] (okay, maybe too [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]-ish, but they sound great together).
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - Good, move this dull name to the middle. I’d take it off entirely, but that’s your choice. [name_f]Isla[/name_f] is so common where I live, and unlike [name_f]Florence[/name_f] they’re not little charmers. They’re always the ones screaming with snot under their noses.
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f] - [name_f]Lovely[/name_f], and who wouldn’t want [name_m]Roald[/name_m] Dahl’s Marilda as a namesake?
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - I never liked this, so I’m glad you moved it to the middle spot.
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - Oh no. [name_f]Octavia[/name_f]'s so gorgeous! But it does make a fantastic middle as well.
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - I think [name_f]Olive[/name_f]'s charming, maybe because of the little girl in [name_m]Little[/name_m] Miss [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f]. I adore that movie, and she’s a cutiepie.
[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] - Well, what can I say. I think it’s beautiful and elegant.
[name_f]Persephone[/name_f] - Beautiful and quirky classy. I like this name very much.
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - Oh, [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f]. I think it’s stunning, nothing to be unsure about. [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] and [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f]. Wow, I really like [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] for you. Might have to pop over to the boy thread and rearrange my top five.
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - I don’t like [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f], but I adore [name_f]Sybilla[/name_f]. I think [name_f]Sybilla[/name_f] and [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] would be amazing sisters.
[name_f]Violet[/name_f] - Very very pretty, but that’s as far as it goes.

Top five:
[name_f]Florence[/name_f] or [name_f]Clementine[/name_f]

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top 5 for me:

[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] - im in love with this name and using it for my future daughter for sure
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - don’t like the english pronunciation that much thou ( i know its originally english and blabla but it sounds better in hungarian to me) still think its a lovely name
[name_f]Florence[/name_f] - its sweet
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f]- nice
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] - sounds really fresh

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My Favorites:
a) [name_f]Florence[/name_f]
b) [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f]
c) [name_f]Olive[/name_f]
d) [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f]
The others were either not my style, or I couldn’t picture a little baby girl having a name like those. [name_u]Ollie[/name_u] is a great nn for [name_f]Olive[/name_f], which I like b/c [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] is dried up from overuse and the major spike in popularity. I used to love the name [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] with [name_f]Livvie[/name_f] for a nn.
[name_f]Wren[/name_f] is a cute nn for [name_f]Florence[/name_f], or maybe [name_f]Lorie[/name_f](lorikeet is a type of parrot and [name_f]Lori[/name_f] for short)
[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] is pretty, cute, and I just love it the way it is.
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] seems underused, possibly under-appreciated and misunderstood. My mom wanted to name me this, but, she went with [name_u]Ashley[/name_u] instead. A tad different than [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f]!

Here my top 5 in the order they appear on the list. You have some lovely names on here:

[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] (even though you said only as a middle)

The honorable mentions:


Top Faves


Top 5:

Out of your lists I love [name_f]Hermione[/name_f], [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] and [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f]. They are all divine and I love your naming style too. I would also like to suggest [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f] as a beautiful name to consider.
Good luck!X

Top 5…


Next 3…


My top 5 :


I think you have a wonderful taste . Lots of beautiful names. The only one I don’t like it’s [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] which reminds me Octopus but that’s me.

Our styles are kind of similar, don’t you think so? So fun!
[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] - Such a lovely name, makes me think of British upper class. But her story was so tragic that it scares me off.
[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - Why are you unsure? [name_f]Araminta[/name_f] is lovely and [name_f]Minty[/name_f] is cute as button.
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - Girl would like to have it, for sure. But it’s kind of pretensious in my eyes.
[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] - She has all the connections you will like to have with a name - Rosetti, Shekespeare, [name_m]Dante[/name_m], royality. I prefer [name_f]Beata[/name_f], personally, but it’s a nice one.
[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] - Arent’s tangerines called clementines in Australia? If so, I find it strange.
[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] - Why not [name_f]Cornelia[/name_f]? :wink: OK, it’s lovely and musical but the character was pretty silly.
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] - I like it! Drisilla is orange, red and blue balloons in the sky, laughter, playing hide-and-seek…She is so happy!
[name_f]Florence[/name_f] - Another one I love. The city is beautiful and the name too plus [name_f]Flossie[/name_f], [name_f]Flo[/name_f] and [name_u]Ren[/name_u] are cool.
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] - Yes, please, if you call her [name_f]Hattie[/name_f].
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - What can I say? Absolutely divine with great namesakes, sound and nicknames.
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - I kind of dislike [name_f]Isla[/name_f] because my boyfriend loves [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_m]Fisher[/name_m] and yeah, I am jealous! Hehe, the name is pretty itself.
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f] - I find it very grumpy but it’s a personal association. [name_u]Mattie[/name_u] is adorable though, do you like [name_f]Mattea[/name_f]?
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - [name_f]Lovely[/name_f], but [name_f]Millie[/name_f]'s are everywhere nowadays.
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] and [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m], please? Neat and sweet.
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - Despite the fact I dislike [name_f]Clementine[/name_f], [name_f]Olive[/name_f] is a love of mine. So funky and spunky and cute.
[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] - I have decided I love [name_f]Ottoline[/name_f] better because she doesn’t cause the pronunciation issues.
[name_f]Persephone[/name_f] - Quirky but you know, phony.
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f], sure. [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f], well, not so.
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - That’s a great one. So charming and romantic. [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] and [name_m]Oliver[/name_m], [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] and [name_f]Florence[/name_f]?
[name_f]Violet[/name_f] - I know the most adorable [name_f]Violet[/name_f] ever but as far as a name go, I prefer [name_f]Viola[/name_f]. Or [name_f]Victoria[/name_f]. :wink:
My top 5 for you:

My top 5 would be

[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] - I just love saying this name, it just rolls of the tongue so well.
[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] - smiley and fun without being over the top cutesy
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] - there’s something about this I love but I just can’t put my finger on it.
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - I think [name_f]Olive[/name_f] is gorgeous with a vintage charm
[name_f]Violet[/name_f] - while it s rather popular, it is definitely still worth using

[name_m]Just[/name_m] to note if [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] had still been an option I would have definitely chosen her

My top five:

[name_f]Antigone[/name_f]- When I look at this, I have no idea how to pronounce it. I want to say Anti-gone, literately. You would have a lot of people butchering her name, and she would probably get tired of it. I think it looks beautiful on paper, but would people be able to pronounce it? And would she have an smaller easier to pronounce nickname? It would depend for me, but right now I’d say it’s okay. You could use it as a middle name?
[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - This also looks gorgeous, but I wouldn’t know how to pronounce it either. Maybe.
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - This isn’t my style, but it’s very pretty. I think it could ve a very good first name, not just a middle name.
[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]- So ugly. It sounds way to old, and clunky.
[name_f]Clementine[/name_f]- This is a huge name to stick on a little girl. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t name your daughter after a fruit.
[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f]- I love this name! It’s beautiful.
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f]- Yuck! No. When I look at this I think Drool-Silly-A, even if that’s not how it’s pronounced.
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f]- No, [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] is such an ugly veration of the already not good name [name_m]Harry[/name_m].
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f]- It’s okay. When I think [name_f]Hermione[/name_f], I automatically think of [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. It’s a wonderful name but when she tells people, they’ll ask, ‘Oh, like [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] from [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]?’
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - Beautiful! Use as a first name! :slight_smile:
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f]- Okay, but I think of the movie [name_f]Matilda[/name_f]. Other than that, kind of pretty.
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - This is a boys name to me, but if you use it as a middle name it wouldn’t be so bad.
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - No. I think Octopus, Octagon, etc. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t.
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - [name_f]Love[/name_f] this! Definitely!
[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f]- It’s okay. I don’t really love it, but I don’t hate it. It just looks weird.
[name_f]Persephone[/name_f]- This is too big of a name to stick on a little girl, and the greek part of it is way to much to live up to.
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - I like it, but it’s better as [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f], I think.
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - I have no idea how to pronounce this. No.
[name_f]Violet[/name_f]- [name_f]Lovely[/name_f]. :slight_smile:

[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] - I like this, but I also know of a little [name_f]Antigone[/name_f] (as in, I have friends who know this child) and the adults routinely roll their eyes or snark about how pretentious her name is.
[name_f]Araminta[/name_f] - I don’t dislike it, but don’t care for it either.
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] - very pretty but very princessy
[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] - solid name, not my style
[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] - [name_f]Adore[/name_f]
[name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] - Solid name, too tied to BtVS for me
[name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] - Hate
[name_f]Florence[/name_f] - I used to love this and now I’m underwhelmed by it
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] - nms but I do love nn [name_f]Hattie[/name_f]
[name_f]Hermione[/name_f] - [name_f]Adore[/name_f]
[name_f]Isla[/name_f] - Like it
[name_f]Matilda[/name_f] - It’s okay
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] - This reminds me of the witch from Sleeping Beauty
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - nms but don’t hate it
[name_f]Olive[/name_f] - nms, don’t see the appeal
[name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] - Can never figure out how this is pronounced, but I like it
[name_f]Persephone[/name_f] - I have a hard time picturing an actual person called this
[name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] - I like the [name_f]Rose[/name_f]-a-lind pronunciation (which is technically wrong but whatev), hate the [name_f]Roz[/name_f]-a-lind pronunciation
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] - I like it
[name_f]Violet[/name_f] - love

Thanks everyone for the replies, they are all really helpful!

@ottilie: [name_f]Antigone[/name_f] and [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] are gorgeous together! [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] is lovely, but there’s just something about her that always demotes her to middle name status. Rossetti’s [name_f]Beata[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] is absolutely lovely, I agree with you there. So excited to see [name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] getting some love! [name_m]Rupert[/name_m] and [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] do sound great together and, who knows, maybe by the time I’m having children, the connection may not be apparent. [name_m]Roald[/name_m] Dahl’s [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] is a lovely namesake, I’m just worried about the growing popularity. [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] is currently #16 in [name_f]Victoria[/name_f]. I’m all over the place with [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] - she was my favourite name for a while and whilst I still love it, there’s days when I’m less in love with her. [name_f]Olive[/name_f] on [name_m]Little[/name_m] Miss [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f] is adorable, one of the reasons why I first started paying attention to [name_f]Olive[/name_f]. [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] and [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f]…lovely. I never would have thought to put them two together. I am falling out of love with [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] and [name_f]Sybilla[/name_f] and [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f] are darling together.

@ashley: That’s so exciting! But I agree, [name_u]Ashley[/name_u] and [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] are completely different!

@hanbow: [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f] is lovely, and it’s a name that has been on my list before. I still love it for a middle name, just not for a first anymore.

@bellerose: Thank you. [name_f]Octavia[/name_f]'s funny. People either seem to love it or hate it.

@[name_f]Victoria[/name_f]: I do agree, however you’re a bit braver than me. :slight_smile: (Un)fortunately I’ve gotten past [name_f]Antigone[/name_f]'s story, I just love her so much. [name_f]Minty[/name_f] is the reason I’m unsure. While I think it’s cute for a toddler and a young child, I just can’t picture [name_f]Minty[/name_f] on anyone older than 10. Apparently tangerines are called clementines in Australia. It must just been certain areas however as I’ve never heard anyone refer to any piece of fruit as a clementine and, to be honest, I was entirely unaware of the fruit connection until I read some comments on nameberry. [name_f]Cornelia[/name_f] definitely is growing on me, but I do still slightly prefer [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f]. Her character was silly however, but I think that’s something I’m willing to live with. [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] will most definitely be [name_f]Hattie[/name_f]. [name_f]Mattea[/name_f] is lovely, but I can’t see myself using it in the first name spot. [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] and [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m] - lovely. [name_f]Ottoline[/name_f] is also growing on me, but I see myself using it in the middle. [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] and [name_m]Oliver[/name_m], [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] and [name_f]Florence[/name_f]. [name_m]Both[/name_m] sweet. [name_f]Viola[/name_f] is a name I just can’t get behind for me personally. [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] is an old favourite of mine and I do still have a sweet spot for her. However, living in [name_f]Victoria[/name_f], I just don’t see myself using it.

@neonpink: I love [name_f]Antigone[/name_f] so much that I’d be willing to correct people a million times if that was the case. It’s pronounced an-[name_m]TIG[/name_m]-ə-nee. [name_f]Araminta[/name_f] is pronounced exactly as it looks. [name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] is pronounced as she looks also…droo-sil-uh. Although [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] does have a strong connection with [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m], I’m sure by the time I have kids, that’s not going to be everyone’s first thought. There’s actually a journalist here in Australia named [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] and other connections besides [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] is definitely feminine, I think it’s bizarre you see it as a male name, but each to their own. :slight_smile: [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f] has an unnecessary e in my opinion. [name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] is pronounced [name_f]SIB[/name_f]-əl.

@amelia: I also prefer the incorrect rose-a-lind pronunciation. :slight_smile: