We are looking for boy and girl names for my friends baby. Needs to start with a “K” (The first letter of her sisters name). The last name is [name]Chariot[/name] with a long “o” at the end. She really loves the name [name]Kenyon[/name] for a boy name and [name]Kenya[/name] for a girl name because those are the only “K” names she really likes. She is white but the father is actually from [name]Kenya[/name] and she prefers black/african names compared to “white” names. She is also looking for a girl middle name that has something to do with her mothers name “[name]Lisa[/name]”, so far she likes Ar’lisa or E’lisa.
So needs are:
- Has to start with a “k”.
- Sounds good with the last name [name]Chariot[/name] with a long “o” at the end.
- Likes black/african sounding names compared to “white” names.
- Boy name needs to go with middle and last name Hunnington [name]Chariot[/name].
- Girl middle name needs to have something to do with “[name]Lisa[/name]”.