[name]Hi[/name] Berries! I posted on the girl forum awhile back explaining that we were expecting our 2nd set of twins! I was requesting help with girl names as we were not finding out what we were having and DH had a feeling we were having girls. I thought we were having boys and yesterday morning we found out I was right! We welcomed twin boys who are joining Big [name]Sister[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] ([name]Tori[/name]) [name]Sloane[/name] and Big Brother [name]Asher[/name] [name]Caden[/name]. We have been pretty set on my boy names and just wanted some final confirmation or last minute ideas before we fill out those birth certificates! The names we are considering are [name]Kellan[/name] [name]Scott[/name] ([name]Scott[/name] is DH and brother’s name) and [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Hayes[/name]. The only issue I’m still struggling a little with is that with our first two we really tried to I corporate some non-traditional biblical/saint references and neither of these would have that relation.
Thoughts? Any other suggestions we should consider?