NB Swearing

My idea of it- Words like damn & hell seem to be okay, as long as you don’t use them excessively, but no F-bombs.

Is that right? Are there any specific rules on it?

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Well, in the Nameberry Rules, [name_m]Rule[/name_m] #2 says:

I don’t believe there’s a rule about swearing specifically, though personally I’d prefer zero swearing, because it’s not the nicest language out there. [name_f]My[/name_f] religion is against swearing altogether, and although stronger language (dang, heck, freaking, etc) is allowed in my religion, it’s not something used too often.

I know not everyone will agree with my views, but I just wanted to share my perspective.


I’m not a mod, but a leader. [name_f]Elise[/name_f] got it pretty spot on - it’s best to avoid harsher/more extreme swear words (and obviously slurs) because different people have different beliefs on the whole topic. It’s not explicitly stated as a rule because it’s not going to get you immediately banned or anything, but I have seen a few posts that have been edited or taken down due to swearing.

In addition to different beliefs, although Nameberry is 13+, it’s best to operate under the assumption that ANYONE in the world can see your comments. Your parents, teachers, little cousins, etc, hence why swearing is avoided. :slight_smile:


Im trying to imagine any context where swearing would be constructive or even descriptive on these forums… :face_with_monocle:

Also I once had a comment banned for referencing a type of alcohol that was relevant (in my opinion) to the discussion so Im hesitant to say anything past PG level. Lol for ridiculous blurring of a non controversial word.


Right? Like even as someone who swears regularly irl and on social media, I don’t see a reason to do it on the forums


That seems… strange. There’s certainly no rule against mentioning alcohol!

No one is going to be banned for swearing once or twice, but a posts containing strong swearwords is flagged we will agree and the user will be invited to edit the post. This is because those words can be more or less offensive to different people, many of them are rooted in slurs, and as @hellobanjo says, it’s difficult to think of a scenario where you’d genuinely need to use a strong swear word on a baby naming forum.


Yeah, I have been confused by the use of badass. It seems okay sometimes and not okay others? Personally, I think it can be a great description word but other than that isn’t necessary online.


I personally don’t have a problem with that word, but perhaps there’s a US/UK difference in how strong that feels? We try to be as fair and equal as possible but some cases will always be a little subjective, depending on the moderator and the context.


I think that swearing is fine as long as you blur it out.
[name_m]Just[/name_m] please stay respectful.

Imo it’s a lot worse to call someone an idiot than to use sh** in a meme.