Need a boys name!

Our daughters are G_abriella and C_ambria. These are the only ones my hubby says okay to. Thoughts? Which names fit the best?


[name]Levi[/name] - not my personal favorite, but I think it goes really well with your daughter’s names. Would you like to be able to use a nn? Your daughter’s names are fairly long and easily yield nicknames, but most of your boys’ names don’t quite do that. I don’t think it’s a problem–my girls’ list and boys’ list is the same–but I was just curious. :slight_smile:

[name]Preston[/name] - not really my style at all but I think it could work. Honestly, though, this is my least favorite as I think it’s more trendy/doesn’t age as well as your other options.

[name]Everett[/name] - love! This (besides maybe [name]Asher[/name]) is my favorite name in general from this list, and [name]Everett[/name] is too cute with your girls’ names.

[name]Luke[/name] - I like it and I think it’s a lovely name, but next to your long, flowy daughter’s names, I think you need something a bit longer. What about [name]Lucian[/name]/[name]Lucien[/name], [name]Luca[/name], or even [name]Lucas[/name]?

[name]Ethan[/name] - I love it, but compared to your girls, it’s a bit popular. Does that bother you? All of these are really great and I can see them all as a little brother to your girls’ names, so I’m just trying to come up with something that’ll help make the decision easier, haha.

[name]Asher[/name] - my second favorite name in general–I lovelovelove [name]Asher[/name] nn [name]Ash[/name]. I think it’s so dashing and handsome, although I’m not sure [name]Asher[/name] goes as well with G_abriella and C_ambria as the other choices do.

[name]Logan[/name] - this is probably my second-to-least favorite. I think it goes well with your girls, but it feels rather dated/trendy/overdone to me.

[name]Eli[/name] - cute and handsome, but I think something like [name]Elliot[/name], [name]Elias[/name], or [name]Elijah[/name], nn [name]Eli[/name], would work better with your girls.

[name]Noah[/name] - awww. I love [name]Noah[/name] so much. I think some of these fit better with G_abriella and C_ambria, but I can’t help but love it. It is a bit popular compared to your girls’ names, too, like [name]Ethan[/name].

[name]Jacob[/name] - I love [name]Jacob[/name], but couldn’t use it anymore, due to its popularity. I know dozens of Jacobs, haha. I think he’s a lovely mn, though. Stylistically, I think [name]Jacob[/name] is a great match with G_abriella and C_ambria, though!

[name]Isaac[/name] - this is lovely! It’s not usually a favorite of mine but I think he’s lovely, refined, charming, quirky, and handsome all on his own and perfectly matches your other daughters. This would be my second pick, I think.

Good luck!

Out of these my favorites are: [name]Luke[/name] (Though I agree [name]Lucas[/name] would suit better), [name]Asher[/name], or [name]Jacob[/name].

My least favorites are: [name]Preston[/name], [name]Levi[/name], and [name]Isaac[/name]

I think [name]Gabriella[/name] and [name]Cambria[/name] go best with

[name]Everett[/name] or [name]Eli[/name]…( i might go with [name]Elijah[/name], [name]Elias[/name] or [name]Elian[/name] and get [name]Eli[/name] as a nn)

I like a few of the others but agree with ashthedreamer that they are more popular than your girls names so dont go quite as good!

What about…

[name]Leonardo[/name] nn [name]Leo[/name]
[name]Nicholas[/name] nn [name]Nico[/name]
[name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name]
[name]Vincent[/name] nn [name]Vince[/name] or [name]Vinny[/name]
[name]Sebastian[/name] nn [name]Ian[/name]
[name]Roman[/name] nn [name]Rome[/name]
[name]Simon[/name] nn [name]Sy[/name]
[name]Dominic[/name] nn [name]Dom[/name]

Thanks ladies! I’ve suggested a bunch of those to my hubby but the names on the list are seriously the only ones he says okay to. He won’t even go for [name]Lucas[/name]. lol.

[name]Asher[/name], [name]Noah[/name] or [name]Levi[/name] are my favs but agree [name]Levi[/name] is a bit ‘cool’ so [name]Asher[/name] would my defo pic here ([name]Love[/name] love love [name]Noah[/name] but too popular in my country).