Need help for a stumped friend

We are looking for boy and girl names for my friends baby. Needs to start with a “K” (The first letter of her sisters name). The last name is [name]Chariot[/name] with a long “o” at the end. She really loves the name [name]Kenyon[/name] for a boy name and [name]Kenya[/name] for a girl name because those are the only “K” names she really likes. She is white but the father is actually from [name]Kenya[/name] and she prefers black/african names compared to “white” names. She is also looking for a girl middle name that has something to do with her mothers name “[name]Lisa[/name]”, so far she likes Ar’lisa or E’lisa.

So needs are:

  1. Has to start with a “k”.
  2. Sounds good with the last name [name]Chariot[/name] with a long “o” at the end.
  3. Likes black/african sounding names compared to “white” names.
  4. Boy name needs to go with middle and last name Hunnington [name]Chariot[/name].
  5. Girl middle name needs to have something to do with “[name]Lisa[/name]”.

[name]Hi[/name], I hope your friend finds a name she loves -
When I look up the name [name]Kenyon[/name], most sites say it is English, Irish or Gaelic meaning blonde. Personally, I do not associate this name with [name]Africa[/name].
I don’t know what your friend feels is a ‘white’ sounding name or otherwise since that is pretty much subjective - I took the names [name]Kenya[/name] and [name]Kenyon[/name] and used Nymbler website to find other K names for boys and girls inspired by those names. I really like the name [name]Kenyon[/name] although many of these names are not my style. Assuming the name [name]Kanye[/name] is out of the running, since that name is strongly attached to a celebrity, here are some other Nymbler suggestions.

I actually think [name]Kenya[/name] has a sweet sound, though I agree with the pp [name]Kenyon[/name] isn’t really African but it does have an African feel to it

names from Eastern [name]Africa[/name]:
[name]Kamaria[/name]: swahili, likely means moon
Kirabo: luganda, Gift

[name]Kato[/name]: luganda, second of twins
Khamisi: swahili, born on thursday

Names from [name]Africa[/name] in general:
Kayin: celebrated child

[name]Kofi[/name]: born on friday
[name]Kojo[/name]: born on monday

Names that just feel African to me :slight_smile:
Kadri: variant of [name]Katherine[/name]
[name]Kaia[/name]: variant of [name]Katherine[/name]
Kalyana: sanskrit, lovely
[name]Kamala[/name]: sanskrit, lotus or pale red
[name]Kerensa[/name]: cornish, love
Kanda: Thai, beloved
[name]Keturah[/name]: hebrew, incense
[name]Keziah[/name]: hebrew, cassia spice tree
Koya: miwok, to sing

Kaito: japanese, sea & ocean
Kaleo: hawaiian, sound/voice
Kalyan: sanskrit, beautiful/lovely/auspicious
Kamen: Bulgarian, stone
Kamon: thai, heart/mind
Kavi: sanskrit, wise/sage/poet
[name]Keoni[/name]: Hawaiian, form of [name]John[/name]
Kiro: macedonian form of cyril
Kyo: japanese, capital/village/apricot

Names related to [name]Lisa[/name]

For a girl, I really like the name [name]Kenya[/name]. And while [name]Kenyon[/name] may not be related to the name [name]Kenya[/name], it does sound similar, and I think it would work very well to honour his father’s heritage. I think those are perfect first names!

Others that I really like: [name]Keziah[/name] and [name]Kerensa[/name] (or [name]Kerenza[/name]) for a girl. For a boy: [name]Kenton[/name] or [name]Kendrick[/name]. (Oh! And my hubby has an old friend name Kondwani, so she may like that for a boy. It’s pronounced just as it looks.)

For the girl’s middle I’d really suggest not using an apostrophe. [name]Elisa[/name] looks so much nicer like this, rather than E’[name]Lisa[/name]. I really think [name]Kenya[/name] [name]Elise[/name] is pretty!